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Everything posted by GlenDB7

  1. They wrote a letter asking for the proof of NCD and I missed it so because I had failed to give them proof and I would be charged full price so they will take the rest of the money of my card.
  2. I work for a Citroen dealership in the sales department. I sell used cars so I don't have a particular loyalty to the brand because I sell all different brands. Now one of my ways I identify potential customers is by checking on the service departments day to day service logs and I have not actually seen this problem yet. I don't mean to stick up for Citroen but even though I have only worked there for a year I have that the Xsara Picasso is great. (Hated it when I first saw it but no converted). I will have a word with my service manager and workshop controller tomorrow and find the insiders view for you all if this helps then report back to you all. (This is why I am only a middle order salesman because I don't bullsh** people to get a sale, I tell the truth unlike the high flying salesmen who just talk cr*p and just wing it)
  3. I receintly renewed my car insurance with the Post Office online and it came to a nice amount of £149.61 so I used my debit card on the 3rd Feb. Near a month later I looked on my bank statement and found out that they had then taken out a further £331.04 on the 6th March. I rang them up and they told me that I was because I had not sent then a copy of my renewal quote with my no claims bonus on it. I looked in my letters and had over looked a letter asking for this. So I wrote to Norwich Union and asked for proof of no claims bonus and they duely did send it to me. I then rang up the Post Office insurance again the clarify what was the fax number and what was the proceedure for getting my refund. I also protested that I had not given them permission to take a further amount of money of my debit card and that it was illeagal and now because of this I have gone over drawn and have now incurred a £30 charge. Now the young man who's name I wrote down promised me that I would get a refund of £331.04 + the £30 charge I had incurred as long as I faxed through the NCB's and the bank letter. Which I did when I got to work the following day. I even read out to him what the letter with the proofs of NCB said from Norwich Union. I also got proof of faxing. A couple of days later I rang to check and they said I would only get a refund of £290 ish (I don't know the exact because I hit the roof). They said that I was getting some sort of charge from them of 20% because of the over lap and that I would not get my bank charge refunded. I would like peoples opinions if I may on:- A) Can they take money out of my account with out my consent. B) If a member of there staff promise me something can they retract a promise for the full payment + charge. Help from from fellow CAG members would be much needed please and if they are leagal quotes even better. Cheers Glen (I'm still really inciced about it even while typing. I'm normally quite mellow)
  4. I think you have missed what I was talking about with reguards to the fitting. The HSL and Delivery charges go straight in to the company profits. They are not valid charges as the company don't actually do anything to damand payment for, and the OFT should look in to this. As for the 80% off, this is not true. They may offer 60% off then a further 20% off which is not 80% off IE take 60% off £100 pounds and then a further 20% off. £100 - 60 = 40 - 8(20%) =£32 which is 68% off the original cost. Carpetright always have discount off their carpets apart from when they have to forfill the legal obligations of price establishing meaning that they advertise the product at the full price for 28 day then they can discount it because it was £xxx as advertised the month before. They will normally have a have small sign near the counter listing these product and most times not have the samples out. You could go to other carpet retailers and find the same carpet, made by the same maufacturer, same make up but advertised at a vastly cheaper price to start off with. Most of the big manufactures have a least 3-5 different names for the same carpet so it is harder for customers to price match between retailers because the salesman will swear blind that it will be a different carpet. But there again most big retailers like DFS dining and others do the same with the huge discounts. Not a great fan of tacking carpet it doesnt seem to do the job as well. But I am surprised that Carpetright would let the fitters do that. Definatley no slur against anyone who works in the shops or the fitters, just the senior management for the way that they price things.
  5. Personally I would only include the charges that they haven't refunded. I'm guessing that you have sent you DPA letter requesting a copy of all you statements and you can deduct them? Stick at it. Don't take the partial payment thing that they will probably try and stick you with. I've sent in my request for refund letter 2/10/6 and am waiting for reponse for £1114. Good luck with the tight b*ggers.
  6. I got nearly the same wording on my letter received from Debbie Woodcock Customer Relationship Manager. Sneaky b*gger
  7. Letter received offering the difference between the my charges and £12 per charge. Credited my account with £64. Dated 6/10/06 by Debbie Woodcock (Customer Relationship Manager)
  8. GlenDB7

