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Everything posted by Wheresmewallet

  2. The AQ came on Tuesday, AS did the post office note to say there was a special delivery awaiting me down at the Chesterfield collection office. I did not send any more letters to them. The last one was the reply to the CPR 18. So sit tight and you may be about to receive your cheque soon Thanks for the congrats byetheway;)
  4. Aaahh, now then. So did I yesterday morning. I wasn't in and there was a Sorry You Were Out card on the floor saying they need my signature at the collection office for a SPECIAL DELIVERY. I think if the delivery what i missed yeterday is not the cheque, then I will send Cobbetts a letter back and also let the court know
  5. I got exactly the same in my AQ yesterday morning. Like you, I have already sent them the CPR reply from the template library, plus another charges schedule and they have wrote back to me confirming they had received this letter, so what are they on about - until the claimant serves a reply to the request for further information which was due on 27th Oct 2006 I don't know whether to tell the court, wrie back some kind of response to Cobbetts, or just ignore it Strange one
  6. Great stuff Giz. Much appreciated. It will need a bit of editing though to suit the response to their AQ. Any ideas? What is the difference between what their AQ says in Section G - Case management directions cannot be proposed until the Claimant serves a Reply to the Request for Further Information which was due on 31 October 2006. In light of this, the Defendant may amend it's Defence or apply to strike out and Case Management Conference in your letter?
  7. Need more advice please from something I posted on my NatWest thread on receiving a copy of Cobbetts AQ Section G - Further Information section. They put Case management directions canot be proposed until the Claimant serves a Reply to the Request for Further Information which was due on 31 October 2006. In light of this, the Defendant may amend it's Defence or apply to strike out What is this all about?? I sent them the response letter (intimidatory letter) and replied straight away. They even sent me the following response with the letter Our client objects your allegation that the request is intimidating etc The also sent me a offer of 50% of the claim on the 25th October to which I only accepted in part settlement of course - basically follow timeline in my signature says it all Should I ignore what they have put in the AQ and just wait, or do I need to send them a letter back and / or notify the court in what they have put in Section G??? Any help much appreciated:)
  8. I aint had a look around yet Giz, but your reply letters to court with a covering letter objecting to the case management conference and requesting a full hearing. Do you Giz, or anyone know how the letter should be worded to send to court
  9. Received the CPR 18 on 17th October. Sent them back the intimidatory letter on the 18th including copies of the charges schedule (just to be on the safe side). Also sent these to court. Sent them a copy of my AQ on the 20th October - plus the original back to court, along with more schedule of charges The other thread with the same as me could be this onehttp://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/natwest-bank/14519-eddie-natwest-4.html?highlight=case+management+directions I think i've done everything in order. Just strange how Section G should say they have not recieved anything from me when they have due to the fact they replied to me when i sent them the intimidatory letter Remmers
  10. Hi Ally Just got in to find the AQ from Cobbetts. My claim includes everything Strange reading at the Section G - Further Information section. They put Case management directions canot be proposed until the Claimant serves a Reply to the Request for Further Information which was due on 31 October 2006. In light of this, the Defendant may amend it's Defence or apply to strike out What the hell is this all about?? I sent them this response letter (intimidatory letter) and replied straight away. They even sent me the response to this. The letter Our client objects your allegation that the request is intimidating Is it Cobbetts with their usual scare tactics, got their wires crossed or is it something i've not done
  11. Thanks bread My Halifax thread actually went into the winners enclosure last friday. I posted this thread in the 'General' threads as I was getting no response in the Halifax success threads and my stress levels were going up Never mind. The account is now closed with the Halifax. All I can say is what a bunch of unhelpful staff they have set on there
  12. Well. After another war of words down the local Halifax branch, they have given us the money back - in a fashion. This wasn't before they kept trying every trick such as "you have a standing order due to go out on the 8th November" and "do you have a loan with us". The account has been shut for 2 1/2 years you great clowns how can a standing order be due to go out:lol:. Anyway. Plenty of sheet signing later it is all settled. Just that the majority of the cash has wiped out our overdraft with just a bit left over. So all in all, one part of the claim has cleared the remaining overdraft, and they gave us the rest over the counter, no cheques involved
  13. Having read around some of the threads on this forum a few weeks ago. I wish i'd put in the PoC, what payment method I preferred just after I sent my Halifax claim off. Now that is food for thought What kind of bloody ID do they want for them to believe it is me! The password thing is still bugging me no end though.
  14. Exactly. Just being plain awkward with the looks of it. I told them I have every intention of using the refund to clear the overdraft, and yes, this will be taken into account regarding case not be deemed settled. The fact that just because the so called 'password' that I cannot remember and the fact they said on Friday to bring in some ID and they would issue a cheque, then for then to change again today is never right The settlement letter was shown to them at my local branch on friday along with ID. It did not seem to be a problem then. The overdraft repayment arrangment was also mentioned to them today, but they were not interested. The only advise they gave us today was to ring a 0870 number (Halifax Head Office) and go from there. No chance. I'm not going to be put on hold for half hour and get charged 10p per minute. I'll use there phone in the bank tomorrow if needs be
  15. Yeh. Tomorrow i'm going to be armed and ready for them. No Court Date set, but i'l tell them that the court will be notified on what games they are playing if they don't sort it tomorrow. The lady on the phone this afternoon. "If you can't remember your password we can't help". aaarrrggh Took a passport and council tax bill into the local branch. Isn't that enough evidence of who I am?
