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mark casey

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Everything posted by mark casey

  1. I have been in dispute with eon since august when they sent us a bill for £2321.41 for closing our account. this is because of a faulty reading of our gas meter by 1 decimal point. when this was pointed out to them they took soo long to check this out that only last week did I get them to adjust this. However on sturday morning we got a letter form UDS stating they would take us to court if we did not pay this. after many phone calls I find that that it is now at the correct amount. so here is the rub the letter by UDS is dated 9th Dec 2008 and the letter with correct charges is dated 11th Dec 2008 meaning they sent a disbuted account to a debt agency. so surley this is criminal behavior , I have spoken to enegry watch and they only log the complaint . Is their anyone on this site that know what I can do to punish Eon for this I am not after any money from them just make them put in place a human to look at all this instead of letting a comuter churn out rubbish unchecked
  2. me too was asked if we wanted insurance in case anything went wrong in next 5 years, you can guesse what I told them;)
  3. I also phoned them and asked them if they wanted the old tv back they said I could do what I liked with it
  4. sorry for not posting sooner I had to get them to give me the right to deal with the claim as it was getting too confusing for my mother, after letter to them they phoned me offering £570 I asked them why so low as it was only 1 month after the warenty expires they told me that the fact that the plasmas and lcds have come down in price and we have taken off an amount for fair ussage and they was all they could offer. I told them is that including the cost of egineers report, and they said that i hadn't included a price. just look at the report it has a bill at the end I told him so he said yes they will also pay that told them I will accept if it is cash but all he could do was report in cheque and vouchers for tv so we took that and they arrived today so we bought a new tv for £180 more but she is happy main thing
  5. not on Hp anyway currys head office phoned my mum on sunday( claiming they only just got the letter ?) and made an offer It was either £550 or £650 my mum has problems understanding spoken numbers as she is spanish and some sound too similar for her to tell esspecailly on the phone. she took my advice from the result of shop call and asked them to put it in writing but they thought she ment the acceptance but she said no the offer as i want to see what it is as i cant understand properly ( good for her) so will wait and see the offer and then ask them to raise it to real cost pluss the engineer report will also complain to both head office and trading standard re the shops attitude
  6. I need to wait till next monday to send a letter before action letter, as of yet nothing form head office so its a waiting game . But not much fun for my mum as she is watching a 14'' screen in front room and my computer screen is bigger than that and i sit much closer to it han she does to the tv. It seems that the bigger the company the less they care shame really as it makes you wonder how they ever got so big with such crap customer services, cant all be due to the price as they are and never will be the cheapest
  7. my mother got a phone call from currys shop saying they had the letter and as the 12 month gaurentee was over she has no recorse to a repair or replacement and she should instruct her lawer( as if we need one in this case) to contact head office and deal with them. she told me yesterday , its a shame she didn't ask them to put in writing, maybee i should phone them and ask them to clarify and put it in writing as this will be something to show a judge how they missuse the SoG act to misguide everyone
  8. JAPN The info I have says you should chase the retailer so the shop would be the best one. also have you phoned consumer direct 08454 04 05 06 or your local trading standards they will also give you lots of help and keep tabs on the shop
  9. as which is a subcription service I dont think you can find the link anywhere ( at least if your not a member) I got that info from a page in the guardian money section dated 25.03.06 and it was page 3 . I kept the copy and laminated it as I was sure I would need the info at a later date . you could try giving which a ring and see where they published it, they will give you a 3 months free trial of web site but I think it would take longer than that to find the relevent piece of info for what its worth here is the data I have Washing machine 5-10 years Fridge 7-10 years Tumble Dryer 5-10 years Dishwaser 5-10 years TV 8-10 years VCR 6-9 years that is all that was printed in the paper
  10. you can get the info on how long a TV is supposed to last from the manufactures web site as they should quote panel life in hours. also Which did some reachearch and published it about how long common electrical items should last and a TV should last 8-10 years so 2 years is well below its lifespan. I think your next step would be to wrtie another letter giving them 14 days before you file with court ( as per bank recliam) then file an N1 with the court , that should wake them up
