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  1. Microchipping is not RFID chipping - that's a whole other kettle of fish. In any case, if you carry a mobile phone, you are already effectively RFID chipped
  2. Me again - been searching to see if there is a correct procedure for withdrawing a claim - can't seem to find anything. Any suggestions? ..and thanks Christina! Bee
  3. This is actually my first post regarding my partner's claim against Lloyds. We are so grateful for the information on this site (I previously got £360 from Barclays after only claiming £90.. and they recently refunded another £30 that they took after my account went 18p over the limit for less than 24 hours). We were claiming £714 plus court costs. Followed all the guidelines and recently got a court date for 14th Aug. Back in April Lloyds deposited £585 as a 'goodwill gesture' even though we declined to accept it as full and final settlement. Last night, checking the account balance I discovered they'd deposited £714 - the full amount claimed. They previously stated they didn't want the £585 back. Obviously someone has made a mistake but, for now, the bank balance is looking quite healthy. Thanks to all who contribute to this site. Bee x
  4. Hello, My first post. I have a Barclays account which I only use for 'small' things. Our Child Tax Credits and Child Benefit goes in there. I recently (beginning of Aug) miscalculated and the account went over £40 it's £150 overdraft. They charged me £150. I have usually kept the account 'in good order' and probably have only incurred charges a couple of times before. I wrote using the suggested template... they responded after a week or so, offering £365 in settlement - much more than I expected. Also, when I contacted them in the past (maybe 5 or 6 years ago when I was a single mother) about my concern over their charges, they immediately refunded them. Can't complain! Going after my partner's Lloyds TSB account next! Bev
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