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  1. Hya only just found this site and it looks like a good place to get information ty I have survived for 4 years on a very small widows pension and then someone told me I could claime JSA because the pension I have is a gifted pension not a state one, I went to the job centre and the lady who did my claim agreed that my pension is not taken into consideration because its a gifted pension she even called a colleague over who also confirmed this, to cut a long story short I was refused JSA , a friend of mine phone JSA head office and sadly he did not get the names but 2 of them there also confirmed I can claim JSA they advised me to ask for my claim to be manually typed in to the computer and not let the computer do the generating, well they again said no I cannot claim so on the basis of 4 people who work in JSA I am appealing Does anyone know anything about private pensions and if they are taken into consideration when claiming please note this is not a state pension ty Dee
  2. hya one of our owners posted this link in our forum can you tell me plzz is it true that all the times I have been charged for exeeding my overdraft limit I can claim back ?? ,,, Dee xxx
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