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Everything posted by wasowski

  1. Already had the PPI back with the refund from Welcome to honour our original agreement, it put us back to the position as if we were never sold the PPI. Not surprising really, don't think they would want to bring up the fake signatures in the court, might expose them a bit too much!
  2. OK, it's FINISHED!! Husband called IND and asked if they were still going to pursue this in court, IND very snottily stated that they would need proof of the letter we received from Welcome. .off I sent it, no reply for a good month and then ta daaaaa! from IND yesterday saying that they are dis-continuing and have informed the court accordingly. STUFF WELCOME, STUFF IND! We WIN, ha! :)
  3. Harveys are AWFUL, never again. Same problem, bought a sofa which said it was foam and fibre filled, took MONTHS to be delivered and aftera week it looked like it was ancient. Took nearly a year of complaining to get a replacement (they denied it should have had foam, photos of display model with the label on it proved them wrong) eventually recieved a new one with foam, but only in the seat cusions, the back cusions look awful after only a few months..have given up complaining as they are useless, chalked it up to experience and now take every opportunity to tell everybody how terrible they are!
  4. LOL, the thing is, we still have a court date for this year, yes they are still taking us to court lol!
  5. BAAAAAHHHHHaaaahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just had a letter from Welcome with a cheque for over £600 enclosed, no idea what for, rang them...apparently there was a letter sent saying that we have overpaid our loan with them and this is the amount THEY owe US! Needless to say, we have requested a new copy of the letter...thankyou very much! :)
  6. They really are taking the mik, husband said thatb he could hear all the other Welcome cases going on around him, there were LOADS! He even heard another person who's docs had been lost in the post like ours were so its obviously something that happens a lot.
  7. Im so angry that the judge allowed it, he even pointed out that he got his copy of the docs in plenty of time! They didnt post their docs to us until a week after the deadline!
  8. So, now we have to provide IND with a copy of our paperwork (again) because they claim that it has got lost in their internal mail. When Welcomes representative looked at our paperwork she even said there wasnt really much argument against it so why bother asking for an adjournment? SO peeved right now, I was hoping this would be over by now.
  9. Right, Paul is in court NOW with these effers, they are claiming they didnt get our docs which is cr*p as they were sent recorded delivery and signed for, they even sent back a letter saying tjanks for the compalint!! now their rep is saying she will get it struck out because Paul wont let her keep his docs!
  10. ok, well its not headed as anything in particular, just really a written account of whats happened and pointing out the flaws in their paperwork with copies of all the things mentioned. Hope they accept it!
  11. the last defence was based on the fact that Welcome had not provided any documents, they eventually did so we have put in a new defence. Didnt really know what else to do
  12. Quick bit of help needed! I am about to send everything to Welcome and the court, all the documents we intend to rely on and the defence, do I send a SIGNED copy of the defence to Welcome? I ask because I have included copies of husbands signature (official documents he has signed over the years including a tenancy agreement signed 2 months before the finance agreement was made) to show the difference between it and the signature on their agreement, so it would be very hard for them to 'lift' any signatures now seeing as the exact same copy is going to the court, he has already signed it but I can quickly print out another copy if anybody thinks it shouldnt be signed. Thanks!
  13. I have just had the same thing yesterday, spent ages writing a defence (they want to take husband to court for a HP loan from 2006) including screenshots of how they have reported on his credit file for years that he is 6 payments missed instead of default, the day after I took the screenshots it all dissapeared off the credit file! Wondered if it was just his file because they knew we might bring it up in court but it would seem that lots of people are having the same thing happen..interesting!
  14. Update: I just spent ages writing out all the who what and where for court and printing three copies of each document so I can send 1 to the courts and 1 to welcome, took me hours! Anyway.. as part of the documents I included a screenshot which I took last night of the Experian credit report showing the history of '6' markers instead of a default, out of pure interest I went back to Experian today and ALL of the Welcome credit reporting has been removed and the credit rating has gone up significantly!! I wonder if they were trying to remove the evidence before the court date? Too late for them if they are cos I already got the evidence lolololol!!!
  15. Hello! Am wondering how to construct a defence for the court date in November, It would have to be a pretty simple affair as my husband will be attending alone and is not as 'up to speed' as I would like. Do we concentrate on the dodgy signature or do we go for the mis-sold ppi?...or both? I can look back at old documents to provide proof that my husbands signature has never changed and does not look anything like whats on the agreement, I can also go back through bank statements to show that he was working away on the date it was 'signed' but im not 100% sure if I can get a transaction for that date that shows where he was. The agreement was made over the phone, which is when they put (forced) the ppi on. Husband cant remember what the name of the person he spoke to was. We chose the car on a Sunday and provided all the wageslips etc then but nothing was signed. Still a bit lost as to where we go from here, any help is greatly appreciated!
  16. So am I to assume that we have more of a shot of screwwwing them to the walls? lol! Hopefully Welcome will send some clueless plank!
  17. Ok, today a letter came from Welcome stating that Hegarty was no longer their solicitor and they will be representing themselves. Anyone got any clues as to what this means for us? Is it worth looking to pay a solicitor to help us?
  18. I thought they were quite presumptuous to add that too, surely that shouldn't be on there yet?!
  19. interesting. I told you I tempted fate yesterday by updating this to say we haven't heard from them, BOOM, today a court letter has arrived with a court date of Nov 20th! Can anyone advise of what we do now, there is very little information on the letter other than the date, time, the fee for Welcome to pay and that its been allocated to the small claims track.
  20. ok, so in theory then If there is no default does that mean they can't ask the courts for a CCJ until the account has been defaulted? Looking at the ICO guidelines it would appear (to me anyway) that Welcome are intentionally providing inaccurate information on the credit file continuously as “the lender in a standard business relationship with the individual decides the relationship has broken down” - which it clearly has since they have decided to send to collection agencies and take court action. I say intentionally because the amount owed has recently jumped up by £1000 since the Solicitors fees were added 4 months ago after the amount having been the same for years - and still no default has been recorded, so they have obviously updated this themselves and its not some sort of repeat operation provided by a computer somewhere every month. Does this then mean that if we can complain to the ICO about them? and is it worth doing, will it help at all?
  21. Hi, just checking in to tempt fate and say that we have had nothing from anyone since I sent all that back, and also a question... On checking the credit files we have realised that Welcome have been marking the file as 6 payments late, for YEARS, no default. The amount has jumped up on the file since all this court paperwork started to turn up but still as 6 payments late. Surely they cant keep doing this forever? It seems that they are intentionally trying to keep their account on the file rather than default. This also must mean that the account is still active and the agreement has not ended. Does anyone know what this all means? Is this bad? Obviously its bad in respect to it will never ever 'drop off' the file at this rate, but is it relevant in any way? Are they obligated to default after a certain period? Sorry if that sounded confused.. .but I am!
  22. Im about to go and post this now, I just wanted to check if anyone was about? I have ticked the 'no' box for mediation as I don't think it will be any good is this ok?
  23. Ok, so question A1 is regarding the mediation service, but we don't want that do we? There is no way that we can settle this out of court without Welcome wanting more money from us and we are not willing to give them any more especially as the agreement they sent us is so dodgy!
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