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  1. Hello people. With thanks to this forum/people I have managed to claim back a few bank charges a couple of years ago. Since then I allways hear about PPI. I am unsure if I took this out or not. I have 2 loans with Halifax - which was for £5000 each back in 2003. I have one Credit card with them which I took out in 2003/04 - Can I claim for both? Im pretty confused with all of this PPI stuff - am reading over and over again the posts. Ive looked in the templae library and cant find a PPI Letter, is there one to get the ball moving?? Many thanks Louise
  2. Morning guys/girls Just a quick post on this 'GTEE CARD PYMT FEE' Which im at a loss to. Ive just checked my bank account with Natwest. I use a debit card - if I dont have funds in the account, I cant use the card simple as that. I have these charges put on all at once. im livid right now, I have only just been paid (monthly) I have a son to look after, yet all these charges come out at once. The £38 in an unpaid Item fee - Which I understand £28 is listed at 'Charge from the 10th Sep' the £105 is listed as Gtee card payment fee' Soon as i get to a phone I will ring them but the £105 is exsessive and has left me in a dire state. Anymore info on this? Can I re-claim (Ive won £400 once back from them) But I also have a £500 OD which is now at its limit due to these charges! 1 Oct 2009Charges - £28.001 Oct 2009Charges - £38.001 Oct 2009Charges - £105.00
  3. Hi guys. Hope this is the right section and looking for some advice if possible. I took out Motorbike insurance with a company last October. I pay by Direct debit each month for 9 months. The last payment went out on the June 2nd so there for as 'im paid up' for the year I cancelled my DD. I have done this in the past with another insurance company and have had no problems. Anyhow I rang them up yesterday asking for a quote on another bike when I asked what date my current policy ran out. They told me - as of the 2nd June (DD deleted) my policy was cancelled. I was in shock because I have been riding around over 1 month without no insurance without no warning. I asked where my letters were to confirm the policy cancelation and all I got was 'I dont know' They have my address, upto date email and phone and I received nothing. Another thing is, I have lost 9 months worth of NCB even tho I have paid up untill October this year. Is there anything I can do to try and sort this out because I feel done for by this company. Thanks is advance Louise
  4. Let me explaine a little bit more - i was rather fuming this morning so not everything was told. This new boss over took 3-4 months ago. Our previous boss allowed us to fix bikes in store - start them up so we thought it wouldnt be a problem. I understand the posting of videos was wrong - how ever there was plenty more. And since this said 'snitch' worked for our store she picked holes. She wants to run the place (like she did before) but our boss wont listen to us. Us revving the bikes in store isnt really a major issue - the reason? He the boss revved a customers bike in store just over a month ago - this is why we got our back up. For him to sack us over revving our bikes - but didnt mention that he did is unfair. As for fixing the bikes - it was the case of a hairdryer to remove my previous tank pad (thats the only way - I live in a flat and I cant reach my bike) But in doing so I brought a new protector which put money into the store. I have spoken to many people and everyone has said it is over the top. We have been both given good advive by 3rd parties to take this further and we are doing so. Sorry I didnt explaine more but again it was the heat of the moment. We both dont have contract, never been shown a booklet on what we can/cant do in store and as far as ive been speaking to people the disaplinary was also done incorectly. I shall let you know how it pans out on monday.
  5. Ok done - sorry about that. Just I am really shocked at all this happening suddenly.
  6. Hi guys, Sorry for the long post - But I really need some help. Speaking for myself and on behalf of another worker. Right Ill get to the point - Today I have been 'sacked' from my current employer. Im waiting to here from *** if he has too - But I think so. last week Both *** and I shut shop to bring the bikes in to do some work. I needed to remove my tank pad to replace it (with one I just brought from HG) only way was a hairdryer. So as the shop was shut we did this - I took a photo as seeing *** with a hairdryer made me laugh. We then sorted *** bike out as he needed to do something with his cables. After that, as I had a new exhaust we started up the bike - in store. We were 5 feet from the door, no one was around and gave it a few revs. After that dan took it up the road so I could hear my exhaust and also recorded that (Now for reference this road in a public road, nothing to do with work and you cant see HG at all) So, I did the stupid thing of putting on Facebook If I or *** thought this was a bad idea I wouldnt of done it - In fact I had comments on how good it sounded. Even another shop partner said how great it sounded. So - this is where it all happens. This female used to work for head office many years ago. She downgraded to shop staff recently and is now working at our store part time and another store part time. She added me as a friend on FB a long time ago, Ive added photos/videos the lot on there - but shes decided to snitch us up over these ones. We both got suspended on Monday afternoon and had our disciplinary on Wednesday morning. We told them that this all happened after 4pm when we were shut - its like a ghost town outside. The Area manager was down and he showed me the photo and said 'look at the light in the back ground - thats not after 4pm is it. Well it was, the photo looks bright but I have a flash, the bulbs in the store all account for the brightness. He then asked whats the deal of going up and down the road. I politely explained that it had nothing to do with work - none of the shop could be seen, its been down before - by customers. Portsmouth locals are always doing burnouts, Some people do tiny stunts in the private car park outside. We have also started the ZX10R in store - when paul has been there. At this disciplinary the photo was really inconclusive. The videos, I cant tell whos seen them - I know this female has, I think one more shop partner - as they cant be saved on facebook unless you have the right programs. I dont think our boss has seem them tho. Right, so I get my letter this morning - I am gutted. This is the last thing I need at the moment after splitting for someone - I have Josh to look after and its getting a bit too much for me. 