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Everything posted by scorpion

  1. certainly was an unexpected little windfall we had beenputting off claiming for ages then just went for it and got 2 repaid beforexmas 2011 which made it even better its a shame we lost out on the big onefrom barclays though unfortunately we both lost our jobs some 2 years ago andhad to put all our debts in to a debt management company thinking that anymoney repaid would be offset against the outstanding balances, but we got somemoney back
  2. Hi, we did wonder about this taxable amount when we thought we would of paid taxin the first instance but if its only the 8% interest that is taxable then itsnot to bad, it never mentions once in any of the replies we received what wastaxable and what wasn’t.............. we stopped trusting banks along time ago and when we received lettersoutlying what we had taken out with them the amounts and total they would repaymy other half set about checking the figures using some of the onlinecalculators, she was a treasurer for a very large company which helped with usworking out if they were paying us the right amount, but our figures were onlypounds different from theirs, but it is very off putting when you get the finalresponse from them barclays alone was an 8 page breakdown, but we are glad tosay that all of them have paid us what we expected............... but your right it is always best to check the figures as they can not betrusted, how ironic would it be for them to lose a court battle and have to repaymillions only for them to try and rip people off again by confusing them withall their calculations
  3. It never said in any of our replies if it was net or gross just said we had to inform the tax office as it was taxable
  4. Hi, its been a long time since we were last on this forum just thought we would post our success stories with everyone who is trying to claim back PPI. THIS MAY NOT WORK FOR EVERYONE but we hope it helps.............. After seeing all the news on PPI claims and reading up on the internet we decided to claim any PPI we had with our banks etc: we looked into claims companies who offered us untold amounts however they wanted a percentage of what we were awarded this varied from 35% to 47%. So we decided to do it ourselves, after reading some stories and information from the moneysavingexpert.com, we firstly got our credit reports from Experian and Equifax these were free of charge if you signed up to their trial period and cancelled further monthly reports, these will show you who you have/had credit arrangements with,and the head office addresses we used to send our claims to. as we were unsure who we actually had any PPI with we downloaded the claim form and submitted it to all of our creditors, the first form took us 15 minutes to complete and as they were repetitive we completed all 8 forms and a standard letter in just over an hour. THEN WE WAITED............. within two weeks we had received 5 responses confirming receipt of our claims and a guideline time when they would be able to give us further information. within 4 weeks we received letters from the remaining 3creditors stating we had no PPI attached and therefore would be closing the case for a claim unless we could prove with documentation that we had taken ou tPPI with them, we knew we hadn’t taken out PPI with all our creditors so we took this as to be the case and took no further action against them. within 6 weeks of sending our letters and claims we started to receive some really good news firstly Halifax credit card services accepted miss selling PPI and awarded us £482.00 Cahoot (Santander) accepted miss selling and we got a further cheque for just under £900 Santander credit cards accepted miss selling and gave us a cheque for £782.00 Barclaycard awarded us £511.42 Then we got a final response from Barclays bank for a loan we first took out in 2003 which was paid off from a further loan in 2005 then a 3rd loan which paid that one off in 2008, so in total 3 loans with Barclays we were awarded £5843.59, HOWEVER the bad news was we still owed on that debt so they said it would be used to redress the outstanding balance, but we were awarded the loss of interest and received a cheque for £511.43. So from the first time we submitted our claims back in November2011 we completed our claims by the end of February 2012 we didn’t know it was so easy to claim we only ever wrote to them once and they done all the rest we just basically sat and waited for them to respond and as you can see from above we got a fair chunk of money back. BUT BE ADVISED...........if you still owe them money they can take any successful claim you have and use this to pay outstanding balances.....and any money you do receive has to be declared to the tax man HMRC as income as it is taxable........ HOPE THIS HELPS cheers
  5. team work thats what will win over in the end lol
  6. nice one godmother never thought of charging them for our time that we waste in replying to the stupid letters they send good idea
  7. Hi Mikul, as The Godmother says write to them asking for a full explanation we have never heard of 'Evasive' its always LW or NDR, failing that write to them asking for your signed copy of your CCA and see what happens
  8. nice one dpick thats our next battle with the CRA's get all these defaults removed from our files............
  9. got letter from LW regarding complaints made earlier this year only to say not days outside FOS or there own complaints handling system but months, letter we got back was dated 02/07/08 this makes it some 6 months late. Time to get back on top of this and read up on everyone else threads cheers
  10. Thanks Dpick we have checked Experian and found default markers on that one we are waiting for results from other CRA's........... when we have all the info we are going to blast off letters of complaint to everyone of them. cheers
  11. thank you GodMother good luck with the new arriaval
  12. RESULT…………. we got a letter 2 days ago from LW saying that they can not find the signed CCA and are therefore not pursing the debt and that it is not enforceable under the current CCA regulations, however they also say that they will continue to process data with CRA's which is another battle ........ since this letter we have received another 2 letters for demands for payments from NDR..... are they not breaking the law by trying to enforce this debt which LW have said they will no longer be able to pursue………….. just some advice please on how to tackle NDR……………
  13. Even though we have not had any reply to letters sent to LW & NDR last week, we have had a default notice severed under section 87(1) of the CCA 1974 from NDR demanding full and final settlement of the outstanding balance as we are now in breach of the CCA……………we are still waiting for the signed CCA……… we have also allowed them time to do there own investigation work to which they said we would have a final outcome on the 1st April so again they have defaulted on their own agreement. Would we be now right in saying we can take this matter one step further for failure to supply the CCA and start sending letters to the FSO, TS, & OFT…….. All your advice is very much appreciated
  14. well after much thought i think its about time they felt the wrath of my tongue 2 page letter blasting NDR and the same being sent to LW demanding full apologies for the way they continue to harass us for money, and as its coming to the end of their time for the investigation they wanted to conduct felt it best to get in there first giving them an even bigger headache, what a bunch of MUPPETS these people are….
