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Posts posted by bankoff

  1.  Hi


    I had to go to Southampton to have a new battery fitted in my iPhone 7 recently.  I live at least 70 from the shop so travel cost to get there etc was about  £30 on top of the £49 for the new battery.


    Imagine my surprise when a month after having it fitted the screen started to lift on 1 side by about 2-3 mm, then within an hour or so both sides were lifting and the screen had become bowed in the middle.  I rang Apple who passed me backwards and forwards from them to the shop as I was trying to get my fare paid for.  At no time did they tell me that it was a swollen battery, or what else could have happened to it.


    I eventually gave up trying to get anywhere with the fare to the shop and booked another appointment with the Southampton Apple store the next day.  The Apple help line told me to see the manager of the store and he thought they may reimburse my fare.


    When I arrived at the store I asked to see the manager, who said when I asked for reimbursement of my fare, “we do not do that”.


    When the repair person in the “Genius Bar” came out to take the phone for a second battery I asked what was wrong with it, so he replied it was a swollen battery and “it can happen sometimes”, 


    I asked if it could explode or catch fire, “oh no it’s ok that won’t happen”, well I was gobsmacked that he was so casual about it, I looked it up on google, and this I what I found,,,


    Sorry about the length of this, but be warned Apple Genius Bar Is not so good when they fit a faulty battery,,,,, how do I complain or get compensated for my travelling, had the phone caught fire they would have had more that a mere travel bill to pay.




    Removing a swollen battery can be hazardous, but leaving a swollen battery inside a device also poses risks. To prevent potential device and bodily harm, a device should not operate with a swollen battery. These guidelines offer best practices for removing swollen batteries, but cannot guarantee a safe repair. If you have doubts, power the device down, place it in a fireproof container, take to a repair professional and ask them to remove the faulty battery. Do not delay battery removal. If your swollen battery was purchased from iFixit, take photos of the battery before and after removing it, then contact our customer service team for warranty claims or replacement.






  2. Hi All


    A WIN


    not having received anything in the post I looked today on Moneyclaim, and this is what I found, 


    i took a photo but cannot upload it, it says


    * Your Defence was received on 8/4/2022


    * Notificationthat the claim against you was discontinued was received on 3/5/2022


    Thank you all so much, I have since read that a time limit of 10 minutes is now being given



    • Like 1
  3. Hi 


    Did you see the other cancelled page, which mysteriously appeared on the second copy of my SAR letter.


    Did I re-post the first Letter, I thought I did but cannot see it.


    On the back of the pack was a Finance Questionnaire, but saw no point in sending that, it was about 7-8 pages.


    Will update when I hear anything, it could well be a trick



  4. I scanned all the pages and the paperwork was too big to upload, I have highlighted another page on the 2nd part which states "Status:  Cancelled"


    This was on the back of the second copy of my Subject Access letter to them.  All the pages were muddled with some repeated and some wrong ends on the back.


    I looked online for any developments on the Court Case, NOTHING? 


    I rang the court and they have received nothing, but Parkingeye have until 11th May to put in a discontinuance notice.


    upload contains their reply to my letter, and advice on using POPLA with quoted case that they won.  


    There is also the county court claim letter and advice, which I never received at the time.


    sar reply.pdf

  5. Hi


    I have scanned the accompanying letter dated 7th April 22, which I had not yet read as I was away, it says:


    "As Parkingeye did not receive any response to the later correspondence sent, we entered into legal proceeding on 7th March 2022 in order to recover the outstanding sum owed for the Parking Charge and further costs were incurred.  However, we can now confirm that the court claim has now been cancelled.  However, the Parking Charge remains outstanding."


    So what does this mean, I have not heard anything from the court, is it a trick to get me to pay the £100, or what.


    Do you want me to upload the rest of the pack?


  6. Hi


    I have scanned the accompanying letter dated 7th April 22, which I had not yet read as I was away, it says:


    "As Parkingeye did not receive any response to the later correspondence sent, we entered into legal proceeding on 7th March 2022 in order to recover the outstanding sum owed for the Parking Charge and further costs were incurred.  However, we can now confirm that the court claim has now been cancelled.  However, the Parking Charge remains outstanding."


    So what does this mean, I have not heard anything from the court, is it a trick to get me to pay the £100, or what.


    Do you want me to upload the rest of the pack?



