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Status Updates posted by Mistermind

  1. Apologies, I have forgotten the sequence of hyperlinks/buttons/clicks needed to send a PM to another consenting user.

    1. BankFodder


      Top right corner - there is a little envelope

  2. Hi Rosequeen, 


    I had a proper read of the voluminous correspondence, having previously lost all interest once my bank account was stuffed with £thousands by Barclaycard.


    Melissa Williams is the very helpful lady telephonist on the initial telephone contact line.  If ever you get to speak with her, she might be able to give you a steer from the inside.


    I had 3 relevant Barclaycards. 


    One card ending in 6054 (Monument Card?) was still open in 2006 with associated PPI documentation 144142861 which I never asked to see.  This was swiftly paid out in January to the tune of over one thousand.


    In March came two identical letters and two refunds into my bank account of £4222.14 each, for cards ending in 7008 and 9001, I believe were Visa and Mastercard.  The letter print is so faint as to be unreadable if scanned.  Text reads as typed lower down, verbatim.


    Looks like Barclaycard have some of my application/PPI documentation but incomplete.  Looks like they decided to give me the benefit of the doubt and used estimates and averages to compute compensation.  It was easy to establish any PPI which I subscribed to was mis-sold because I was always self-employed and never eligible for PPI compensation claims.  It might also help that I am now a Barclays Bank current customer.


    I am content to send out SAR today  - let me know what you choose --


    for the two antiquated cards

    or for all three cards,


    quoting card account 4-digit suffixes and Barclaycard case reference numbers, and see what comes back -- unless you have further ideas upon this new information.


    If you ever arrive at a situation wherein you can establish PPI existence and mis-selling, but documentary evidence is incomplete, I will give you permission and Barclaycard letters to quote my case  in support, showing precedent where Barclaycard used discretion and benefit of the doubt.  You can in the last resort seek comparable treatment and I will back you up --  equal rights for woman, ha ha ha.  




    From Barclaycard, Saffron Road, (4 March 2019)


    Dear Mr XXX,


    Your complaint has been upheld.


    We have now finished investigating your complaint and we agree that we mis-sold your Payment Protection Insurance (PPI).  We are sorry that this policy was mis-sold and we will provide a refund.


    When we uphold a complaint about mis-sold PPI we usually offer a refund of the insurance premiums paid, as well as interest on the premiums you paid to date.  We also offer additional interest on top of your refund as statutory compensation.


    However, we have been unable to accurately calculate your refund because our investigation has been unable to find any record of the premiums you paid and the term of your policy.  As this information is required to accurately calculate your refund we have used an average value for the premiums paid, the average interest paid on premiums, and the average value of interest we have paid to our customers as statutory compensation.


    I have enclosed a leaflet written by Which?  and Moneysavingexpert.com that provides independent information on how your compensation should be calculated.  It is important that you take time to read this as, it also provides useful information if you think your refund of payments made by you for PPI cover based upon compensation is unfair and what you should do.


    About my decision


    I have made my decision after reviewing your application form, the information you provided and our internal system evidence.



    A.  Refund of payments made by you for PPI cover based upon comparable policy -- £1256.84

    (This is an average value for the premiums paid on a comparable policy)


    B.  Refund of interest charged on PPI Premiums charged on comparable policy       -- £ 876.13

    (This is an average value for the interest charged on the premiums paid)


    C.  Statutory compensation                                                                                                    -- £2611.46

    (This is an average value for the statutory compensation paid on a comparable policy)


    D.  Income tax deduction                                                                                                        -- £ 522.29

    (This is the value of 20% income tax deducted from the statutory compensation)


    Total Refund payable = (A + B + C - TAX)                                                                             -- £4222.14







  3. Rosequeen,  I have forgotten the sequence of clicks for sending a PM.  The following text is the SAR I shall send out later today to Barclaycard in Saffron Road Leicester -- unless you would like some amendment to my text:




    I do appreciate you are very busy, so I require only a minimum of document copies to which I am entitled under SAR regulations.

    For the oldest of my various Barclaycards which had PPI and for which you have one/both documents, please supply to me copies of:

    Credit Application Document

    PPI Policy Document

    There is no applicable fee for this data disclosure – unless you feel that my request is manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive – in which case you have a duty to let me know without any delay.  Under the new GDPR regime, you must satisfy this data disclosure request as soon as possible and in any event within one month.

    If there is specific information which you require in order to satisfy yourself as to my identity, please let me know by return however, you are not entitled to impose any formality upon me or to require that I complete any particular form or template before you comply with your statutory duty.

    If I do not hear from you then I will assume that this Statutory Request is satisfactory and that the 
    one month time limit has started on 1st July 2019.  If you say my data is no longer available having been destroyed, I require a Certificate of Destruction from you stating what data was destroyed when and authorised by whom. 

    Yours faithfully,

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rosequeen


      Getting hold of the whole account numbers will help because the first six BIN numbers 492985 show that mine was a Barclaycard Visa credit card. 

      So when you get the SAR back you can check if you cards started the same.  There's a website called EXACT BINS where you can check which lender provided any card.

    3. Mistermind


      The deed is done, SAR posted for 2 antequated Barclaycards.


      Quick, make room in your bank account for £thousands arriving from Barclaycard, ha ha ha   😀

    4. rosequeen


      Hi, wish I could celebrate but having been knocked back by Barclaycard for the past five years, I've learned not to get my hopes up. 


      Nevertheless what you're prepared to do for me with the Sar info will give me more ammunition.


      Four more weeks to wait and see what arrives in your post, so fingers crossed for something positive, like the name and address of the previous PPI underwriter in the 1980's and maybe the original account number, because one of their senior managers told me that Barclaycard numbers were initially shorter in length, especially during the 1980's.  It would help to know what the first six BIN numbers were before they changed to 492985......


      Hope to hear from you soon,  best wishes, rosequeen


  4. Rosequeen,  I have forgotten the sequence of clicks for sending a PM.  The following text is the SAR I shall send out later today to Barclaycard in Saffron Road Leicester -- unless you would like some amendment to my text:




    I do appreciate you are very busy, so I require only a minimum of document copies to which I am entitled under SAR regulations.

    For the oldest of my various Barclaycards which had PPI and for which you have one/both documents, please supply to me copies of:

    Credit Application Document

    PPI Policy Document

    There is no applicable fee for this data disclosure – unless you feel that my request is manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive – in which case you have a duty to let me know without any delay.  Under the new GDPR regime, you must satisfy this data disclosure request as soon as possible and in any event within one month.

    If there is specific information which you require in order to satisfy yourself as to my identity, please let me know by return however, you are not entitled to impose any formality upon me or to require that I complete any particular form or template before you comply with your statutory duty.

    If I do not hear from you then I will assume that this Statutory Request is satisfactory and that the
    one month time limit has started on 1st July 2019.  If you say my data is no longer available having been destroyed, I require a Certificate of Destruction from you stating what data was destroyed when and authorised by whom. 

    Yours faithfully,

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