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Everything posted by terrymac

  1. Good for you, i had a similar experience they wrote to my standard letter wife saying it would take 4 weeks despite it being a joint account, so i thought sod it and went straight to the court and handed in the papers paid the £250 for the privilage but felt really good walking out knowing they will get egg on their face. Terrymac
  2. No reply from Halifax other than the usual letter arriving on the 14th day addressed to my wife saying they will look into it and reply in 4 weeks so i thought sod it and went down to the court paid £250 and now waiting on a court date, Happy days
  3. LBA in post today so lets see what happens in the next 14 day's if anything
  4. Recieved the standard letter yesterday no offer so the LBA will be going on Monday 19th.
  5. one week passed since request for payment no standard letter recieved as yet.
  6. sent off today 5th request for refund of charges so we sit back and play the waiting game.
  7. The missing ststements have arrived done the first letter all ready to post with the break down summary, so lets see what the reaction is:D
  8. Thanks Survivor, will probably need some of your experience and help along the way. Cheers Terrymac
  9. Started on the spreadsheet last night and lo and behold 2004 statements missing, grrrrrr, phoned today "sorry they will be in the post soon as possible":mad: i'm getting more like Victor Meldrew every day with this!!
  10. Thanks for the kind words, will stick to the time scale and see it thru to a conclusion, having done a quick calculation its horrendus the amount of money they have taken from our account and i mean to get it back, watch this space:mad:
  11. Recieved statements yesterday after a phone call from Halifax to say they would be another 10 days ah well where's the calculator and lets get started
  12. Well done Survivor said it might work and it did good for you, I actually got my statements thru yesterday morning and i coulnd't believe the ammount of money they have taken from my account its criminal, so the long haul begins but all being well the end result will be worth it. I may be looking for some help in the next few days so have a look at my thread now and then.
  13. Hi Survivor, it might be worth while giving them a ring as the court will not serve until Friday, who knows you might be able to negotiate a settlement without going thru the process.....you never know!
  14. Fed up waiting i phoned Halifax again today and spoke to a really nice supervisor who promised to have the statements sent out today if not tomorrow at the latest, and refunded the £10 fee back into my a/c for all my trouble, all my pent up anger just went,so lets wait another couple of days and see.
  15. Join the club Hardcore mine was recieved on the 25th jan, still waiting i recon thats 26 days lapsed now, waste of time phonning, you get passed from pillar to post with no satisfaction, so its the waiting game, still the interest is mounting, Terrymac
  16. What really hacks them off is that they have lost a nice chunk of commission, and with you cancelling it they have to pay it back, PPI are not worth the paper they are written on as they are not underwritten at source but on a claim so the chances of ever being paid out on a claim are pretty much zero.
  17. Well done Hollyandjess I am just starting on this and hope i have the same result as you have with all the help thats available should be ok.
  18. All geared up and ready for action soon as i get the statements thru that is since they cashed the cheque on the 7th, shouldn't be too long just over the half way to 40 days....watch this space!
  19. Phoned Halifax yesterday got shunted to three different people who all said havent recieved it , checked on the Royal Mail site and it was signed for on the 25th Jan, checked my NW account and the £!0 cheque was cashed on the 7th Feb so thats two bits of proof they did recieve it,so its a waiting game i suppose........patience
  20. Have had no reply from Halifax, checked on Royal Mail site to see if letter had been recieved it was signed for on the 25th jan, phoned Halifax no sign of letter being recieved was transferred to 3 different people who all came up with the same answer not been recieved but the last person spoken to in the business unit said she would get them done asap free of charge and it was left at that , i then checked my NW account and lo and behold the cheque has been cashe on the 7th feb for £10 and Halifax charge £5 so i will be keeping an eye on my BOS a/c to see if its credited by £5
  21. Still waiting on my statements coming from HBOS checked on the royal-mail site to see when my recorded delivery was recieved and it was signed for the day after it was sent 25th Jan, sent an e-mail to a Jacqueline Turton at customer sevices to see when i am likely to get them, any other suggestions at this stage anyone?
  22. Watching this with interest Survivor I have recently sent of my SAR 22nd Jan not recieved anything back as yet but like you will be pusuing it like the proverbial Jack Russell. Good luck
  23. Hi, just about to send of our SAR to halifax bit nervous but determined to get back what the greedy bank has taken in charges, will need some help along the way and will appreciate it as seeing some of the comments its a bit daunting.
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