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  1. Sorry - don't know the answer, just wanted to wish you luck!
  2. I sent a £10 postal order crossed to Natwest - but they still took an additional £5 from my account. I assume they therefore did not cash the order - so watch this space...
  3. Anybody??? Just need some reassurance before it goes in the post?????
  4. Hi there... Sent my SAR to - Alex Lyons Data Protections Manager Retail Regulatory Risk 2nd Floor Business house B Gogarburen PO Box 1000 Edinburgh EH12 1HQ Got statements in just over three weeks. Royal mail have recently changed their pricing system - an A4 envelope now costs more than reg mail..... What envelope did you send it in?
  5. I know the feeling! Ok here goes..... here is my prelim draught letter to go with list of charges etc. Will be sending. Not sure whether so send it to my branch or the edinburgh address though - any advise well received..... [deleted] Any comments appreciated - it's basically the template with a for grammatical changes, and one little addition.... I feel so organised! ---------------- Letter templates are available in the templates library for registered users only - please do not post them here.
  6. Just calculated the total charges I will be recaliming from Natwest, using MINDZAI's wonderful spreadsheet (thanks!) Total charges - £1267.00!!!!!! (first charge date 09/01/02) I will also be claiming compound interest (from PRELIM stage) on these charges @ 18.86% - Natwest's own typical EAR. I know this is above the official 8% s.69 (?) county court figure, but if you don't ask, you don't get, and why shouldn't Natwest pay their own interest rates on Money they have borrowed from me? I have searched the site, and I see that some people are doing this (some implying the unauthorised borrowing rate of 29.9%) - others not? Any comments appreciated. Total compound interest - £199.57, bringing total claimed to £1466.67. I will not however be claiming the interest Natwest implied on the charges. The simple reason is because my overdraught facility has changed that many times, as has the rate, as has the account type. Lazy as it is, it will be far too complex and time consuming for the sake of probably no more than £20. It will probably cost me more than that in phonecalls. So. Preparing my prelim now -to be sent this PM - and the ball starts rolling faster! xxx
  7. YAY! May do.... I sleep on it - though prelim letter will go out tomorrow... x
  8. That is the exact sentance I have been looking for Many thanks What I understand from your statement is that we can charge the banks interest (as well as re-claiming interest they have charged us). As long as we are ok to do this at the prelim letter stage - that is cool. Natwest's rate is currently something like 17.4%, at the start date of my claim (07/00) it was £14.99% - so I was going to calculate the interest I am charging on unlawful charges incurred at 16% on a monthly basis using a compound calculator. this all seem Ok??? I'd just feel better if I had another opinion from my own. love this site. love you all. will show my appreciation financially when i get me big fat cheque!
  9. Hi all.... Sorry to slightly highjack this post - but it's all relevant. I get the maths behind compound interest et al, but can we charge the banks compound interest at an equivelant rate to their own, on the charges they inflicted at the prelim stage? I've been scouring the forum for the past hour and a half, and have only come up with conflicting answers.... Help appreciated! xxxxx Oh - and just a funny note.... I sent a postal order with my S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) request - and the bank has just charged me an additional £5 for the statements. Total £15 - a river above the max. how rude.
  10. I'd be interested in any responses to this - as the exact same thing is happening to me with Natwest banging £800 quid of charges on within just 2 months! Can we hold the banks fully or wholly responsible for such defaults?
  11. Just a note for any students.... The £35 charge levied for 'card misuse' is not in the Ts & Cs for Natwest Student accounts. Basically, I've had lots of charges, but strangely enough, the Card Misuse ones got refunded. I thought this was a gesture of goodwill - but when I checked the original agreement, it seems that Card Misuse charges do not apply to Student accounts. Just a bit of info in case there are any students out there who have had this charge on their statement, and it has not been refunded, check it out, as you should hopefully be able to resolve it in a phonecall?!?!
  12. Oh and yes... I will certainly back it up in writing. I'm just going to approach them Monday for time reasons, unless I can find another 'official' way round it before then.
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