  11. by the way refusing to sign as per recieving the letter is a common ploy , they can honestly say they never saw the letter. so send it recorded as no way they can say they never saw it , as he would have had to have read it in order to decide where to send it. and court will view as having been sent as the same as recieving it , and the recorded recipt proves they recieved it. See the bank side of forum regarding this
  12. Phone trading standards and give them the info ask them about what you can do next and tell them what the manager said. Take carfull notice as they will give you wording you can use in a letter. also send the letter to shop recorded delivery and keep the recipt attached to your copy of letter , you will need this if you want to take them to court also give them 14 days to respond then after 14 days send a another letter giving them another 14 days before you take them to court. also start your own thread so you can get even more help form other posters on this site . I am in the proccess of the above and will let forum know how it goes
  13. thanks Will be sending copy to customer services and shop manager Happy christmas to everyone
  14. would this be ok or is their anything I should leave out or add your help will appreciated esspsially spelling mistakes I didnt pick up Dear Sir, I would like to complain about the treatment of myself by one of your manager, as he tried to deny his responsibility under the supply of goods act, He told us that as the 1 year manufactures warranty had finished that I have no recourse to a repair. This is not the case and he should be trained in the law that all retailers are obliged to uphold. His attitude to the whole incident was very undermining trying to tell me he was trained in the Sales of good act and knows it inside out, if this is the case why did he not oblige and send the TV to be repaired? I was told to go to the manufacture to have the TV repaired when it is the retailer who I have a contact with and his responsibility for the repair, when I asked if he had a telephone number for the manufacture he took the engineers report away and looked it up, He was quite a while and then returned telling me that he had spoken to The TechGuys and that the report indicated that the fault “the Fault is due to a faulty PDP(Screen)” meant that screen.(PDP) is where pixels burn out. Due to imbalance in the electrical supply i.e. Power surge burns out pixels. This is not what the problem was and the report would have picked this up as no mention was made of this on the report, When I asked the company that wrote the report I was told that the guy who said it was power surge fault does not know what he is talking about as there is no way for a surge to ever reach the panel. The TechGuys had not looked at the TV so how could they come up with such? Yours faithfully
  15. the link i got most of if not just under all from is http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/comet/105671-letter-manager-ok.html
  16. here is a copy of the letters I will be sending , I got the gist of them from a post on the comet forum if i find post again I will credit to them Dear Sir, I purchased a Hyundai 42” Plasma television from your store on 28th October 2006 at a cost of £799.00. The Television has now ceased to work. I’ve had an independent TV engineer inspect the TV for the fault and he has traced it down to screen level, requiring replacement of the plasma panel costing in excess of £1000 including VAT and labour. Having owned the TV for only 13 months, I can not say I am impressed. Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) I have a contract with yourselves. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) states in section 14 paragraph 2B: For the purposes of this Act, the quality of goods includes their state and condition and the following (among others) are in appropriate cases aspects of the quality of goods— (a) fitness for all the purposes for which goods of the kind in question are commonly supplied, (b) appearance and finish, © freedom from minor defects, (d) safety, and (e) durability. I am claiming with respect to (e) Durability. The item as sold to me has not proved durable. I have owned other televisions in my house, the last one lasted almost 20 years and one of my sons has used his for over 10 years, I would expect a TV of this value to last at least a similar amount of time. The action I would like you to take is simply to repair the TV to its former working self at no charge to myself. I am quite happy for your engineers to take the TV away to be repaired. In the event that the TV can not be repaired, I would expect a suitable replacement, taking into account the price and features of the TV. I await your reply within the next 14 days. Please find enclosed copies of the engineers report and copies of original receipt yours faithfully
  17. exactly bookworm I will draft extra letter to customer services about the manager tonight and if i can work out cut and paste on this site will put coppies of letter up
  18. also why would the OFT tell me to add a note with my letter to tell them to train thier staff beter if I have got it all wrong?
