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  1. Well I have just received a call from FD customer services confirming the address that I would like the cheque sent to. Super.
  2. Thanks Indigo and Ellie I drafted a response and sent it friday. I basically drew a line through the mustn't claim again clause and signed their form and in my covering letter stated that I will be claiming for my second account. Also I will accept their offer only if they pay me by cheque even though I still owe FD monies. The judge has decreed that they (DG) have to reply by close of play today or else he will find in my favour. So hopefully I should receive a letter very soon. I will keep you updated. Regards Jon
  3. Hi All Just to let you know that I got a letter from DG Solicitors this morning offering the full amount including interest and bank charges. They do say that by agreeing to the payment I agree not to make any other claims relating to charges for the period stipulated. I have a different account with First Direct that I wish to claim for. How should I reply to the offer letter? Thanks for advice and good luck to one and all. Jon
  4. Hi all I have just received a letter from my local county court (Guildford) that my case came before a Judge and they have attached a photocopied set of directions (I feel that they may have done this once or twice) and and it has been ordered that: 1) The claim is allocated to the small claims track 2) The hearing will take place at a place, time and date which will be notified to the parties 3) The defendant shall not later than 4 pm on 16th July 2007 serve on the claimant and lodge at Court a document answering the following questions: (a) Is the case intended to be contested to and at trial? (b) does the defendant intend to apply to adduce expert evidence? 4) If the defendant fails to lodge at court a document in accordance with paragraph 3 above the defence shall stand struck out and judgement be entered for the claimant for the amount claimed and costs comprising the issue fee and any allocation fee paid. 5) Each party shall serve on the other the witness statements of all witnesses (other than expert witnesses on whom they intend to rely) 6) No party may adduce expert evidence unless an application for permission to adduce such evidence has been made and granted 7) No party may rely on the evidence of any witness whose statement has not been served in accordance with this order without further permission from the court 8)8 ) No more than seven nor less than three clear working days before the trial date the Claimant shall file at Court an indexed and paginated bundle of documents which complies with the requirements of Rule 39.5 of the Civil Procedure Rules and the practice direction thereto, and shall serve a copy of it on the Defendant. The Claimant shall endeavour to agree the contents of the bundle with the Defendant before it is filed. If the Claimant fails to file a trial bundle in accordance with this direction the claim shall stand struck out and the action dismissed without further order. 9) Because this order has been made by the Court without considering representations from the parties, the parties have the right to apply to have the order set aside, varied or stayed. A party wishing to make an application must send or deliver the application to the Court (together with the appropriate fee) to arrive within seven days of service of this order So my question is - Is FD likely to comply with paragraph 3? If so, is it a case of getting my document bundle ready for my day in court? Thanks in advance for any pointers. Jon
  5. Thanks for the reply. I have posted my claim on MCOL and sent the schedule of charges back to the court. Just a case of waiting now. I have a second account with FD and they have just offered me 80% of my claim for that so I believe that I might be raising a second claim very shortly.
  6. Got a quick question that I hope someone can answer. I sent a letter rejecting their offer and their 14 days are now up and I am about to put a claim in on MCOL. My question is that the last schedule of charges that I sent to FD didn't show the interest charges but in the covering note I said that I would be claiming interest. Is this sufficient or do I need to send another schedule with the interest shown? Thanks all
  7. Cheers Dub. I have altered the figures to less precise figures! Thanks for the hint. Should I send them a letter (as well as the LBA) declining their offer? Thanks for your advice. Jon
  8. Hi all Been here for a while reading and decided to take the plunge. I was initially reticent to start as I am currently on a DMP with FD being one of my main creditors. Anyway I phoned them and asked about duplicate statements and about a week later I got the statements for one account but not the other. For this account I have been charged around 2k excluding interest over the last six years. So I sent a prelim letter asking for this amount back using a template from this site. Anyway, this morning - 16 days after my prelim went to them I received an offer of 1700 (80%). However, 2 days ago I sent my LBA. Should I reply saying "Thanks - thats a start but I want the whole amount" or should I just leave it since they have just received my LBA and see what comes out of that? My second account's statements arrived two days ago and have been charged 1400 on that so I have just sent a prelim for that amount as well. So all in all they have taken around 3500 from me excluding interest. It will only make a small chink in what I owe them anyway but its worth getting it back!. Good luck to one and all Jon
  9. Hello all Just registered and am interested recovering my charges! I have a quick question though. I have an inordinate amount of unsecured debt that I am sorting out with the help of the CCCS and a DMP. For years I have had two first direct accounts and umpteen credit cards (Mint, Marbles, MBNA and Halifax) and I have had charges applied against all of these. The chances are that FD will close my bank account due to the Debt Management Plan. A rough guess is that I have been charged about 4K in charges over the last 6 years on these accounts which would be great to go against my debt mountain. Is it worth proceeding with a claim even though I am going through the debt payment process? Any comments would be gratefully received. Jon
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