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  1. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. The answer i got was, i will advise lloyds of what you have requested, if they agree you will hear by post and if they disagree you will hear by post. I personally think they will go with it as the MJ solicitor would have said no point blank if he thought otherwise. Robbo
  3. Hi all, spoke to MJ today and explained that unless charges incurred since march were added to the claim, i am not prepared to accept payment into my account and that i would be starting a new claim for said charges. Has anyone been paid out via cheque even though their account was still active?? Robbo
  4. Thanks reload, on the letter i received it says i need to arrange a meeting with my branch manager to review my account, does that mean he won't know why its being reviewed? Robbo
  5. I wouldn't panic at all, i have just been offered settlement and after talking to the banks solicitor briefly, let me tell you there is nothing they can do, all they hope is that you will falter in the final stages and drop the case.See it through you will get your money. Robbo
  6. Hi all, quick update and questions, received settlement letter this morning from solicitors offering full and final settlement.Great i've won but they want to pay money into my account which is now £800 overdrawn due to ongoing charges since i started this procedure and stopped using the account.I phoned martineau johnson who said they couldn't give me a cheque as my account is still active, i then replied that i would take my chance in court then, to which i was told to consider the offer very carefully as the judge would not look favourably on me turning down settlement. So what do i do? a; visit my branch manager and tell him that unless the charges incurred since march are reinstated to my account, i am unwilling to accept the settlement and would be informing local newspaper etc. b;take the offer and start new claim for charges incurred since march. All advice gladly received. Robbo
  7. It seems to have worked Barracad as i now have 3 replies to my question, as opposed to the 0 i had before i antagonised you.I was only trying to get a response on a new thread as i wasn't getting any advice on this one. Thanks for your advice anyway and i appreciate the work you guys are doing, just give me the answer i was hoping for rather than tell me off next time (only joking). Robbo
  8. Some advice would be helpful or is it just your job to keep me in line. Robbo
  9. I have filled in and returned the allocation questionaire on June 1st and haven't heard anything since. Good or bad?????? Robbo
  10. Allocation questionaire filled in and posted on 1st june, as yet to hear anything, is this good or bad??? Robbo
  11. I am now at the final stage of recovering my hard earned but am unsure of filling in the questionaire.Should i list any reports, evidence etc and do i tick yes for a stay? Do i need to list any additional info, any help is most appreciated. Robbo
  12. Hi, not posted for a while but thought i'd better update, the bank has entered their standard defence and i have been sent an allocation questionaire. Is there a particular way to fill this form in, i mean the 1st question asks if i would like a stay which gives an opportunity to agree a settlement, do i tick yes or no??? Any help most appreciated. Robbo
  13. I have filed claim online for £793.67 plus 8% interest after receiving letter stating this is their last response to my complaint. Robbo
  14. Letter before action posted today to Mandy Horton,Service Recovery,Birmingham.Just 14 days away from court action, cant wait. Is there anywhere on the forum to list persons who have succesfully recovered their money?? Robbo
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