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Everything posted by peter534

  1. Hello, I have dealt with Falcon & Pointer and found them most helpfull. Managed to claim back PPI for both me and my girlfriend - Almost £5000 between us Just go on their website www.falconandpointer.com and their contact details are displayed. Their telephone Number is 01695 30 20 20. I cant understand what the problem would have been as I found their customer service second to none, infact I have recommended them to a few friends and family and they all say that they are fantastic. Im sure if you call them they will resolve your problem. Hope this helps.
  2. If I win the lottery tonight I might give him a call. Just invade I don't does anyone else have any ideas or info?
  3. Do people win? From what I have heard, anyone who challanges, ends up losing anyway and gets an even heavier penalty. I have so many questions, and not sure if i can afford a solicitor - how much do they cost? Is it worth arguing Will i be banned? Im very scared that i might be banned and lose my job
  4. I have spoken with the lease company today, and they said that they are the registered keeper of the vehicle and have confirmed that they recieved a NIP on 21st January (10 DAYS AFTER THE EVENT) So im screwed. I am however positive that the reading of the speed gun is way off, due to my normal driving habits, there is no way I would have been going that fast. The NIP SAYS I WAS GOING 79 IN A 50 ZONE. I remember seeing the van on the day in question and checking my speed, it was about 55 admitidly but i had a bad feeling that the limit had changed to 40 (thats why i remember it so clearly). What would any of you suggest i do, i already have 6 points on my lisence and another 6 would mean a ban i think, seems unfair if i wasnt even going that fast.
  5. No, it was the date of the NIP Itself, There was also a rubber stamp with a signature on the NIP stating: I HEREBY CONFIRM THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN SENT BY 1ST CLASS POST ON 26TH JAN 2011 (CENTRAL PROCESS OFFICE) My main concern is could they have sent an earlier NIP to the LEASE company to get my details (i dont think they have, but how would i know) Thanks
  6. Hello to you all. I recieved a NIP in the post this weekend that was Rubber Stamped saying that it was sent by 1st class post on 26th January 2011. The NIP was for a speeding offence, I was caught by a mobile camera on 11th January 2011. It seems to me that they have not issued the Nip within 14 days which i believe they are supposed to do. I do have a lease car, but have had it for 2 years since new, and I am the registered keeper. What should I do. Please help.
  7. I recieved a letter a few weeks ago informing me that my car was recorded doing 63 in a 50 zone. I never replied to this letter. Now i have NIP that has beeen sent giving me seven days in which to provide the details of the driver under section 172 of the Road Traffic Act 1988. Non of these letters have been recorded delivery. Could i say that i have never recieved them and expect the court to believe me. They don't have any evidence to say that i have recieved them! When all said and done i dont speed anyway and dont believe that i was speeding on the day in question. The speed camera was not a permenant one. Any advice is appreciated.
  8. Thank You for the prompt reply but my question remains - Why do other banks give notice, yet natwest dont?
  9. I have just had a charge for £38 added to my account for non-payment of direct debit. I am now overdrawn and they will probably charge me another £38 at the end of the month because of this. Whilst i am happy with how i can attempt recovery of these charges, i was wondering why NatWest can charge on the same day as the incident (or think they can)? Other banks write to you and explain that you have defaulted and that they are about to charge you, and usually give you some indication as to when the money will come out of your account. But NatWest just took it out on the same day wit no notice to me. Surely they are obliged to give you at least 7 days notice. Any help will be much apreciated as i have an appointment with my bank manager and would love to be able to quote something that he can't dance around. I have already had 2 charges quashed recently so i doubt that a phone call would work. Anyone????
  10. Quote of the morning: Rabinowitz: "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck" Clarke: " Ahhh but is it a relevant duck?!" Peter534: "Or is it a steering wheel?!:D"
  11. Sorry Photoman, I didn't word my question correctly. What i meant to ask was is there a web site that is giving a blow by blow account of the activities happening in the appeal over the next six days? Some people seem to be able to quote what is being said, so i wondered wehere they are getting their information from.
  12. How do you know whats being said in the case. Is there somewher i can go to get updated on the proceedings?
  13. Well bully for you mate. Try and put yourself in the position of a single parent on benefits who for one reason or another goes 3 pence overdrawn, lets say for a hike in a particular direct debit. They are then charged £30 because the bank paid a direct debit when there was not enough funds, and also charged them a further £30 for being that 3 p overdrawn. This all comes out the following month from their already tight budget, the bank will not listen to reason and they just keep on getting charged because of bounced direct debits and the like. This can quickly add up to hundreds of pounds. All for 3p. Take your head out of your bottom. How ignorant are you!
  14. Yes it does thanks. Out of interest, where do you get this information from?
  15. Thankyou:) Do you have any idea when the appeal is likely to be heard, or how can i watch out for any developments?
  16. When you say main site - what do you mean? Also, what is happening later in the month? Or do you mean that it will take that long to collate the information. Please don't take this post the wrong way, it doesn't sound as curt when spoken.
  17. Thanks for that, i will get her to call them first thing and make sure that the fact that she cancelled is on record. I am not happy about having to foot the bill for special delivery back to them though.
  18. My girlfriend was coldcalled by Phones 4 u and to cut a long story short was persuaded to take out a new contract with Vodaphone. When i came home about 30 minutes later i highlighted all the things to her that the salesperson didn't. She wasnt told that it was her responsibility to cancel her existing contract with orange (which still has 12 months to run) and that it would cost her approximately £400 to do so. There were some other issues that had not been discussed too. She immediately called phones 4 u back to cancel the order - after about half an hour of them trying to convince her otherwise, they finally gave up and said that it had been cancelled and that it would take a day or so to update on their system. Why? 2 days later she signed for a parcell off Royal mail and low and behold, it was a shiney new phone. She rang vodafone and phones 4 u and explained what had happened, and was told that a returns bag would arrive in the next couple of days and she could send the phone back. That was supposed to be the end of it. No bag arrived, and when she was on internet banking she noticed that vodafone had set up a direct debit and also phones 4 u had set up a direct debit for insurance. THE NERVE! She cancelled both direct debits straight away and checks every day to see if they have tried to set them up again. She has received a letter from phones 4 u direct today thanking her for purchasing a new phone, and saying that now that she has connected to her new service she may wish to cancel any existing agreements. ***kers! It has been over 2 weeks since she rang them after half an hour of accepting the contract to cancell it. No bag has arriver yet to return the phone. She hasn't even opened the box that the new phone came in. Can anyone give us a clue what to do?
  19. Thanks very much for that, I am still, however, confused. I thought that the six year rule related to how long they have to provide you with information for. I am of the opinion that you can claim back for longer as long as you have the documentation to back up you claim. Am i completeley wrong on this?
  20. Hi to all, I have a couple of burning questions about claiming back PPI. 1: Exactly how far can we go back, for example, my mother took out a mortgage in 1992 whitch has ppi on it along with various other things. She then re-mortgaged in 98 and still had it on. She then stopped paying for it in 2003 to save money. If she had known in 1992 that she didn't have to have it she wouldn't have bothered. Can we go back that far? 2: If a ppi policy ends before the loan payments and this was not explained to you, was it mis-sold? Any help from a knowledgeable helper would be very much appreciated!
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