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  1. Hi anyone! Have just drafted a letter to IQOR, not very good at these things though and just wondered if anyone had time to read through it and see what they think or suggest. Thanks:( Further to your Notice of Legal Proceedings I received 26th September. I write to inform you I will not be paying the alleged owed amount before 28th September 2007. Furthermore, you have chosen to ignore my previous letter to you dated 19th September 2007, a copy of which I enclose for your perusal. After seeking advice from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau and Debt Management at DWP, I requested you provide copies of the original documentation relating to the alleged owed amount. To date I have not received this. I also requested you pass my file back to DWP if you were unable to provide this information for them to provide the same, as also advised by CAB and DWP. I would also like to add that the information I was provided by yourselves that DWP do not have the original copies and therefore, I had to “prove I had not had the money” is completely fabricated. I am familiar with the Office of Fair Trading Debt Collection Guidance, which states that it is unfair to mislead debtors as to their rights and obligations, which I feel your company has done. I will be passing copies of all your correspondence, as well as copies of my correspondence with a letter of complaint to DWP, Financial Ombudsmun Service and Office of Fair Trading. I would ask that no further contact be made concerning the above account unless you can provide evidence as to my liability for the debt in question. I believe that my case is now DISPUTED and you are obliged to pass my file back to DWP within the next 7 days, so I am able to take this matter up with them.
  2. Just had a phonecall from IQOR at work!! Dont know how they got my number, are they allowed to do this. By the way the Notice for Legal Proceedings asks me to pay the amount owed by 28th September, as if!!! Still not sure on reply I should send to them guys:confused:
  3. Hi guys - me again! Hoping for some more of the fantastic advice you have given me so far;) Eventually made a call to DWP Debt Management in Manchester, spoke to a very nice, helpful man. He explained that really he shouldnt discuss any cases once they had been passed over to IQOR but after I had told him of my experience with IQOR he seemed more than willing to help out. He informed me that IQOR HAVE GO TO provide copies of original signed paperwork from any loans/overpayments they are claiming I owe. He went on to tell me that if they couldnt, the file should then be passed back to DWP for them to provide the same. If DWP couldnt provide the paperwork either, then I was entitled to write to them and ask them to waive the debt. He advised me to first write to IQOR asking for copies of the paperwork and requesting that if they cant provide that, then to pass my file back to DWP. I did this last week and yesterday received another letter from IQOR (bloody sh**s!) this time a Notice of Intended Legal Proceedings, so it would seem they have completely ignored my request letter!!! What next:???: I am thinking I should write to IQOR with a copy of my last letter, stating that after seeking advice from DWP, as they have failed to provide the paperwork I requested they send my file back to DWP, and send DWP copies of my letters to IQOR. Any suggestions?????
  4. Great, thanks for your advice. I'm going to start by writing to IQOR and asking them for the proof of my overpayment/loan, as I actually havent had any of this in writing, everything has been done over the phone - (by an extremely rude man who constantly spoke over me, refused to put me through to his manager/supervisor, as I didnt like his attitude, and terminated the call, as he felt there was nothing else he could tell me!!) After reading other threads, I have now learnt a valuable lesson in communicating by letter. I might also write to DWP asking for the same. Am I best to include that I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE ANY DEBT TO YOURSELVES and follow the proformas on this site, even though the debt is not statue barred or just simply write asking for the signed agreements/computer print outs etc.
  5. Thanks for your replies. So do I take it that they realised the overpayment/loan was still outstanding was when I received the original request letter back in March, and therefore, the limitation date for taking it to court is nowhere near? Do I now write to DWP or DCA and what exactly am I asking them for?? I'm really sorry but I'm just no good at things like this, I'm actually thinking it might be easier to just arrange to pay it back, as the DCA's last letter mentioned them passing the debt over to solicitors. Thanks again to all your replies.
  6. Thanks for that, I really do need to get some sound advice because I really don't know where to start. I'm not sure where IQOR wrote to and who replied, would I be right in asking them to provide me with copies of correspondence?
  7. I have finally had a letter back from IQOR (the new name for Legal & Trade). Apparently they have written to DWP and have had a reply stating that the amount owing has been revised to £372.94 (Social/crisis loan) from 1997, but they have no proof and it is apparently now down to me to prove I havent had it!! I would be very grateful if you could send me the link you mentioned. I really dont know what to do now, the company have said they will put the account on hold for 2 weeks. Thanks.
  8. Yeah that would be great if you could send me that link. I have to say since I phoned them I have heard nothing since. I am hoping that means they have it sorted and it was a mistake but to be honest, I'm too scared to phone them to find out!!! Although I know I have'nt had this money, I'm not sure where I would start to prove I have'nt from all that time ago:confused:
  9. No, brill its not too late. Was going to post mine out tonight but have added couple of bits in from the letter you recommended. Thanks once again.
  10. Im' not entirely sure 'darn3' and 'oneofakind' have advised me along the way but maybe you should be doing the requests by letter, especially if they now come back to you and decline to refund you anymore. Although, of course, I will keep my fingers crossed that they come back and agree to pay you the £600 backxx
  11. Great I will make the changes and get it out today. Thanks again;)
  12. Hi, right have done my letter to request my account fees back from 2003. Just wondered if anyone had time to read through it and suggest whether there is anything I should add in or take out!! Thanks. Thank you for your letter dated 18th April 2007. My request I am writing to ask you to refund to me the account fee charges, which you have levied from my account since May 2003. When my account was upgraded to the Additions Account, I was certainly not aware of it, did not agree to it and have never signed into any contract to request this type of account. I have never received the “Additions Welcome Pack”, or the various letters you claim have been sent to me, informing me of the charges to the Additions Account. You are right in that my statements did state the fee had been deducted from my account but at no time was I aware that it was for holding an Additions Account and simply thought they were another type of charge deducted from my account. I am aware that I have benefited from the reduced overdraft interest rate, but have never used any other benefit from the Additions Account, simply because I was not aware I held one of these accounts. Thank you for refunding my account with £69.00 for the account fees charged for the past 6 months. However, I accept this only as part payment and ask you to refund me the account fees from May 2003; a total of £433.50. I enclose a schedule of those charges, which I am claiming with this letter. My targets to resolve this matter I hope that you will enter into a sincere dialogue with me about this matter and I am writing this letter to you on the assumption that you will prefer to do this than merely respond with standard letters and leaflets. I will give you 14 days to reply to me accepting, unconditionally, my request in principle and letting me know a date by which I will receive payment. If you do not respond, or you do not respond positively, within this time period, I shall send you a letter before action giving you a further 14 days in which to reflect. I believe that these targets are more than sufficient for a large company such as yours with dedicated staff and departments. After that, there will be no further communication from me and I shall issue a claim at the expiry of the second deadline. Yours sincerely
  13. Woodentop let me know how you get on, good luck!!
  14. Just as I thought, although I was getting a bit worried. Thanks again:p
  15. Received a letter from them this weekend, usual "sorry you felt the need to complain blah blah blah". They have stated that this account would have been discussed with me and an information pack sent out - absolutely not! Also that they were aware I'd had the account for much longer than that but were only refunding 6 months as it was very clear on my statements that there was an "Account Fee" deducted every month. Are they right about to do this and is it still worth pursuing my claim for the account fee:confused:
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