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  1. Compliments of the season! Life has been really crazy these past few months and I haven't done anything regarding the bank charges. However, I have now received a letter from a debt recovery agency (on behalf of Abbey) saying that they will either start legal action against me, add legal fees to the balance or issue an attachment of earnings order. I was at the stage of filing my claim before things went crazy, do I just update the spreadsheet and carry on from there? Thanks in advance!
  2. What do you mean by placing it formally in dispute? Is that when I send the Letter before action?
  3. Ok, the 14 days finished on the 24th/25th however I haven't got money to file my claim, so I'm preparing my documents until payday. One thing which wasn't too clear in the template library though, do I either use the N1 form or the moneyclaim online? Also, I got a letter on saturday from my bank which was a notice of them placing a default on my credit record. It appears that after I brought my overdraft within the agreed limit (£200) they then removed the overdraft facility and said that I owe them an extra £200....how does that work? It doesn't make any sense to me and any help would be much appreciated. :?
  4. Thanks for the advice Mochamoo. I sent the letter yesterday and it should be delivered today. I used the paragraph you put, but only slightly amended. Does anyone know if the 14 days we give them to respond are working days or normal days? :idea:
  5. I am now sending the Letter before action to abbey. The total that they have charged me so far is £1049.57. However they refunded £260 when I called them, so I'm guessing that I should subtract that from the total amount before sending this letter? Or would that affect the interest calculations? Any help would be appreciated
  6. Ok the fourteen days ended on the 4th of April (or today if the 14 days are working days? ). I got a letter from the Banking Specialist team treating my letter as a complaint. It said: Dear Teatree, Thank you for contacting us and I am sorry that you have been so unhappy that you have felt you must complain. One of my team will be responsible for investigating your complaint and I have enclosed our complaints leaflet, which explains our procedure for doing this. High quality customer service is of great importance to us at Abbey and we will do everything we can to resolve your complaint in a timely and satisfactory manner. I know it is important to you that we resolve your complaint quickly, but we want to complete a thorough investigation and sometimes this can take time. If we have not contacted you before then, we will write to you in four weeks to let you know what is happening. If you have employed someone to handle your complaint on your behalf, please note: employing a third party complaint-handling firm, or a solicitor, or financial adviser does not affect how we review your complaint. Please be aware that: *Abbey does not charge you to investigate your complaint *Abbey will not be liable for any costs incurred if you do decide to employ a third party to handle your complaint during this review *Abbey, in general, will only make payment directly to the account holder(s) if your complaint is upheld and redress is due Although I do not know what the outcome will be, I do hope that we will be able to find a solution that you are happy with. Yours sincerely Andrew Nanson Business Manager Enc. Complaints leaflet
  7. After lots of problems (and some help from a wonderful member on the site), the schedule of charges is now finished, and the preliminary approach for repayment has been sent off via 1st class recorded delivery. I guess the 14 days would be starting tomorrow, so now the battle is well and truly on! If no reply, then its on to the letter before action then! I hope that this is a successful journey, and I'm definately going to donate a portion of the recovered (hopefully) funds to help sustain this website. Thanks again Dave 8-)
  8. Hello peoples, I spoke to my bank today and they told me that my overdraft has been withdrawn (just as I was paying off the remaining outstanding balance) and that I now need to pay them £200. However, I'm still preparing my schedule of charges, and I'm not prepared to pay anything extra to be honest. Can anyone advise me on what to do regarding that? Thanks
  9. I rang Abbey today because my debit card had been swallowed by a cash machine last week, and it turns out that they had place some sort of restriction on my account without letting me know! I was not pleased about that at all! The lady from the nice call centre over in South-east asia somewhere didn't seem to be able to understand the simple question that I had asked her, "why has a restriction been put on my account, and why wasn't I told about it?" All she said was that if I call again in the morning, they'll be able to send me a card asap! In the end, they gave me the phone number for the debt management department, so I shall have to give them a call to find out what's going on here.
  10. Just for info, I requested my Credit report today to find out if I have been defaulted by Abbey. I hope not, because that sounds like a whole new palaver, so I'll patiently wait for that whilst preparing the rest of my documentation. Regards
  11. Hi all, In the preliminary approach letter, it says and in the simple spreadsheet, there are 2 columns which say "days since offence" and "interest 8% apr". What I want to know is this, am I supposed to put the overdraft interest that I have been charged in the 8% apr column? Or am I meant to leave it out of the schedule of charges completely? Also, what does the days since offence mean? Any replies would be much appreciated!
  12. Ok folks, it's the moment you've all been waiting for (well I certainly have!) The amount I've been charged comes up to around £900, and that is all within 1 year of acquiring an overdraft facility:eek: I was pretty shocked with the amount, because I didn't think it would be that much for only a year, and at the same time, when I was going through all my stresses and problems, it seemed like a whole lot more than that to be honest! The amount they have refunded thus far is £260, so I will need to go back and read the faqs to find out what the next step to take is.....
  13. Hi all, I just realised tonight that the 40 days for the SAR expired on monday! (maybe that's why I had the sudden urge to make time out and go through all the stuff they'd sent me)! Anyway, it appears that all is in order and I have every statement from when I first got an overdraft on my account until now, so I need to get my calculator ready! I'll let you know how much it is...the only tricky thing I can forsee is that they have refunded me around £250 already due to phone calls and visits, but I'll get a round figure soon enough! Should be an interesting couple of days ahead...
  14. Thanks a lot for all your responses. I think they might have sent me all the stuff that they plan to send me because I got the microfiche sheets (which go from around 2005 to 2002/3). I received 10 other statements (which I haven't opened) which I guess are for 2005/2006. I think I'll wait for the 40 days to expire and see if anything else arrives. For now, I'll start calculating from what I've got. I hope I can get it back soon! Thanks again all
  15. Oh! I didn't know there was a letter...Could you give me the link please? I'm looking through the microfiche thread now, but it seems pretty large
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