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Everything posted by elppa

  1. Thanks, just the answers I was looking for. so I should carry on, will keep you posted. Thx
  2. Hi, I'm helping my friend for this since feb this year, I've had gone far to the Prelim Letter in june, received a reply a month later and basically they are telling me this: The banks allowed to stop dealing with unauthorised overdraft charge complaints during the 'test case' - the court case OFT against 7 banks + 1 building society, started 27/07/07 - has anyone knows if this case had ever resolved? From Aug till now, 2 months! you I should do? Thanks
  3. Thx, I guessed not too. I think it's time to think if we should cancel it. I've read the fine prints, to make a claim, he will have to be off work for at least a month then they will start paying us and at any point he started work again the payment will stop. It's really unneccessarily payment for this pooring policy! thx apple
  4. Hi all, I have taken out a loan last year, I'm well remember the loan adviser made PPI as one of the conditions of this borrowing. so I thought it was nothing wrong to shop around before the deadline, hence I bought a PPI and life assurance independantly in order to proceed the borrowing from the bank. Am I still entitled to make a claim? My partner was about to be redundent (company complexity, his contract is going to last until the next rumour) anyway, we were in a panic, seeked help and everything, felt that these PPI and life assurances are not really neccessary at all! Think about it, the lump sum of the redundancy payment, grant for retraining, tax credit and benefits... and we are those kinds who would not sit back and struggle with the benefits, we have 3 kids for god sake, the PPI is really do the minimal. Please advise Apple
  5. of course you can and it is entirely up to you to add the interest or not. 1st of all, we are arguing the unlawful charges, by contract law, one party can charge the other party something for breaching the agreement between them and therefore this is legal. however, the charge is got to be equivent to the lost...£35 for an unpaid dd... what kind of expense would be incurred by the bank for processing an unpaid dd? as everything is generated by computers... therefore the charges are unlawful. 2nd of all, you probably have experienced, you could not pay a dd because of the charges charged in previous account period. 3rd of all, if you have noticed, every month NW set their account period end on the 3rd (it may be different on yours). if you have od on the day (say 3rd jun)and oftenly would go over the following day (say 4th jun), a £28 will be charged for od on the 3rd in jul statement and there will be another £28 charged for the od on the 4th in aug statement. i think this is so unfair. 4th of all, can't think of anything else. but if you have agreed my first pt, i think you should go ahead and start the prelim letter. all the best
  6. ****************CONGRATULATIONS**************
  7. ps, if the op not go into the spreadsheet, how would she know how much the interest is?
  8. NW settled my claim last week, i didn't claim my interest, i have got it all back with only £100 extra. i have calculated the interest was £200 odd. there is nothing wrong for the op can have a go and see if the interest is worth to claim, it might worth it
  9. i think if you have technical problem, should pm one of the mod or admin of this site.
  10. there is a template for particular in the FAQs or i have a sample in my thread written and suggested by someone
  11. elppa

    Y v Natwest

    have u tried the botton 'view more threads'?
  12. sorry, i think i have missedsomething. so what did you do? did u take the offer or 'thx no thx'?
  13. so, what is problem you are having with the spreadsheet?
  14. thank you all, what a relieved! i will be still around helping the others. anij, sorry that i couldn't reply you straight away, good job we have everyone here. i had a sever toothache over the weekend, good timing isn't it. one problem solved and another arised. yes, i had a letter from MCOL to choose which court i would prefer, so you don't need to worry.
  15. elppa

    cal v natwest

    the 28 days is from the date NW filed the acknowledgement and weekends count. therefore, in theory, if NW has no response after 28 days, you will win the claim by default. however, according to experience and other cases, the court usually leave about 3 to 5 days for postage process.
  16. how much you are claiming? if you are claiming less than £5000, you don't need to response the cpr18. i am confuse with how you can not work the interest out, if i were you, i would just stick with my original letter and recalculate it if they found out it was incorrected. so, have you have problems with calculating the interest?
  17. this morning i couldn't believe what i was reading... cobbetts decided to settle my claim in FULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for some reasons, NW add on £100 on my original claim, this is a nice suprise. i am so glad that this is all over after 4 months frustrating battle. the letter is exactly the same as Bandit's and all i need to do is complete the forms which prepare by cobbetts to the court and itself comfirming that this is all over. thank you ever so much to everyone in this forum without you i could never got this far. thanks a lot.
  18. "bandit vs nw (the full story)" something like that
  19. i don't think they are going to take any notice to what i relied to them unless i accepted their offer. the worse thing would be pushing their luck further to the court hearing. see the thread... title can't remember probably but there is 'full sory' at the end of the title.
  20. i have accepted a settlement from first direct. still battling with NW since june
  21. i thanked the bank for replying my letter instead the template opening. at the end of the day, it's only the opening not too important i supposed.
  22. thx, caro and jon, i have sent the letter this morning already. so, let see what happen.
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