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Everything posted by crooksbarn

  1. Thanks, I'm getting closer!!! I have trawled through alot of posts on this site and that was on of the last questions I had. I'm going to look through my statements from he last 4 yers, thats when I first became overdrawn! Before that I was single, lived at home and earned a good wage for someone single and living at home!!! Now i'm married and have a house every penny counts!!!
  2. I don't know about you, but i'm just getting my brain around what I can claim back!!! Have you started the procedure yet? I can't believe this is all real!!!
  3. So just to check. What if I went into my overdraft, because I spent over my wages, but didn't recieve penalties because I was into my over draft? Can I claim that interest back? E.G. If I went £100 into my £850 overdraft and was charged intrest of say £10?
  4. The money (£2500) was taken out of the account 1 1/2 years ago. We never found out who 'stole' the money. We did get the full amount refunded to our account, after a lot of hassle. The £30 was only to cover o/d fees and phone calls. So basically by looking at my statements I can claim for money back on interest that has been charged for having an o/d and any o/d fees for going overdrawn? I think i'm getting it!!!
  5. A question! Can Barclays additions be added onto my claim? They charge me a £12 fee for the additions and an extra £8.00 for having an overdraft of £2000. Can I go back and claim all of that too? Beckie
  6. crooksbarn


    I have complained to Barclays a few times! over discrepancies etc... On one occasion £2500 was taken out of my bank account fraudulently, We complained and recieved a cheque for £30! After reading this site, I now realise that I should have gone further with it. The £30 only covered £25 o/d fee and £5 for phone calls. We had to take out a £2000 over draft to cover the amount that someone took out of our account. I think that its too late to do anything about this, but i'll try for other things. !!!
  7. Dixie123 you sound like you are at the same point as me! Don't worry about repeating questions, I think thats the point of this forum. How can we learn without asking questions!
  8. I am only new to all of this. I have spoken to a couple of people already, however have started a new thread to try and get as much advice as possible. I am a Barclays customer. On the statement, what would paid referrals be stated as? Can I also claim for interest on my overdrafts/ accounts? for example I was charged £10 something on my £850 overdraft, which I hadn't gone over. I'm off work for a few weeks, so I'll have plenty of time to get the ball rolling.
  9. Thanks. I'll start off a new thread. I'm sure I have the last 6 years (yes im sad)!!! Does it have to be 6 years? or would 4 or 5 years be ok?
  10. I would like to get started with claiming. Where do I start? I have all of my statements (I never throw them away)! I'm not sure what I can claim for/ what I am looking for on the statements. I recieved an e-mail from someone, but it was a link, and I didn't understand (I am only new to this site). Hope you can help. I'm getting quite excited about it all.
  11. I have only just found this site and am amazed by it all. I have a very basic question, which may make me seem a little vague, but what exactly is meant by 'bank charges?'
  12. I may be being a bit vague here, but what exactly is meant by bank charges?
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