  15. just had a demand letter from NDR asking for full payment, even though the so called account is in default under the CCA request advising them we do not acknowledge the amount debt...... we are sure we read somewhere that NDR/LW can not make demands for payment while the account is in dispute, and that this would constitute a criminal offence in doing so, even though they are already committing this offence by not supplying the signed CCA and which has gone well over 30 days, yet we are allowing them time to complete their investigations and that we should hear from them by end of this month...... Do we tell NDR they are in serious breach or just let them hang themselves, and not bother replying…………
  16. thats all the info we needed we are in no hurry with these idiots thanks dave:)
  17. Not only did we get a letter from Littlewoods today but also a statement from NDR.......... the statement is telling us payment not received and the addition of £5.95 for Accidental Death Plan which Littlewoods told us last year had been cancelled due to the dispute we have with them...... as for Littlewoods they are saying they are continuing with their investigation reference our CCA request from the 02/02/08 and that we will have a final response from them by 1st April 2008....do they really need 2 months to tell us they don’t have the true signed agreement.... is it time to tell them they are now very much in breach of our CCA request and indeed breaking the law....or just hang fire till we get the final response........ your advice is very much appreciated
  18. cheers caz...... i thought it be best to just let them hang themselves they know they have gone over the timescale so im in no rush to hurry them along......
  19. Quick Update.... apart from the standard letter we got form Littlewoods saying they could not find are signed CCA we received 2 further letters one dated the 2nd Feb outlining a complaint we made to them on the 28th Jan 08 refusing acceptance of there non signed CCA and explanation and told them they have to supply the true agreement.......and the other dated 4th Feb 08 ref our complaint of the way the account has been handled when we wrote to them on the 10th Jan 08.........both letters telling us a full investigation is underway and they will be in contact when they have completed this.... guess what no contact as yet from them and they are now well and truly over there allotted time for complying to our CCA request... we have a letter drafted ready to post explaining they are now in breach of our original request but we were wondering should we post it telling them they have gone over the time allowed or wait for them to get back in touch…. We also got 2 copies of there complaints procedure which made us laugh a small piece of paper giving us 3 steps on how to make a complaint and how they are handled saying “you may” be able to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service but they will only consider our complaint if we have giving them up to 8 weeks to resolve it……don’t think so!!!!
  20. cheers Paul no doubt i will come across some letters. update today we have recived 12months worth of statements re: littlewoods from NDR............. just waiting reply from LW ref our CCA
  21. Hi Paul, we couldnt help but laugh when we got this letter from them, we liked there T&C's ref # 6 "For further info please see the catalogue", we havent got one nor have had one for many years. we were looking at your post ......... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/show-post/post-973345.html with reference to CRA's and how you had a small victory with them do you have any templates of letters we could send off to them or a link to where they are, we have spent hours looking but no joy. cheers Paul & Lorraine
  22. well we got a letter dated the 24th Jan saying unfortunatley they are unable to locate the executed CCA but have sent me a copy of the current agreement which applies to this type of account, they also say the account was opened 28th November 2002 outlining full outstanding balances. the copy CCA refered to a 20 or 38 week term and they outline terms 1 to 6 i will try to scan this in for all to see, we are now sending them a letter saying they have failed in my request and we still require a signed agreement otherwise there will be in default................watch this space
  23. Many thanks, Paul & Freaky, we are going to keep this updated as and when so it will form part of a record of what we have done with littlewoods. We have read lots of info from your thread Paul and it was very helpful that’s what got us started with the CCA request. No doubt we will have lots more to add as time passes cheers Paul & Lorraine
  24. Hi everyone, sometime last year we made a general query on the forum regarding Littlewoods and a debt with them that was not truly ours. after reading many threads regarding Littlewoods and NDR we thought it would be best to start our own thread and hopefully gather as much help and info from anyone who would like to post on it. we have now had enough of Littlewoods they have referred the debt to NDR and I have already sent a CCA request to them today. The jist of it is they say we owe them Xamount my partner started shopping with them back in 2002 she was paid a commission/cash back on all purchases and family members/friends also bought goods all but one stopped paying so we referred this back to Littlewoods but they say as the account was in her name she was liable for the debt, so we paid in small amounts until 2004 when all commission/cash back was stopped this was queried and the response was that they do not pay this unless they have a signed CCA. We have tried on many occasions to correspond with them but we get no replies from our letters so we stopped it was left at that until today when a letter arrived from NDR. So now we are fighting this and no matter how long it takes we thought we would like to see another thread which starts from the beginning with them and hopefully have a result in our favour, which along with many other threads help other people in a similar situation. We will be grateful for any advice or help and will update this thread when ever we can. Keep up the good work we will win in the end Paul & Lorraine
  25. I think lesson learnt on this one, next time we won’t be so forgiving in the future thanks everyone for your info
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