    Accompanying letter 7 April 22.pdf

  7. Hi dx


    I will not have access to a computer from Monday, but only an ipad, so in preparation for Friday i have done the defence, have also set up the moneyclaim website on the ipad so i can use it on the day,


    I hope my defence is suitable, I am not confident in adding too much to it and hope it is ok, 



    The Defendant contends that the particulars of claim are vague and generic in nature which fails to comply with CPR 16.4.  The Defendant accordingly sets out its case below and relies on CPR r 16.5 (3) in relation to any particular allegation to which a specific response has not been made.


    1.           The registered Keeper of the motor vehicle (XXXXXXX) is the Defendant.


    2.           The Defendant denies that they entered into any contract with the Claimant.


    3.           As held by the Upper Tax Tribunal in Vehicle Control Services Limited v HMRC [2012] UKUT 129 (TCC), any contract requires offer and acceptance.  The Claimant was simply contracted by the landowner to provide car-park management services and is not capable of entering into a contract with the Defendant on its own account, as the car park is owned by and the terms of entry set by the landowner.  Accordingly, it is denied that the Claimant has authority to bring this claim. 


    4.           In any case it is denied that the Defendant broke the terms of a contract with the Claimant.


    5.           The Claimant is attempting double recovery by adding an additional sum of £50 Legal Representation not included in the original offer. 


    6.           The Claim for monies outstanding from the defendant in relation to a Parking Charge (Reference XXXXXXXX) issued on 01/7/2021 .The signage clearly displayed throughout Thistle Poole (1), The Quay, Poole, BH15 1HD states that this is private land managed by Parking Eye Ltd, and that it is subject to terms and conditions, including the payment of parking tariffs, by which those who park agree to be bound (the contract).  ANPR System captured XXXXXX entering and leaving the site without a valid paid parking ticket.  The Defendant had the opportunity to appeal to POPLA, the independent appeals service for parking on private land, but this has not been taken.” is denied in its entirety.  It is denied that the Claimant is entitled to the relief claimed or any relief at all.

  8. Hi dx


    I have found out that the Thistle hotel site is 65% owned by BCP (Borough Council of Poole), (which I think is the car park bit),and it is now the subject of Planning for a new hotel and 228 flats in four blocks, but this has been rejected by the Council,,,, so far, but rumour has it a new one if underway.  Council probably making too much money out of unsuspecting motorists. 


    Is there any way I can use this towards my defence?  

  9. Hi dx


    Thank you for tidying up my posts, am a bit scared of doing something wrong with the defence, so have a few questions,,,


    Have read the defence instructions, and believe I can use Paragraph 5 for the £50 additional fee for their Legal Representative.  Please confirm,


    So I start with the "The Defendant etc", then use paragraphs 1. to 6, 


    Do I copy the "Particulars of claim" from the claim form into Paragraph 6?


    My defence date is 9th April which is a Saturday, will I need to go online and file this on Friday 8th?


    Do I change any of the wording or put any places and names into it, or can I just leave Defendant and Claimant as is?


    Thank you in anticipation, 








    Which Court have you received the claim from ?






    NN1 2LH


    Name of the Claimant :  ParkingEye Ltd


    Claimants Solicitors: in house


    Date of issue – 7th March 2022


    Date for AOS - 25th March 2022 


    Date to submit Defence - 8th april 2022 


    What is the claim for – 


    1. “Claim for monies outstanding from the defendant in relation to a Parking Charge (Reference XXXXXXXX) issued on 01/7/2021.


    2.The signage clearly displayed throughout Thistle Poole (1), The Quay, Poole, BH15 1HD states that this is private land managed by Parking Eye Ltd, and that it is subject to terms and conditions, including the payment of parking tariffs, by which those who park agree to be bound (the contract).


    3. ParkingEye ANPR System captured XXXXXX entering and leaving the site without a valid paid parking ticket.  


    4. The Defendant had the opportunity to appeal to POPLA, the independent appeals service for parking on private land, but this has not been taken.”


    What is the value of the claim?


    Amount Claimed   £100

    court fees                 £35

    legal rep fees           £50

    Total Amount         £185



    Claim form Page 1.pdf

  11. Thank you all for your help, I assume I will now have to do a defence, I will certainly need some help with that.


    I believe I now have about 14 days to do it?  Please advise


    I never received the letter before action or I would have responded to it.  I think it went missing, we have two properties here with the same name and quite a few changes, holiday homes etc.

  12. Have now found it, forgive me for my lack of ability to deal with this kind of thing, what do I do with the link you sent  CPR 13:14?


    I cannot get past step 4 as I am required to do signature, do I type my name in there?


    thank you again


    Have now completed the AOS, but I have also found an unopened letter dated July 21, 


    See attached

    Letter to PE 8 Jul 21

    Reply 22 Jul 21




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