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35 Excellent
  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Seems to be happening all over the place now
  2. Absolutely use cases from this site... there are quite a few winning in the last few weeks actually... Me being one of them Look through the Abbey sucesses section in the forum - all wins get moved there. Nutty X
  3. Funds all cleared and donation made... I will hang around to help out though
  4. Rod, Mediation is effectively holding the whole process up as it takes ages to set up etc. Expert witness... hmmm... again another ploy Argument for allocation review... well this means that there will probably be an allocation hearing prior to the prelim hearing, prior to the real hearing... another ploy to hold the process up... Ultimately they will pay you your money the way they did mine... as soon as they realise that you are not put off by their ploys and that you will keep going regardless... there is details of all this in my thread... it will explain the approaches discussed and the invaluable advice I received Hope that helps
  5. So... I went on to check my bank just now and guess what....?! He he... my email worked!!! So I now have the funds (although not available until 12th Feb) after then I will write to the court and tell them to stop the claim... Again, has anyone got a letter they have written to say the same / similar thing so that I can just use it please?
  6. Wait until you have heard from the court - the next step may well be hearing date for the full hearing, but it will more likely be Abbey using: - We want mediation - Expert witness - Is it right for the small claims track etc This successfully slows things down... don't back down and post whatever you get from the court! Hope that helps Nutty X
  7. I thought about ringing them but, not only am I not very good on the phone, I think that I would prefer to have it all in writing as proof should anything go wrong. I have sent her an email from my work email address and copied in my home email - and am tracing the entire path of the email so I will know who it is subsequently sent on to etc (or if she just deletes it!). I have basically said that I want my money paid into the account (as the letter was not clear around how this was going to happen) by COB tomorrow! We'll see what she has to say
  8. Rod, I really think that you need to read through the process again... Start with the FAQ's - then there is an amazing sticky which Karnevile posted which will explain what to do when you have a court date... For now - you don't have a court date (from what I see) and so do not need to send the bundle unless it has been specifically asked for by the judge. Sorry but I cannot stress enough how important it is to fully understand this process as much as possible before you start it - with Abbey you will invarioubly find yourself at least heading to the court stage, they are stringing things out longer and longer in the hope that you will give up. Just submit your allocation questionnaire to the court as requested. Read my thread for some pointers etc. Hope this helps. Nutty X
  9. I personally included a covering letter, but I don't think that it matters. Good luck Nutty X
  10. LOL - I wouldn't say so (although you can click on my scales if you like ) There is a sticky posted by the lovely Karnevil If you have a court date this is a must! Also in here signature are all the links etc... But the bundle is here if you need it NOW!!! lol If I have not quite got the question PM me and I will go into it in more detail Hope this is OK Nutty X
  11. Well, I really want to make that donation, however on checking my account again this morning the money has not been paid in. Should I call them? What is the best number to call them on, they have only awarded interest up until the 5th and so I am going to start losing out? Nutty X
  12. Hi Pandapa, I reclaimed all my 'Cleared Transaction Charge' this one is where you pay for something on a debit card and there isn't enough money. Hope this helps. Nutty X
  13. Hi, I have been using this site for a while now and have recently won my case against Abbey - getting 100% settlement!!! I have a friend who opted to take out an IVA 2 years ago... she has been locked into an agreement with them but it has not worked out as she planned and they basically take all that she has each month, leaving her short for shopping and to the point where just before christmas she had to ask her daughters teacher to pay for a £2.50 school trip! I really want to help her but do not know anything about IVA etc. Is there a way of getting out of the contract with them so that we can contact the debtors separately as I did mine and get out of it that way? She has recently tried to seek bankrupcty in an attempt to get out of the agreement but has been advised that this is not possible. Any advice and information would be gratefully received. Many thanks Nutty X
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