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  1. Cheers Karnevil, Some useful information there. Did you get an ok result with yours? Would be very interested to hear about what went well or badly from anyone else who has tried reclaiming bank charges for a limited company.....as well as any further info/tips etc. Many thanks
  2. Hi All, This is my first post, read the FAQ's and quite a few other bits but I can't find much info regarding the differences involved in claiming back bank charges for small businesses as oppose to consumers. I appreciate this is the 'consumer' action group but i'm sure you all appreciate that many of us small businesses are not at all wealthy & are squeezed by the likes of the banks even more so! There was some information in the FAQ's stating that businesses should cite a 1977 'business' act rather than the 1999 'consumer' act and also a template 'letter before action' but not much else. The initial questions that come to my mind are: 1) The 'Letter before action' form in the library writes as 'I would / I am / I calculate etc, shouldn't this be 'we' (as a company) ?? I know its a small point but it seems they'll try to take you apart on any tiny anomalie 2) Other than quoting this 1977 act, is there any other part of the process/wording that should differ from the standard for a limited company?? ANY OTHER USEFUL INFO/TIPS MUCH APPRECIATED !!!!! We had some very difficult times & think we paid around £3000 in extortionate charges. Now times are only 'fairly' difficult but the money would come in so useful. Thanks P.S - MY BANK IS ~~ Lloyds TSB
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