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Everything posted by mollyhannah

  1. ok thank you for your help mr shed i will look into that
  2. Before everyone tells me i know i have been really stupid. My husband loves abercrombie and fitch clothes but when you order them from the website they do not convert the currencies. I ordered a coat which was $400.00 i spoke to an adviser who said it was $400.00 so i paid for it using my card, i was charged 400.00 GBP surely this cant be right. In england we pay double what they pay in america. Anyway a freind told me about cheapabercrombie.com and the fact that they do change the currencies. I bought 3 items and it stated that it was £137.26, it then came back up in dollars and i aurthorised i authorised this payment. I then got an email stating that i had paid £137.26. I have since found out that everything they sell is fake so i tried to stop the payment with my bank who informed me that they have taken £157.26 this is £20.00 more than they stated. Is there anything i can do about this? Also how can the real abercrombie and fitch get away with charging us the same in pounds as they do in dollars without converting the currencies? Karen
  3. Hi Micky the hippo, no i didnt have any statements and at first was told they could not locate any information relating to my account. I fell lucky really as when i phoned up to speak to someone i go a lady that was a bit of a jobsworth and was happy to tell me that she could locate accounts no matter how old they were and whether they had been microfinched or not. Once she had located them she sent me everything. They paid up about 2 weeks before court. Good luck with yours.
  4. I had an account with Barclays which i closed 10 year ago, it had run for a number of years before this. Although they dragged their heals, which is usual for Barclays, they paid back every penny plus interest.
  5. I got mine back last September but they didn't pay out until the court stage.
  6. My court bundle incuded: All correspondence between myself and the bank latest schedule of charges statements UTCCR 1999 UCTA 1977 SOGA 1982 OFT statement Early day motion from the house of parliment House of commons select committee on treasury second report 'transparency in charging' Report by Kendal Freeman on liquidated damages 2005 Dunlop v New garage Relevant case law summary Hope this helps
  7. Hi have you already got a court date, if so it will be your court bundle you have to send in. Remember to make three copies of this, send one to the bank , one to the court and keep the original for yourself.
  8. its all in the paticulars of claim. what exactly did you put in there
  9. If you are exempt from fees, fill it in and take it with you when you file your claim, that is what i had to do. Just check you are exempt as i was claiming working tax credit and child tax credit but was above the thresh hold for court fees and had to pay anyway. Your annual income has to below £15460 if it is above this you may be eligable for remission. Best of luck Karen
  10. Don't start another claim for additional charges, i'm not sure where your at, if you have sent your LBA or not. If you still have to send your LBA just ammend your schedule of charges. Put in your LBA that you are sending an ammended schedule of charges to include the recent ones. If you have already sent your LBA is dosent matter you can still add newley aquired charges right up to filing in court, just send the bank and court an up to date schedule. Hope this helps Karen
  11. Hi Paddysreturn i have had a couple of claims in over 6 years. The Halifax i did in two stages, i claimed everything within 6 years first and then went back for the charges over 6 years. They assured me there was no way i could win this one and they would fight it right to the courts. They paid out just before christmas (before court). The Yorkshire i did in one and won that also. I have one in at the moment with Barclays for an account that was closed 7 years ago i have just recieved their defence which seems pretty weak, i'll let you know how it goes. Good luck Karen I added this to my particulars of claim: The defendant has concealed and continues to conceal that the charges debited are unlawful and has declined justification of charges despite requests. If the defendant truly believes that these charges are lawful, then the claimant contends that the defendant is mistaken and i the claimant paid these believing them to to be lawful. As the claimant only became aware in April 2006 that the charges debited were unlawful, then section 32(1)(b), or section 32(1)©, of the limitation act 1980 should apply, and the charges are therefore within the primary limitation period. Hope this helps
  12. They said that we had to sign the discontinuation form before they could release the cheque, we told them no chance and we would not do so until the money was cleared in our account. We got the cheque this morning. Good luck to every one else Have a good christmas Karen
  13. Hi i started a claim with Halifax for charges which were all inccured prior to 2000. I filed in court 2 weeks ago and put s32 of the Limitation Act in my POC. They paid in full including interest this morning. Anyone worried about going over 6 years, don't, just go for it. Yorkshire bank have also paid me over 6 years and i am just waiting to see what Barclays have to say about charges going back 10 years. Good luck everyone Karen
  14. Hi janzer Have they actually stoped the court procedings with the form you signed or are they still ongoing
  15. There is definatly some in there what dont have their money. You advised one of them today to ring up and remind them that the court case is still ongoing, i think it was rascal 3103. Peterbard still did not have his cheque yesterday. These people all settled ages ago, how can they do this, why dont the courts just make them pay and get it over with. I said i would settle for the amount without interest as i thought it was fair but whats fair about the yorkshire bank. We have accepted the settlement so why not pay us. I dont care if it is before christmas really but we have given them the chance to settle if they dont do it very soon why should we accept their offer, we are entitled to the 8% after all. There rant over i feel pounds better
  16. Hi, i was made an offer by Yorkshire Bank for everything except interest which i accepted. Seems this is not the end of it, actually getting hold of the cheque is imposible. I did not sign the discontinuation of court proceedings form and have no intention of doing so until the cash is in my account. I have just been reading the settled section and it seems once people have recieved their offers (and accepted) the thread has gone into the settled part, but then the cheque never comes. Has anybody actually had any hard cash ? And i thought Barclays were bad, Yorkshire really are the worst.
  17. has any of you actually signed the discontinuance (of court procedings) form
  18. hi, i have just filed in court for a second time with halifax. this time it is for charges that are before the 6 year period, they have not mentioned closing my account yet, i will let you know if they do
  19. Hi Some people say to send a schedule of charges to the northhampton court. When i asked about this at the northampton court they told me under no circumstance should i send them anything they are just a bulk handling centre. They said once the bank submits a defence it can go no further on line and will be passed to my local court, if i wanted to send anything then i could (to my local court). I didnt send anything, they put in their defence but there was no time to transfere it to my local court as they paid out as soon as they had submited their defence. If i was you i would just wait. Hope this helps
  20. There is a letter in the library for just that 'rejection of settlement offer' jonni2bad put it in hope this helps
  21. Could be settlement if they are sending it to you. I have recieved 3 defences and they have all come to me via the court not the bank so fingers crossed. The Halifax, in my case did say they were going to defend but paid up before having to. Good luck Gary, let us know how you get on. Karen
  22. They havent included interest, but at the end of the day all we were asking was for our bank charges back, including the charges over 6 years. We are happy as we have now got every penny back that we ever gave them, they never charged us any interest. So we are happy to forget the 8% as long as we get our money back. Also not sure how it would have gone in court when we were going soley because of the 8% as they would obviously show the letter which offered all our money back. Maybe this was the wrong thing to do, what would you have done? Karen
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