'Dear Louise on *** 2009 you were informed that i was considering taking disciplinary action against you. This was discussed in a meeting on the *** 2009. At this meeting I considered the points raised and it was decided that your conduct was unsatisfactory. Due to the seriousness of your actions and after giving much deliberation, I feel i have no other option then to terminate your employment under the grounds of gross misconduct. The reasons for your dismissal are: The revving/maintenance of your own motorcycle inside the retail store premises and the recording and broadcasting of this on the internet. I consider your conduct in front of the store being antisocial and poor reflection on my business (us riding up the road) I am therefore writing to you to confirm the decision that you will be dismissed and that your last day of service with the company will be *** 2009. You have the right to appeal against this decision, if you wish to please write to ***** (boss) within 7 days of receiving this disciplinary decision. ---------------------------------- our boss only took over 3-4 months ago so he is still fairly learning the ropes - but this has been so blown out of poportion - everyone thinks so. We have both helped him turn that store around. 1 slight thing and were kicked in the teeth. ***said he would appeal if he got the sack and I said I would join him. Purely the fact of the ZX10R being started in store - people revving outside most of the time. Its a bike store and we thought it wouldnt be a problem. Certainly learned my mistake about FB tho - Do we have a crack at an appeal? Is there much to go on? Ive never had a gross Misconduct sacking before so any advice I would really appreciate Louise
  7. Hi, again thanks for the reply Scott I sent the LBA on the 6th, so the 7th they should of received. They must reply within 14 days which is 20th of this month, thats 2 days and ive heard nothing, Could they put the money direct in the bank without a letter - as We havnt checked just yet. Also, we are on holiday this comming Saturday for 2 weeks. What happens after the 20th -
  8. We have been with EDF for over 3 years but we recently changed to N-Power as it seemed to be the cheaper option. Now we have had 3 letters asking for a final bill of £23.67 from EDF. I rang N-power what was going on as we are a PP meter flat only, they told me they are waiting for EDF to release the money and to ignore letters, which I have done. Now a final letter has come from 'Collections direct' asking for the money or CC action will be soon. So, I ring N-power asking whats going on again, they said its the Charges for going onto emergency credit We go onto Emergency at least twice a month but always top up before that runs out. How can they charge us? Also, if we had never swaped over companys that bill would of kept adding up without warning. Im confused over this can someone shed some light? Louise
  9. Hi I have the letter ready to be printed, altho im a bit confused - again. Do I need to re-send my first letter (complaint) saying they owe us £1300, and the whole statement list of charges? I cannot find my first letter I sent to them which is quiet worrying.
  10. I thought I would start a new thread, as this is completly new to me. I really dont want my dad to get a court date if I decide to send the LBA. Altho, I would like to know if this is just yet another fob off letter. I reseived a letter one week ago saying our 'complaint' has been sent to the Andover office. Anyhow, we have a reply - and, bascially its only around 5 days untill I should send the LBA. Glad im a fast typer, as this is pretty long and anyhelp would be great. Im claiming dads charges of £1300 - this is excluding OD interest fees - which im not claiming for. This letter has come from Andover 'Thanks you for getting in touch. I am sorry you are unhappy about your bank account charge. We beleive your complain related to the level, fairness or lawfulness of the charges. If it relateds to another issue about your bank charged such as an administative error then please let us know From what you have said in your letter, or from initial investigations we have carried out, it may also be that your experiencing financial difficulties. We are committed to helping our customers if they ar in financial difficulty or hardship. se that we can see if there is anything we can do to help, we've forwarded a copy of your letter to our customer support unit. They are our experts at dealing with people who are in financial difficulty or hardship and will help you review your finances to see if there is any assistance we can provide. they will be in touch within a week. In the mean time, please rea on on information which explains how your complaint about bank charges will be treated for the time being. We beleive that out current account fees and charged are clear and represent a fair charge for a banking service that is balued by our custormers. However LTSB (along with a nyumbero f other banks) has now become involoved in legal proceeding with OFT in relation to bank charges which we beleive will resolved the legal issues ragarding the fairness and legality of you bank charged. (Letter went on some more about the new court hearing is going to go one untill a fair hearing is held in July 2008 In short, as its another 2 full pages that, to keep all paper work, and if i decide to still claim it will make it easyer to OFT or to the courts. Please advice, as I dont want him off to court - he couldnt handle it Do I still send the LBA in 5 days time, or do I stick to this letter and wait? Louise
  11. Hi Thanks for the reply, the letter was quiet long, but the basic was 'i am just writing to let you know we've received your complaint. thank you for taking the time to contact us. Its important that your complaint gets the attention it deserves so weve sent it to our Andover custormer service recovery center which specialise in complaints like yours. We expect our enquiries to be completed within the next four weeks but will try to get our responce to you sooner So, after 14 days Ill send the LBA and hope for the best
  12. Hi again We sent the pre letter to claim back the charges. Total ammount £1300 We received a letter today, (im not home till tommorow) but i had my dad read out the letter. The letter basically said 'were sorry your not happy, this letter has been sent to the Andover office to be delt with and will be in touch in 4-6 weeks. I will type the letter word for word tommrow, but ive never had a letter like this. Is this normal? As im starting worrie a small bit Thanks
  13. Hi all Im starting a claim for my dad, he has been with Lloyds TSB for many years. I received the paper work back, where they were good enough to just list all the charges. So far, im unsure what to calculate. I have these charges O/Draft interest 0.22p O/Draft interest 0.42 O/Draft Useage Fee £20.00 " " £20.00 O/Draft Excess Fee £20.00 " " £20.00 Account Charge £5.00 " " £5.00 Unpaid S/O £30.00 Unpaid Cheque £30.00 I have these listed in the statements in lots of places Do I add them all up and try to reclaim? Or Do I not add up the 'O/D Fees? Im a bit confused as what to do, as all added up together is just over £1200 Any help will be fantastic.
  14. Thanks - had a feeling it would go in the wrong part :o)
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