  19. The Techguys did not look at the TV nor did the manager they only read the report. the manager wrote down what he was told by tech guys and it was complete rubbish as any electrician or tv repair man will tell you
  20. bookworm I did get an indepent report that is what stated it was screen at fault It is an assumtion by the techguys that it was a power surge that caused problem. no item of uk electrical goods should be able to be damaged by power surge as this is so common that it would make everything stop working if no protection was provided,( the instruction manual would tell you to use protection if it provided no protection) I never claimed it was unsutible What I claim is that it is not durable ie it sisnt last a reasonable length if time (22 months is not the time scale as she paid extra and got a different make of TV ) but still 22 months is not a reasonable length of time for a tv to last
  21. I have read the Sog act I am not saying in all instances everything is coverd for six years as an ice cream would only have the life of a few mins so six years is the maximum coverd but not the maximum for all items. a TV should last longer than 13 months and according to which a tv should last 8-10 Years . so durability is the main issue here and for that I am covered for at least 6 years and I am only talking about this case not a kettle or anything else a Plasma Televison . 13 months is ridduclouse and anyone who says that 13 month is an accptable life for one is clearly mad or out to gain something
  22. Forestchav The fault is not the issue it is the durability of the item that I am using in this isntance so be carefull about the six month rule the SoG states quite clearly the following section 14 Paragraph 2B: a) fitness for all purpose for witch the goods of the kind in question are commonly supplied b) apperance and finish c) freedom from minor defects, d) safety e) durability and all thesse are covered for six years with the sales of goods act. so after the six month then you should allways use durability to get the repair/replace or refund any ambiguity with this can be clearified with trading standard of OFT It was the OFT that told me I was right to follow this route and this is also the course suggested in quite a few posts on this web site
  23. My mother purchaced a new tv from currys that went wrong after 9 months that they exchanged for her, which she then added some extra money to get a better spec tv.Now 13 months later this tv has a problem with a garbled picture, so I talk to customer services about this and they tell me to get an independent engineers report ( which concurs with the info i saved from an article in the guardian 25.03.06 that i saved). When i phoned customer services they told me to take report to shop manager and get him to sort it out. Now this is where my problem is The manager said that as i had no extended warenty he would not repair/replace or refund the TV. I told him that under Sog I was covered re his and did not need the extended waranty as Sog covered me. To cut long story short he phoned techGuys and they said that a power surge has destroyed the screen( without even seeing the TV) to which I replied " Very clever excuss" which did not go down very well with him ( I should have said sack the guy who told you that as no way can a surge even reach the screen, and if it could then the instructions would say use surge protection). then I was told to go to the manufactures to get tv fixed He then gave me the telephone number of the sub contractors(Humax) of manufactures for the TV as they have no Uk office, I phoned them and they have never heard of the compnay (Hyundai). Now I am in the procees of dreafting letter to Currys, but I decided to phone Trading standards, They gave me some good advice and said to tell shop to train staff I will let you know how I get on
  24. when i phoned guy on the phone ( in INDIA) told me that it is what they use until the system updates and paid referal gets put in its place. also told me that the first paid referal in a month automatically gets refunded that explains the one on the 3rd of month but only waiting 3 days before charging second one is appaling i remember when it used to be once a month , now seems like they charge as often as possible , was only £6 over limit before they charged , told the guy he was going topay it back , he said no. So I said I will take you to court again and you already paid me back once so dont think the test case will dissaude me one bit. and what he said was when the paid referal go on the screen then phone up between 8 an 8 ans you can speak to one of the department that can pay you back.( I remember whistleblower so I will see)
  25. about time for me to get my own backon them I think will look up ways of getting it back as this is definaltly not covered by the oft test case as this is a different tactic that they hope they can get away with so stay tuned to see what they say
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