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  1. ok my court date is looming.... i am assuming that they are going to let it go to court now as i still haven't heard anything and the court date is on 13th June. Feel ready to take them on, but any advice is warmly welcomed.
  2. thanks for the reasurance.... been going on for a while now, just hope it comes to an end SOON !!!!
  3. thanks hedgey.... its getting a bit scary now as so close to 13th June, get worried incase they are so backlogged they overlook my case. thanks for your advise, will go and look at your link now.
  4. Ok..... i,m looking for someone to please reassure me..... i have got a court date for the 13th june and i am really worried as i haven't heard anything from natwest yet.... i wondered if anyone could give me some idea as to when they recieved an offer from natwest as it is getting closer. i would have thought they would have contacted me by now.... probably wouldn't be worrying as much if the recent events with lloyds tsb didn't happen.....
  5. Thanks Deller, printed letter off, will put in post tomorrow:)
  6. This is what their defence says: REQUEST FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND CLARIFICATION 1 This request is served pursuant to CPR Part 18 alternatively with regard to CPR Rule 27.2(3). 2 The reason(s) why this request has beeb served are set out in the Defence which has been served by the Defendant. 3 You are asked to provide a response to the request in accordance with CPR Part 18 by 21 March 2007. 4 if you are unable to provide a response by this date then you are asked to contact the Defendant's solicitors promptly and tell then when you will be able to provide a response. 5 In the event that you so not provide an adequate response to this request by this date then the Defendant can apply to the court for an order requiring you to provide the information requested of an order striking out the claim. The Request 1 In your claim you state: "the claimant claims [the] return of the amounts debited in respect of charges in the sum of £2021.50". 2 Please provide the following particulars in support of you claim: 2.1 In relation to each charge please identify (a) the date when the charge was charged; (b) the amount of the same; and © the reason(s) given for the charging of the same. 2.2 In relation to each charge, please clarify the following: (a) is it the case of the Claimant the same should not have been charged? (b) if yes; please explain why the claimant contends that the same should not have been charged? © if no; is it the case of the claimant that the same should not have been charged in this amount? (d) if yes; please expain why the claimant contends that the same should not have been charged in this amount and identify the sum the Claimant contends should have been charged. (e) If no; please state the Claimant's case. 3 In you claim you state that the charges are: "unenforceable by virtue of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and at Common law". 4 Please specify all of the facts relied on by the Claimant in support of the contentions in paragraph 3 above, and in particular please identify (a) the section(s) of The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977("UCTA1977"); (b) the regulations of the Unfair Contract Terms in Consumer Regulations 1999 ("the Regulations"); and © the principles of common law relied upon by the Claimant in alleging that the contractual provision(s) referred to are unenforceable. Please also identify the contractual provision(s) that the claimant alleges are unenforceable by reference to UCTA/ the Regulations. Would be really grateful of any advice on how to respond to this. Thanks in advance. Sharon
  7. Ok, i have been reading some threads about the CPR 18, and as far as i can gather i don't have to respond to this until i get the AQ from the courts......am i right in assuming this, as cobbetts say i have to reply before 21/03/07. Feel a bit out of my depth on this one, any advice would be gratefully received:)
  8. thanks for your kind words, no one should have to go through this, and sometimes it does get you down. But people like you help to get through it. I have received defence from cobbetts today.....would appreciate any advise as to how to respond to the CPR 18.. thanks Sharon.
  9. Really fed up, Natwest have charge me again for unpaid direct debits even though i cancelled them...... woman on phone said i need to cancel with the companies as well......smug bitch!!!! no help offered.... just left to worry about how to get the money together to pay this month.
  10. Congratulations on starting to get your money back and good luck!!!!!!!!
  11. :D CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D just been reading your thread, and seen that you got your cheque, well pleased for you. I got defence from NatWest yesterday, but it was in response to the first N1 i completed, which i made a huge mistake in the POC. I have called moneyclaim and they have told me, that my amended N1 is still with the district judge, and can take up to 5 weeks. I am so annoyed with myself for making such a stupid mistake. However, i will hopefully get the result i want, its just gonna take a lot longer. Bet you had a good xmas!!!!!!! Best Wishes Sharon
  12. Well today is the day Natwest should have filed a defence, but haven't, so went back to the money claim site and have entered judgment by default. Can anyone tell me what happens now???? I can't believe i have won that easily, I have been expecting more of a fight. Is there a probability that they will apeal ??
  13. its very daunting for all of us, as probably most of us haven't done anything like this before, and we don't have a degree in law, which i think, is what snatchwest banks on!!!! I think people at this stage now, are worried that they will be the one that the bank fights the hardest against. Sharon
  14. just to add to Michael's help, i have filled in a N244 form as well and the court advised me to put in ssection A: intend to apply for an order that: amend particulars of claim and reserve the amend form upon the defendant. Hope this helps!! Good Luck Sharon:D
  15. Hi Maggie, If you search for charlie_spencer thread, he is going through the same thing as you, and had lots of info as to how to reply to this. Stay strong and stand your ground, you are nearly there. I will be watching your thread!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck;) Sharon
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