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Everything posted by skinswins

  1. Thanks guys have sent the letter thanks but no thanks, should i have sent a lba? Rgrds
  2. Hi guys will start a new thread on this... Been looking at the site now for a while fantastic!! Sent off my prelim letter two weeks ago got a nice reply today in the post. Basically only got a limit of £200 current balance around £190 and they have made me an offer of £185 and sign to say i won't proceed further. However I total they should owe me around £460 and with interest £550 (with interest from spreadsheet). What should i do cut and run or proceed? Rgrds P.S Keep up the good work guys!
  3. Hi guys can we put our heads together...what has been the normal length of time of each stage after sending the prelim letter? Rgrds
  4. Hi guys followed the steps on the forum however just been a little surprised by a letter from Stuart higley can any shed any light? I got all my statements no problem, sent off prelim letter, got a reply within a few days telling me to sod off basically (pretty standard i understand). Then sent the LBA however just had a reply from that saying sod off again refer to previous letter? Should I have not been made an offer, have i done it wrong? Or do i now just move on to moneyclaim? Please help...!! Rgrds
  5. Let us know how you get on!! What letter you sending cus the one on the templates site is aimed at banks is it not? Vodafone don't work under the cca do they?? All the best,
  6. Hi Guys, Wicked site!! I have just spent last couple of days going through the site... hate to think how much these companies owe us!! Anyway I know this may have been previously posted but cap one will send the statements free don't waste time with the £10 thing. Anyway will wait for them to come and will keep ya's posted good luck everyone. Skins
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