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  1. Hi Dyanomo - thanks wish you the best with your fight, please let me know how its going. Ibex
  2. Hi All Just popping in to let you know that I have finally heard back from the FOS. The letter they sent me stated that HFC will pay back all of my PPI premium including 8% interest have yet to have a final figure, but well chuffed with the result. Will return once I know what the amount will be. Ibex
  3. Great news I'm currently in dispute with them this can only help. Couldn't have happened to a nicer conpany:rolleyes:
  4. Sorry I have been so long replying. Thanks for your previous response. I sent HFC a strongly worded letter as you suggested but no response until today. They have decided I don't have a case, and that I had the option to report to the FOS. What they don't know is that this case is already with the FOS as I sent all the details of the case to the FOS in December. I wish now I had decided to go straight to court but too late now. I suppose I always have the court option later if the FOS can't help. Thanks again for the help.
  5. Dear Hellhasnofury Thankyou for your advice will write a letter as you suggest. Should have thought of this myself but felt a bit whimpy. Thanks again Will keep you updated MCB
  6. Dear All First time on your interseting forum. Is there anyone who could advise me. I sent the letter below to HFC bank a month ago, as you can see I gave them until the 28th Sept to reply. They did reply on the 4th Septmber saying the Area manager would contact me within 10 days they havn't. I don't know what to do next?? I know a bit of a whimp. "Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to complain. I took out a loan for £15,000 on 1st March 2004. When I took it out, I signed up for Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) which added an additional £3734.88 to the loan, giving a total loan amount of £18734.88 the amount to be repaid over 84 months to be £27,665.40 by monthly installments of £329.35. On the 23rd April 2007 I called into the XXXX branch to ask to cancel my PPI policy and was told by a salesperson named XXX that though possible this would not have any effect on the amount or repayments of my loan and that no refund could be made. Since this meeting, I have taken advice and I am informed that this type of Single Premium PPI policy has recently been investigated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) which regulates all insurances. As the FSA has now stated ‘no refund’ terms are considered unfair I would like my original cancellation request to be honored. I have been advised that I should be able to cancel the unused portion of my PPI policy and request a return of the premium for the unused portion at any time. I would like to do this, backdated to the 23rd April 2007, the date on which I originally requested this cancellation. As I believe I have been deprived of this money I also expect 8% statutory interest, the amount a court would award, to be added to each payment made. Also I feel that this PPI was missold as it was certainly never explained to me that it would be difficult to cancel this policy and that I would not be due a refund. Therefore unless you can satisfactorily justify to me that the policy is fair and reasonable I will request a full refund of all premiums, and subsequent interest on these payments, that I have paid to date. Please reply to this letter within twenty eight days, which is by the 28th of September 2007. If you reject this complaint, I would be grateful if you could explain whether you provide an internal appeals process. If you do not, please supply me with a final response letter, so that I can take up the matter with the Financial Ombudsman Service. Thank you in anticipation of your prompt reply and satisfactory conclusion to this matter. Yours faithfully,"
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