    GlenDB7 v MBNA

    Response letter received on the 5/10/06. It yarns on about how there charges are an integral part of the terms and conditions blahdy blahdy blah...... .....On this occasion, we have provided the information to you free of charge; therefore, your cheque for £10.00 has been credited to your account..... .....We do value your custom and so we would like to resolve this matter. I have therefore credited your account with a goodwill payment of £90.00 on the basis that this is in full and final settlement of your complaint. The next page lists £185 worth of charges, signed Steve Bailey (Head of Customer Advocate Office)
  9. Letter received "I'm very sorry to hear or you dissatifaction blahdy blahdy blah...we aim to resolve matters by th 27th October 2006" from Katrina Downs - Customer Relations Manager 4/10/6
  10. When I sent off my DPA request someone call Ian Shepherd (Centre Manager) sent a reply. So I sent it to him at :- Coventry DSC Harry Weston Road Binley West Midlands CV3 2TQ I'll update when I get a response.
  11. A FRIEND got two tickets from the ticket people at ASDA and received letter throught the post demanding payment. Now all staff at ASDA use little circular stickers in there windscreens to show that they are employees and then generally all park in the same area. A FRIEND then found the name a young lady who used to work there at the time of the offence. Using this information A FRIEND then went to see the customer service manage at ASDA and told her that his girlfriend(ex employee) had used the car for work, parked with all of the other staff, had the yellow circular sticker in the window but some how the parking warden had missed this. Now they have split up and the ex girlfriend is not prepared to help as she is being vindictive. So after being polite and certious the customer service manager and explaining his plight, had one phone call made to the parking company from a more senior manager and both tickets were nulified. Worked at ASDA Monks Cross York, Staff park at righthand side of store and use yellow stickers.
  12. Carpetright try to charge for two things that are NOT a service at all. DELIVERY CHARGE. They do not deliver the carpets. The carpet fitters do who are self employed and are not actually employed by Carpetright. All they do is put the the delivery date in there diary and the fitter picks up the good and takes them to your house and fits them. You then pay him/her for the labour. So unless you are just getting the carpet/vinyl/ laminate delivered (where you pay on delivery) then the delivery charge is going straight in to the company profits. HALL, STAIRS & LANDING CHARGE. They claim that this is because there is a lot more work involved. This is true for the fitter, who again you pay when the work is done. So if they are giving you a free estimating and planning service there is no extra work for the company to do. The estimator hands the plan to the fitter who cuts up the carpet to plan and then fits it for you who you then pay. They DON'T hold any of this money back for the fitter to make sure he/she does a good job, or what ever flannel they might come out with as an explanation. Again straight in to the companies profits. Oh yes I forgot to say that the fitters have to pay an admin fee just to complete the fitting work for you on behalf of the company. It's about time that these cons are looked in to by the Office of Fair Trading. PS NEVER EVER buy gripper rods for your carpets from them as they must be making a 1000% profit it. Buy it from a DIY store and put it down yourself or give it to the fitter. Carpetright can not tell you that the fitting can not put it down because you have not bought it from them as you are the one paying the fitter not Carpetright. If anyone wants any more advice then just ask.
  13. Data Protection Act request letter sent 6/9/6 Response letter received 21/9/6 telling me they will send batches of statements. Refund charges letter sent 1/10/6 for £1114
  14. DPA request sent 6/9/6 Statements received 13/9/6 Request for refund of charges of £170 sent 1/10/6
  15. GlenDB7

    GlenDB7 v MBNA

    Data Protection Act request letter sent 6/9/06 MBNA letter recieved 14/9/06,saying they are investigating complaint and will send full response by 5th of October.
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