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  1. Neilbass - thanks for your message, very encouraging! Let me know how you get on.
  2. Claim no: 6QZ66858 Bank Charges amount (inc interest and court fees): £3730.78 Date filed with moneyclaim: 25/09/2006 so....... i guess i just wait for them to get back in touch with me, and the bank has 28 days to respond?! wish me luck!
  3. Can someone let me know what all this means! I got to the stage of filling in a claim on the moneyclaim site last week, and today i received an "Acknowledgement of Service" notice from the County Court. On my copy of their acknowledgement (filled in by "Head of Legal Services", Halifax Bank of Scotland) they have ticked box no.1 as reply, stating "i intend to defend all of this claim" What do i do now?! Does this mean i am definitely going to have to go to court? Or just that they plan to respond to me within 28 days with the intention of going to court?? Also, i have tried to file my details into the litigation started section of the forum but couldn't do it! HELLLPPPPP!!!!!! :-|
  4. Hi - can someone help me out with some advice PLEASE!! i'm Scottish, and have banked with the Bank of Scotland since i was 16 (27 years old now), but 4 years ago i moved to England and have lived down south ever since. I recently started the process to reclaim my bank charges - started by sending a letter to head office for the last 6yrs of my statements - which i received. From these i calculated that i had paid approx £3010 over the last 6yrs - so i sent a letter to the bank last week saying i would be wanting these charges back - and habe sice received a letter saying they are looking into this matter and will be getting back to me. ok so far - BUT...... i've been told by a few friends that because its a Scottish bank and i'm Scottish - that i can only claim charges for the last 5years and that under scottish law i can only claim up to £750 in small claims?! Can someone please clarify this for me before i proceed with any court action - i'm SO confused! Can i only claim back 5 years? can i only claim £750? and IF i try to take the bank to court - do i apply to the Scottish or English court system?! i will probably be living and working in england for the rest of my working life. any information would be greatly, greatly appreciated!
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