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  1. schedule of charges you dont send with the mcol....you re send them to the bank. As for requesting payment from the bank......could you give them a ring? or even disclose your request in your mcol......but i think that will put it over the word amount :S
  2. indeed.....keep your cool, keep to your deadlines.....you will get it all back
  3. ah yes, you was watching this one i believe.... i decided not to persue the remainder of the account. I didnt want to let greed get in the way of a windfall. I didnt think that a strong enough defense could be found in order to persue it so i will sit back on this one. I am happy though, xmas debts.....sorted:D
  4. Give them a ring mate. They will give you the 7-10 working days rubbish...however, just because it was xmas, there are only three bank holidays! Because you phone them up it might mean your details will go to the front of their priority queue. Reference them closing your account.....did you open a new account before you started your claim?
  5. If you got a letter saying refund without admission of guilt.....then it sounds the same as the one i recieved this morning.....which would mean that they have settled in full? If you are after the interest as well, then i believe it has to go to the court stage before you can claim that too. If it hasnt gotten to that stage, then you will have to make do .........i think! Grats though on your win :D:D
  6. seems okay matey, to get the character amount down though, i deleted the 'spaces' and only just managed to get mine under the limit for lines!!! Failing that, fill out an N1 form.....it is easier, then hand it in to your local court
  7. Checked my current account this evening.....bear in mind they have had the court papers for a week now.....they have paid in full plus interest....plus court costs....plus my tenner back for the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) Could someone amend my post to a win thingy please....donation to follow...once the transfer has gone from halifax to a better place Thankyou all for your time and the effort in the website. No way could i have done it without all your support. To those that are still going through with it, and to those that are here for the first time...it really is nothing to worry about :S Just open a new account...just in case...READ THE FORUMS! Took me a few days of reading.....then go for it If i can do it succesfully....then anyone can. Thankyou CAG
  8. Right, spoke to Halifax today just to clear something up. I asked them is this your final offer of £233.oo from a claim of £1044, when they have just settled my other account in full of £1600 :S 'Yes thats our final offer' was the reply. MCOL sent today
  9. got two letters today. Wife account settled in full, and our joint account....settled in full :D:D now for my account. Today is their time up for the court proceedings. I phoned the halifax reference my account between 93 and 98, they said the reasion i havent heard anything about this is because they will not go back further than six years. So looks like i have come to a dead end on that one...Or has it?? Advise please!! Now to start on the court thingy....i may need some help. Where to start :S Edit: This is my MCOL form.....this okay to go?? 1.The Claimant has an account (EDIT!) with the Defendant, opened August 1989 2. Since 30/11/2000 the Defendant debited charges and interest in respect of purported breaches of contract. 3. Defendant is aware of all details as a list of charges has already been supplied. Another copy will be sent. 4. Claimant contends: (a) The charges exceed the Defendant's losses caused by the breaches; (b) The Term permitting the Defendant to levy such charges is unenforceable under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and at Common Law. 5. Claimant claims: (a) return of the amounts debited of £1044.00; (b)The claimant claims interest under section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% a year from 30/11/2000 to 18/12/2006 of £247.95 and also interest at the same rate up to the date of judgment or earlier payment at a daily rate of 0.28p. 6. Alternatively, if the charges are a fee for a service, then they must be reasonable under S.15 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. 7. Costs allowed by the Court.
  10. Recieved another phone call this afternoon....the wifes account! Would you believe they offered her full settlement!!400 quid! Nice one, she is happy Thankyou halifax hello christmas!!!
  11. got phone call this morning from Halifax, ref joint account. They offered me 800 quid initially then upped it to a grand as full and final settlement. I will await their confirmation letter then send off y LBA. On 18th Dec the 14 days are up for my acount. Then it is time to part with £120 for court costs Is it easier to do it online or just go into my local county court?
  12. Got letter this morning saying i refused payment! I stated that i refuse as full and final....anyways.... Do i now go for the letter before action to give them a further fourteen days before court? Or just go for the MCOL thing?
  13. Recieved my letter this morning ref my account over the last six years. I refused payment etc etc...even though i stated that i refuse as full and final! ho-hum! I take it now it is time for the letter before action to give them a further 14 days?
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