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Everything posted by Carl40

  1. Top post Dollypops...I tip my hat to you...although the way I see it, it is pointless arguing the toss with that whopper.
  2. Might be a good idea for people to put that whopper Soodonam on their ignore list...he'll soon disappear then.
  3. Martin, it is quite obvious that DCA's such as Mackenzie Hall and those who work for them, are seriously lacking when it comes to possessing an ounce of humanity. I would be ashamed to ever admitting that I worked for such a disreputable bunch of toerags as Mackenzie Hall but hey thats just me.
  4. Your company is responsible for causing people misery and stress. Did you seriously believe you were going to be welcomed with open arms?
  5. You really are a patronising little edit aren't you?
  6. Hi...don't take any crap from Mackenzie Hall..they are absolute ****. Do not under any circumstances phone them, just send off the CCA letter to them, and relax.
  7. Apologies if this is thread hijacking but thought I would provide an update on my situation with Mackenzie Hall. Following their "pay up or else" letter of 20th October, I sent them a CCA letter on the 24th October. Having heard nothing from them but the deafening sound of silence since, I waited for 42 days to elapse before making a complaint to Kilmarnock Trading Standards and have also sent a complaint to the Information Commisioner. It's interesting how the Mackenzie Hall gob****es react to you, or rather don't react when you make it clear to them that you are not going to kow tow to them. F**king tossers the lot of them. Good luck to everyone still dealing with MH...don't let them scare you, they're ****.
  8. Disputing debt liability letter typed out and sent out tonight.
  9. Thanks for the replies...have already checked my credit history and everything comes up clean.
  10. Here is the latest update. The following "love-note" came from those delightful specimens of pond life this morning. FINAL NOTICE We have been instructed by Cabot Financial to recover this Overdue Account, in the sum of £365.97 on their behalf. Our clients have informed us that they are unaware of any legitimate reason for non-payment of their account and although they would prefer an amicable settlement, they will not hesitate to take such further action as may be appropriate. We trust this action will not be necessary and would request that you send your payment within 7 days, via the enclosed business reply envelope. BLAH Blah Blah..... I have already fired off CCA letters to both Scumkenzie Hall and their partners in slime Cabot by recorded mail. I'll be damned if I am going to part with one penny to these shysters when the alleged debt is well over 6 years old and having received NO communications whatsoever about this debt from either of these so called "companies" in all that time, apart from the red postcard in early August. The best of it was, the "enclosed business envelope" did not exist! They can go fookin whistle...next step my solicitor gets involved..
  11. Trust me Ozzy there is no way on this planet that I am going to add to my phone bill by calling those toerags. I await their next move with keen anticipation...and will keep everyone up to date with developments. They don't frighten me one iota. Anyone from Mackenzie Hall reading this.....BRING IT ON YOU SCUMBAGS!
  12. After having heard nothing from the toerags otherwise known as Mackenzie Hall since 6th August (red postcard, which was treated with the contempt it deserved..ignored and burnt) I thought I might actually have been blessed with the good fortune of never hearing from them again. No such luck...they telephoned my home number this afternoon and my wife (who takes no BS from anyone) answered. Firstly after asking to speak to me, she asked who they were and what they wanted...they claimed they were my bank and as to what it was about...they couldnt say as they'd be in breach of the Data Protection Act if they told her. She promptly put the phone down. 2 minutes later they call back...asking for me again (I was out with my 3 year old daughter at this time)..the moron at the other end says he is from Mackenzie Hall and DEMANDS to speak to me very rudely...my better half gets seriously p'd off at this tosser's attitude and slams the phone down then gets BT to block their number. Now they'll have to write to me when I (and my solicitor) can tear them to shreds!
  13. I know for a fact I have not run up any debts post 1997, and I would presume that statute barring comes into play with the debt I have being so old. I will run a check on my credit record to see if there is anything there re CCJ's but one thing is for certain. I am not going to stand for any bullying tactics from these cowboys, and would suggest that those in the same position as myself do the same. It's high time Mackenzie Hall and all the other low life **** that call themselves Debt Collection Agencies were taught that their scare tactics are not going to work anymore. Gobsh*tes
  14. I received my first letter from these parasites 2 weeks ago, basically it was a letter asking if I was the person who the letter was addressed to, and that I urgently had to telephone them as it concerned a "personal matter". I had no idea who these people were initially and my other half was badgering me to telephone them. Fortunately I listened to my inner voice which told me to check out who and what they are and boy was I relieved I did'nt call them! Having completely ignored this letter (if they can't be bothered telling me what they want, why should I bother increasing my phone bill to talk to them?), I have now received a red postcard with the following written on it...I am sure this will be familiar to many here. IMPORTANT: PLEASE CALL 01563 XXX XXX NO LATER THAN 6th August 2006 THIS IS NOT A CIRCULAR OR JUNK MAIL WE NEED TO SPEAK TO YOU URGENTLY QUOTE REFERENCE NUMBER MXXXXXXX THANK YOU As I understand it, they are already guilty of unfair business practice on at least 2 counts, in that they have failed (on 2 occasions already!) to make clear the purpose of their contacting me, and of not making clear to me who they were. As I have no intention of responding to this little red "love-note" I would be interested to hear from anyone who has experience of these people as to what their next move is likely to be.
  15. Hi from a newbie. I found this site after receiving a delightful red postcard from a certain Scottish DCA I'm sure many here are more than familiar with.
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