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  1. I'll keep an eye out for that information Mike. Thanks.
  2. Mike: Brian says that he cannot find my original agreement but that they are still looking for it. He argues that as the card is now cancelled there is no obligation for them to find it. He then argues that the case is fundermentally flawed and that it won't cost them anything to fight it as he will be attending. Any other suggestions anyone?
  3. No, the court decided to send it to Salford so I am waiting. MCOL done.
  4. Sorry, I'm actually at the last stage with them. They have reimbursed £13 per event (£25 - £12 they think reasonable). I've been arguing for the other £12 and this is the second or third letter in this vein from Brian Smith.
  5. CitiCards have been sending their usual set of nastily worded letters. The latest one along the lines of: "You've noted that £8 has been reimbursed but you want it all" "You ignore that fact that dozens of judges have ruled that £25 is fair" "Finally you ignore totally the fact that I said "I shall supply evidence to the Court that its costs are within the range contemplated by the OFT". That means my clients charges cannot be penal because they are not either unconscionable nor excessive, being higher than the amount we do charges (sic), whether it was at the old £25 rate or the new £12 rate." Any suggestion for the reply please?
  6. I see today that MBNA have filed a defense in my case - interesting to see what that will be!
  7. Just a short update - issued County Court Summons last Monday - phone call on Wednesday offering £3425.90 (Charges plus interest plus fee). Cash in the account on Thursday. Thanks everyone for the advise Now I only have to sort out MBNA, Sainsburys, Halifax about undelivered statements, Amex about an annual fee refund, and to start on CitiCard!
  8. It might be an idea - but I am no expert on these issues - just one of the sheep following along everyone else!
  9. They offered me £200 for £425 of fees. I wrote back and said 'Good Start' and the £200 appeared on my account this month. I have just issued moneyclaim for balance of £225.
  10. I've had a similar problem - charged my account £5 for statements - bounced a cheque as over limit - and then not sent them. My correspondence from them now states that they have not done anything wrong. So, I guess it'll be another moneyclaim for the £5, £39 bounced fee and the charge amex made for a returned payment!
  11. My initial feeling is to reply and take £800 as part payment with intention to County Court them for the balance. Interesting wrinkles for me so far: - Wrote and asked for statements and told £5. Agreed and it took 3 weeks for them to charge it. They did and then bounced a cheque as it would have taken me over my OD by £8. They collected £39 in the process of course. - No statements turned up. - Letter with £800 offer has list of charges so do not need statements! Any comments?
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