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  1. Hi Matt, Npower prepayment meter is set to give 30% of a topup for gas and 70% towards any debt owed to meter so if for example not charging for few years and £300 in standing charge was owed then it would keep taken the 70% of any credit until repaid.
  2. Hi Martin, Example british gas 2 tier tariff is Tier 1 applies to the first 670 kWh per quarter (or 223 kWh per month for monthly billing customers) and all subsequent consumption is charged at Tier 2. So supose this might be worked out on a daily baisis with a prepayment meter, not 100% sure of the answer to that one.
  3. Yeah £200 is the threshold, anything over that owed to the supplier and they can object to you leaving supply.
  4. Yip, but as i say you only pay a low unit rate all year round, so in the winter time when everyone is paying a higher block unit rate on most tariff's with most suppliers, the prepayment is still at the lower rate.
  5. Hi Jack, Just ring them up, advise them when you made the payment they should be able to see it on the account, explain how it didnt transfer to the meter, they should either send you a refund or send a credit to your meter. C.K
  6. Hi Eva, Npower prepayment tariff has no exit fee's you are free to move to another supplier of your choice. C.K
  7. Hi Lucy, Npower gas prepayment tariff does have a standing charge on it which is 40p (due 2am each day) regardless if gas is used, if your in credit it will just come off your credit balance but if you don't have any money on the meter it will build up on the owed screen (further info below how to find out how much is owed). Also your gas unit rate is set to the same low rate throughout the year if compared to npower's standard gas tariff not much diffrent just charged dif (higher & lower unit rate on standard). Is your statement based on estimated reads by anychance? as if your not topping up regular, npower wont be getting firm reads from your gas card so that balance could be incorrect. Give npower a quick call and give them a reading and ask that they send you a up to date statement. Also to find out how much standing charge has built up on your meter without the gas card in the meter press the red button (A) this should come up "please wait" then show your current balance, then press the red button (A) a 2nd time and it will show an amount like "£??.?? owed", this is the amount of standing charge that has built up. The meter does a 70/30split if charges are owed so if you topup £10 & you owe emergency credit & standing charge it will take £7 straight away and leave you with £3 for gas (unless the amount is less than the £7). Hope this info helps and if i can be any futher help just let me know 8) C.K
  8. Hi Guys, I can confirm that the work has been carried out on the car including a full service , thats £811 thats come out of WF pocket, I still havnt had time to write back to them yet about the complaint but hope to get something drafted up over the weekend and fingers crossed to some compensation from them also.
  9. Yeah defo m8. and doesnt look like i'll be finished there either, just had one of Martin (moneysavingexpert) emails through & read this You have a RIGHT to be treated fairly by your bank, credit card company, insurer or any financial company. If not you can get free redress and compensation, sometimes even if it happened up to 6 years ago. Complain to the company: First follow the company's official complaints procedure but EXPECT a no – it'll usually try and fob you off. Involve the Financial Ombudsman: Then take your complaint to the free, independent Financial Ombudsman Service, fill out its form and it'll decide if you've been treated fairly and order a payout if not. Charge for your time: You can even ask for up to £10/hr for the time it's taken to sort it out. think i should push my luck with welcome???????, yeah they've paid £320aprox for a service on the car, but that service was because i had to resort to returning the car. if i never bothered returing the car i would still to this date have the same issues & it wouldnt be going in the dealers to get the window seals replaced.
  10. Further update regarding the default on my credit file, Default has now been removed from my credit file & its only showing 1 late payment marker so am happy with that.
  11. only thing they "welcome" you to do is sign on the dotted line & be stuck with them for 4years at least handing over your hard earned cash for a high amt of interest. I think i'm going to write back in to the complaince dept & get them to confirm in writing that the credit agreement is still in force, as i mentioned my concerns over the phone that they could come at anytime and take car back as the agreement is ended she said no its an active agreement still.
  12. Spoke to the dealers today, cheque has been received & they have ordered the parts once they get them in they give me a ring to arrange for them to have the car & the service should be done at the same time.
  13. just what i'm doing, i done a disasociation form with the CRA with one address as i never resided at it or had any kind of financial connection & it removed about 8 linked addresses in the process
  14. I emailed the CRA a few weeks back and they confirmed the same to me, 8years, although if there is any data it would be removed after 6years so don't see the point of 8years. query the linked address information with the company concerned and they may just advise the CRA to remove it & as FG says they can record more or less what they want for however long they want.
  15. lol, i'll be ringing the dealers next week just to confirm receipt of the cheque & asking for a call once its cleared so i can arrange the jobs, keep ya's posted
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