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Everything posted by ADDABET

  1. Well after a minor panic and thinking that theres no way Barclaycard would settle a estimated claim..............................they did !!! Settled in full today and credited to my personal account................. Its been a long journey of nearly a year i think but as said before never lose site of the objective and in time it will prevail.............;-)
  2. ALDERSHOT & FARNHAM COUNTY COURT Just phoned them with regard to my Barclaycard Credit Card Charges claim and was told its business as usual...............
  3. Right on the 7th of August 2007 i re CCA'd them along with a full S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) and harrassment letter, im hoping they'll divulge all the data they have on me but guess i'll get back exactly what iv'e already received..........
  4. Thanks Noomill060.............. Any mods agree or disagree ???
  5. So do i send template 2 in the Data Protection Act-non-compliance-template letters ??? Wot happens about my existing court date ???
  6. So firstly who can merge my threads ??? Secondly do i send template 2 in the Data Protection Act-non-compliance-template letters ??? Wot happens about my existing court date ??? A slightly confused Addabet.........
  7. Moneyhelp, My original thread started back in Sept 06................. Wot charges to claim ??? (1 2) I guess i should of taken them to court earlier for non-compliance rather than get to stage i'm at now ???
  8. So with my court date in September looming i guess i have to re SAR them again ??? And what happens now regarding my pending court date ???
  9. But i did chase up my statements by way of a S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) back in Sept 2006 and told them that as they could only supply me with 2 years of statements i was forced to estimate the rest...................is it not there fault ???
  10. After posting this thread i did a search on 'estimated charges' and it seems there have been a few success's..............................i guess they had there chance back in september 2006 when the fed me the 'microfiche bull' story whilst i was (and still am) doing things by the book and as recommended by this site by way of estimating my charges ,so i'll carry on as is for now thanks Moneyhelp.............
  11. Has anyone won a claim on estimated bank charges ??? The reason i ask is that back in sept 2006 when i did my original S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) i only got 2 years worth of statements................so i multiplied the two years total by three to give a estimate for 6 years bank charges...............
  12. Apart from the ususal harrassing calls for payment...............nothing new to report............. Im fed up with explaining the whole saga each time to someone different when they call so for the last few weeks haven't answered there call or explained that any correspondence needs to be done in writing....................but they don't seem to get the message............. Was hoping to here from Zubo as to the relevant authorities i should report the to as there threatening me with a default and trying to pass my debt to DCA............
  13. Goldfish = A waste of good oxygen.........................
  14. Try ringing this number : Lindsay Hilton 01604 254518 I have a court date so rang them and left a message to see if they'd like to take the oppourtunity to settle out of court.............. I don't have a email address but if you get one be sure to let us know........
  15. Has anyone approached Barclaycard prior to there court date for a settlement ??? I did with Barclays two weeks before as said i was just about to submit my court bundle and they paid me in full the same day...........
  16. Finally got a court date of 18th September 2008.................
  17. Another letter of threat of termination of account,demand for full balance and transfer of account to a DCA and legal action...................... As the law says whilst there in default (though thay won't admit it !!!) they can't issue me with a default and as the account was originally in dispute they can't add charges & interest & demand payment ( but they have !!!) i'll be carrying on with my course of action..........:grin: Zubo should i send another letter as post 110 again ???
  18. BirchaveO, I started on Goldfish in October 2006 and believe me mate i have felt like giving up but have to say this forum has kept me going.................... Now iv'e learnt that these companies are a shambles and don't know there arse from there elbows especially when it comes to CCA requests............... They will initially keep harassing you for payment and will try and ignore your correspondences, but stick to your guns and don't let them wear you done............ I'd send another CCA request to Goldfish and add they can't pass your account to a DCA as there in default for not fulfilling your original CCA request and copy it to the DCA aswell............... Perhaps Zubo will be along to offer some better advice soon................ as he has done to me in the past. Keep me posted..........
  19. Another letter with a Default Notice so i'll send the same letter again as above post 110..............................it gets tiresome
  20. More calls/harrassement from these parasites ..............think i'll fire off a harasement letter........can anyone one recommend one:idea:
  21. Im back !!! Other than numerous calls from Goldfish whilst on holiday and a call today that i didn't answer either i have no news, will need to check my post over the weekend then will report back as soon as poss................ My gutt feeling is that as usual in there eyes they think they have fullfilled my request and what they have supplied me is correct................ There o so wrong...........;-)
  22. Zubo strikes again.................. Letter sent today............. Off on hols for two weeks tomorrow, will try and pop in keep updated.........
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