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  1. won won won:D :D well barclays have paid money in full today into my bank cheaked today all i have to do now is send letter to court i seen some drafts on what to put on this site but can't find them now can anyone help????/
  2. i spoke to a women called tammi i just rang the the number at the bottom of the defence that barclays filed at mcol stage but my claim is for just under 800.00 i wonder if they are split into to differrnt sections by the amount you are owed?
  3. can anyone tell me if you need to send court bundles if it is just a prelimanary consideration as any one else had the same thing please could someonehelp???????
  4. will be watching your claim with interest. i have rang barclays twice since getting my prelimanary hearing for the 19th feb the first time she said she would inform the person who is dealing with my claim and let them know and the secound time they said they would get back to me closer to the end of the month as they are snowed under so am preparing my court bundle just in case.
  5. hi druid just been reading your thread my date is on the 19th feb.really good read think it will help alot of new people on the site hope you get all your money good luck.
  6. hello still hear. have rung barclays and spoke to the person dealing with my claim she said she would be getting in touch with us towards the end of the month she said they are snowed under. not relying on them to keep there word will be sending court bundle at the end of jan.
  7. been thinking and am going to start to do my court bundle does any one know if barclays have been turning up to the prelimatary hearings? was hoping they will settle but got bad feeling they will leave it till last min.
  8. what is prelimanary hearing?
  9. quick update have recieved letter from court today they have set preliminary consideration on the 19th feb they say should take no longer than 15 mins and says that your skeleton arguments should be handed in no later than 12 of feb am i right in thinking this is not the proper hearing were a dicision is going to be made can some one help?. can someone help me the letter saysthe matter is listed for preliminary consideration on the 19th feb 07ect.... and sould take no longer than 15 mins. each party shall deliver to every other and to the court office copies of thier witness statements all relevent documents no later than 12 feb their skeleton arguments. the original documents shall be brought to the hearing.
  10. am still waiting for court to give me date rang them yesterday and they said they are behind because of xmas and illnes ect anyway thought i would ring barclays to see if they was interesteded in settling anyway. so did that after speaking to the court and after explaining were i was upto she said{barclays} they wanted to see what the court was going to do then to ring them back basically after get date and wiil see then. so just waiting now for the court to give court date and hopefully barclays will settle.
  11. just been reading your thead found it really interesting.congrats on geting your money from barclays:D . i am trying to claim off barclays keep reading different stories and finding it quite confusing on what is best thing to do some people ring and get money some have e mailed some have left it till last minute and submitted court bundle i am waiting for court date from dewsbury cc took aq in on 21 dec but don't really want to do the court bundle find it a bit confusing. am going to keep reading more threads. well done again
  12. well finally did it. took aq form in to the court 22dec left to last miniute as normal just have to wait for court date am going to start to prepare court bundle think that is probably best way was considering ringing barclays after getting the court date but not to good on the phone so will do that instead
  13. just wanted to say welldone. really good thread very interesting.
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