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  1. Nice one, cheers for that.. Lets hope I get better marks than I did in school! I was thinking of writing a letter to Barclays asking them to justify the charges, and requesting a breakdown of where 35 quid goes. Generally just badger them about a bit. I'd like to present their non-commital reply to a judge. Is this ok at this stage ie waiting for a court date?
  2. Hi Although I am still waiting on a court date, I am trying to prepare early, but as a complete novice at anything court related (almost - ahem...), I'm having trouble wading through tons of pdfs and web pages.. I read jonni2bad's bundle http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/halifax-bank/3962-jonni2bad-halifax-off-court-6.html It looks great, and I imagine pretty scary for the bank (almost as if I know what I'm doing), but I'm not sure which bits relate to credit cards alone, and don't apply to current account charges. Also, Which particular sections of the various acts are most relevant. Anyone know any paragraph numbers etc? I'm not just being lazy here (honest), but these legal documents can be pretty brain melting stuff. And I'm a rocket scientist.
  3. Nice one folks.. Sounds like I should be ok. I did'nt put 8% on top of the original 8% so still legal.. What a great site, donation definately happening as/when the b******s cough up! I'll be following Spotted Dog's situation with interest.
  4. Yeah I did file with MCOL.. I think I will let it ride and hope they're too snowed under with claims to really notice it. I could really do without starting a whole new claim, but then I should'nt have been too hasty in the first place. Hey ho. Cheers for the reassurance Nightstar!
  5. This is my first post, although I should have started when my first letter was sent. Ah well, I'll try and be more on the "case" from now on... I've just had the horrible realisation that I included the 8% interest in my first letter. Everything else has gone according to plan; the less-than-half offer, the initial claim, the banks defence etc. I was feeling pretty confident about getting my documents together for court, preparing the evidence and so on, but looking back over my correspondance noticed the massive mistake I made. Is this going to totally screw up my case? The bank makes no mention of this in its defence document. Are they gonna let it get to court and spring it on me? Any advice much appreciated..
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