  16. That is what I made sure of The court will only find out about the settlement being agreed when the money is available in whichever account it will go into. Cannot believe this. What they have done is so annoying
  17. VERY VERY ANNOYED The Halifax admitted defeat on thursday and said the money would be in my account within 5 working days, and I would have a cheque issued to put it into whatever account I wanted as long as some form of ID was shown. Well the money is in the account today and this is what has happened. First of all. The 'account' I have with the Halifax has been unaccessable for the last 2 1/2 years. All my bank books and cards got cut up with the request of the bank this time ago as I never used it. I had just been paying off a agreed amount off the overdraft each month. Now today. Been down to the local Halifax branch and did exactly as the lady behind the counter said on friday afternoon. Come down with some form of ID when the money has gone into the account and we will issue you with a cheque for the whole claim amount. Completely different today. Had to ring up head office from the local branch and the lady at the other end was about as much use as a chocolate tea pot. She was asking stupid questions like can you remember the last transaction on the account. IT HAS BEEN UNACCESSABLE FOR THE LAST 2 1/2 YEARS FOR CHRIST SAKE. They will not let us have the money. Some of the reasons being: 1- I cannot remember a password for the account. I did not know there was a password for the account to start with. And because I could not give a password, she said she could not help us 2- I cannot remember last transaction - as above paragraph IN OTHER WORDS THEY HAVE GONE BACK ON THEIR WORD FROM FRIDAY AND CHANGED IT FOR TODAY. They also said that they were going to deduct the overdraft remaining off the total. I thought this was our choice. Even told them i'd every intention of paying the bulk of the overdraft off with the money. So all in all they are reluctant to give us this money. ANNOYED, STRESSED. PEED OFF ETC ETC WHAT NOW?????
  18. VERY VERY ANNOYED As the thread suggests. WALLET v HALIFAX **WON**. Well, so I thought:mad: First of all. The 'account' I have with the Halifax has been unaccessable for the last 2 1/2 years. All my bank books and cards got cut up with the request of the bank this time ago as I never used it. I had just been paying off a agreed amount off the overdraft each month. Now today. Been down to the local Halifax branch and did exactly as the lady behind the counter said on friday afternoon. Come down with some form of ID when the money has gone into the account and we will issue you with a cheque for the whole claim amount. Completely different today. Had to ring up head office from the local branch and the lady at the other end was about as much use as a chocolate tea pot. She was asking stupid questions like can you remember the last transaction on the account. IT HAS BEEN UNACCESSABLE FOR THE LAST 2 1/2 YEARS FOR CHRIST SAKE. They will not let us have the money. Some of the reasons being: 1- I cannot remember a password for the account. I did not know there was a password for the account to start with. And because I could not give a password, she said she could not help us 2- I cannot remember last transaction - as above paragraph IN OTHER WORDS THEY HAVE GONE BACK ON THEIR WORD FROM FRIDAY AND CHANGED IT FOR TODAY. They also said that they were going to deduct the overdraft remaining off the total. I thought this was our choice. Even told them i'd every intention of paying the bulk of the overdraft off with the money. ANNOYED, STRESSED. PEED OFF ETC ETC WHAT NOW?????
  19. If I was you I would start again. Take your time in preparing all the information you have on hand. Starting again with the Preliminary Letter but make sure you do everything in order and check the letters before you send them off to the relevant addresses, and also the spreadsheets which show the schedule of charges. Basically double check everything what should be sent at each stage of the claim before you put a stamp on the envelope
  20. I would have thought you could do whatever you want with the money - even if it is paid into your Natwest account. I would imagine the bank would want you to have a authorised overdraft. Remember. You are paying them interest on that overdraft. It is when you start going into un-authorised territory when the fun begins as this is when you will obviously start getting charged left, right and centre. So i suppose it is a/ a case of keeping the account in order and keeping it in just authorised overdraft, b/ wipe out your overdraft c/ see my post on your thread (bottom of page 5). You are in a similar posistion as us - the cheque (hopefully when I get it) is just over twice the amount of the overdraft the account currently is in. In the end, I'm sure it will come down to what you and the bank agree on This is the path i'm going to try and take anyway way when hopefully in the not too distant future I get my cheque through the post
  21. Well done Ollie Do what we have done. I won against the Halifax on friday and the letter said they are putting the money into my Halifax account within 5 days. Went down to the local Halifax branch on friday and told them we did not want it to go in that account, and asked if they could write a cheque out for us so we can put it into whichever account we want to. The lady behind the counter said that would be fine. Just wait for the money to go in (which should be today or tomorrow), bring some form of identification with you and they will issue you a cheque. I'm sure it will be the same with the Natwest
  22. Letter from county court this morning: The Defendant filed Acknowledgement of Service on 24th October 2006 The defendant responded to the claim indicationg to defend all of the claim. The defendant has 28 days from the date of service of the claim form with particulars of claim, or of the particulas of claim to file a defence. The acknowledgement was filed by the solicitors acting for the defendant etc etc etc Bit late sending this now aren't they when the Halifax sent me the letter of defeat on the 26th October 2006 Oh well
  23. Great stuff daines. Looks like it is a month end thing - Pay Day:grin: I have been down to the bank and asked them to write us a cheque out payable to me of course when the money goes in. They said it would be no problem, just come down with some ID and they will do a cheque for us It will then go into another account. Sapphire. It surley won't be long for you to wait now Blimey, aint it exciting
  24. Thanks I would say tomorrow or monday daines for you then.
  25. Cheers guys. I didn't think this claim would take that long due to it not being for a large amount. But hey. Who cares Me tomorrow night Just done the survey. Will donate when dollar is available
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