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  1. Hi I normally post on the RBS forum, but I have had a problem with MBNA and wonder if anyone can advise - I am afraid that it doesnt really have to do with charges per se. A few months ago I settled all 7 of my credit card accounts and closed them. The only ones that have continued to send statements and have managed to create activity on my account since settlement are MBNA. Despite a number of phone conversations over a two week period where I asked how much I needed to pay to settle the account including outstanding payments and interest and checking to see if my payment had been reiceived and that my account was settled, they still tried to take a pyment form my bank account. They now instst that I owe them money and that they will continue to charge me if I do not pay. After a heated telephone conversation yesterday with a 'customer assistance' operative I was informed that any figure they gave me to settle the account would always be incorrect and wouldnt take into account 'residual interest'. He also inststed that the figure on my monthly statement wasnt an accurate recoed of my account. Towards the end of teh conversation he offered to take off £24 applied in charges if I made the payment - I refused on the basis that he hadnt explained how I had accrued debt in the card after I had cleared the balance. MBNA seems to be the only company the operates on this basis. Can anyone offer any insight?? Thanks Bigdaddy:confused:
  2. I also forgot to mention that when I sent my Prelim letter to Mr McLean, I sent a courtesy copy (with a covering letter) to my branch to keep them informed. I recieved a reply from RBoS Manchester Customer Relations about 3 weeks to say that they were looking into the charges and that they had ordered some duplicate statements for their own benefit - which they charged ME £5 for. Think this is case of left not knowing what right is doing:rolleyes: .
  3. Kidson I think you will find it in the top RBoS Contacts thread.
  4. Cheers for that Dave - Will do. I must say I am feeling most optomistic today, perhaps it was Northern Irelands amazing victory over Spain last night:shock: that makes me feel euphoric at the thought of taking on the 'big boys'
  5. My LBA deadline passed (I have delayed going to court as I have been busy with a new addition to our household), but I received a letter form Mr McLean this morning offering me £1300 in settlement of a claim of nearly £2300. Needless to say I will be sending him a courteous thanks but no thanks letter. I am thinking of proceeding with my claim through County Court using the N1 rather than using Moneyclaim online. I would like to ask though, as I live in England can I serve on a Scottish address - Mr McLean advised that I serve proceedings on the Edinburgh address. Other people have said that Moneyclaim does not allow this. I am sorry if I have asked a question that has already been answered on here, but I have tried to search the forum and am getting search fatigue. Thanks and good luck to all
  6. Sent prelim for £2200 on 31st July. Overlooked date - but recieved a standard bog off letter from Tommy McLean this mroning (1st Class!!), in which he states that RBS have responded to the OFT blah blah blah. His last statement syas that if I choose to proceed with legal action then I need to ensure that proceddings are served on their Registered Office address - ie.e Edinbrugh. Is he trying it on?? Having read other threads and info I am aware that (living in England) putting in a claim on Moneyclaim will not allow you to serve on a Scottish address. Can anyone advise if I still need to send an LBA? - as his letter seems to state clearly that RBoS are not interested in settling. Which address should I serve on? Thanks to all.
  7. Just worked total charges applied to my account over the last three years = £2200+. I am about to start composing my letter being realistic that this is likely to take 3-4 months to get going.
  8. As said in previous email - your girlffreind is being charged a monthly fee, which is standrd minimum amount for the maintenance of the type of account she has. However, this fee goes up when the bank adds 'maintenance charges' for going over her agreed overdraft limit. Apparently, looking at info on this forum, she can claim for the maintenance charge they apply but not the fee agreed to when she opened/upgraded her account. By way of example: I have a Royalites Gold Account - I pay £12 pm in fees to have that type of account (feel like a muppet, what a waste of money), but if I go over my od limit they apply an extra £28 charge. When they send the monthly statement a seperate sheet is enclosed that notifies me what my charges are comprised off, but on my statement if appear as a charge of £40. For more info on RBS charges see goodsamaritan's threads - exteremely useful info. Good luck - I am about to start my war of attrition with RBS as well. BigDaddy
  9. Hi Just about to take on RBS for bank charges applied to my account over the past three years. Up until this point I have been a satisfied customer (since 1988) and have recommended RBS to anyone that asked my advice. I understand that in most cases where people get into difficult positions all banks act in the same/similar manner - as this is how they make most of their money, off the people who are financially destitute or struggling. I have been going through a difficult time and have a number of credit cards that are maxed out - in communicatig with all of my creditors I have found most of them to be more responsive and eager to reach a resolution. The bank that I have had the longest relationship stopped being 'helpful' when I refused their offers of loans - indeed they became very aggressive in the manner that they handled my current account. I have more or less cut off my financial relationship with them, but (possibly out of spite and vindictiveness) am extremely motivated to ensure that I get back money that have unfairly charged to my account. The unpaid DD charges only started last month and all future DD's have been cancelled. However I have been regularly charged a £28 monthly maintenance charge for going over my OD limit (this is on top of the service charge which I pay to have a Royalties account) and have a number (approx 20-25, still collating) of instances where they have charged me for 'referral fees'. Once my intial letter is prepared I will let you know how I get on. BigDaddy DONT GET MAD, GET EVEN
  10. Hi Just joined the forum and about to take on RBS for charges applied to my account over the past three years. Finding the info and peoples comments and support for each other very heartening. BigDaddy
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