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  1. I have, this morning, receive notice from the freeholder of my flat that they will be increasing the ground rent from £25 a year to £1525!!! A mere 6000% increase. I have checked my lease, and they do have the right to increase the rent, but surely not to this level. Does anyone know a way to fight this? I realise that the leaseholders can club together to buy the freehold, but I wonder how easy it is to persuade the folks in my block to do this and would like to look at other options. Many thanks. Cordelia
  2. I have, this morning, receive notice from the freeholder of my flat that they will be increasing the ground rent from £25 a year to £1525!!! A mere 6000% increase. I have checked my lease, and they do have the right to increase the rent, but surely not to this level. Does anyone know a way to fight this? I realise that the leaseholders can club together to buy the freehold, but I wonder how easy it is to persuade the folks in my block to do this and would like to look at other options. Many thanks. Cordelia
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