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  1. Hi, This goes back to July 2006 when we tried to switch from British Gas to EDF. Both British Gas and EDF wrote to us to say we had to pay our outstanding bill before we could go ahead with the switch, which we did and from 20th July 06 EDF had been our supplier until we moved this April. However, today, nearly 1 year on, my parents receive a letter from British Gas asking if they knew where they could get hold of us as we owe them money for our previous address.
  2. Buzz - I think you did absolutely the right thing. I wish I had done this, rather than just handing over my car to some jumped up little S***. Although I was closer to getting a baseball bat out and taking it out on him that way, which would have been so WRONG! I think you need to check whether it now has got HPI on it or not, this will answer all of these questions for you, I think. It does cost, but you can get this done over the net and atleast you will know then. The only problem you will have then, is the fact that LBL have your Log Book!!!!!! Mark:mad:
  3. Hi everyone Well it's been a while since I have been on here and cannot believe all you people have had so many problems with this wonderful company!!! I had many a chat with V_J_R, who was a great help, at one point with regard my position. My BMW Z3 was taken away one bright morning ages ago after I had allegedly taken out a loan with this lot. It is a long story but it turns out someone had used fake docs at an old address of mine. I never got my car back, as apparently they had sold it!!! However, I can say that I only ever received one letter from them again requesting the rest of the money that I OWED THEM - £3800. I have never paid them a penny ever, although they did take my pride and joy. I felt I was really getting somewhere with V_J_R and then it all went really quiet and we had our wrists slapped for too many PMs. Then it just stopped. What I would really like to do is get cash from them to cover me buying a new Z3. If V_J_R would like to help me with this, I would love it. I lost my way for quite some time with this and really lost interest when I was told the car was sold. But why should I stop there. They took something that belonged to me, Illegally in my opinion. Thanks Mark
  4. Hi Sorry, didn't mention that I had called and that they said that there was an issue with my Credit Rating NOW!!!! I may not have the worlds greatest Credit Rating, but nothing which has changed dramatically over the last year or more. I just cannot understand how I am able to go into Next just before Christmas and spend £90+ on various items, use my Next Store Card to pay and then 2 weeks later this happens. I didn't realise that your Credit Rating is monitored by these people all the time, I can appreciate they are providing me with a Credit Service, but at the same time I have never deviated from payments to Next. I am just very confused as to how this can happen as I have never had a problem with Next in over Four Years.
  5. We have today received a letter from Next stating that they 'Regret to inform us but they are unable to offer credit facilities'. It says that as part of their order processing operation they consult a Credit Reference Agency. Does this mean that every time someone places an order with next they do a Credit Check? I have had a Next Store Card and Directory for over Four Years and have never missed a payment. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Thanks
  6. Advanced mode it is. Thanks for the PM.
  7. Hi Again in another of the email addresses you sent for me to try, there is a cpi ltd, would you know what this company is and where that is trading from? Thanks again
  8. Thanks for that ! I am still waiting for the a copy of the agreement, but you can see it by all means. I will make sure I get it for Monday! You are starting to make me feel like I might get my car back sooner, rather than later!! Thank-You very much! BTW, who is Gail, in one of the email addresses you gave me? I am going to try all of these. Thank-you again.
  9. Hi Not sure how to find out about the CCL, any clues. You seem to know an awful lot about them, would you happen to know this 'off the top of your head'? Or how to find this out? Do you know if this kind of thing has happened before? They want me to pay £8500 for the car, plus a cost of £12 per day for the lock-up my car is at! If he is in Milton Keynes, he better watch out, haven't spoken to him yet, would it be wise for me to tell him about what is being posted?
  10. I intend nobody to be 'let off'. This is one of the most serious things that has ever happened to me. I am very close to just going down to their office and not moving until I receive my car and get quite a few answers. I have already put in a complaint with regards the police service. I am in Northampton (the crime happened from a property in Leicester that I rent out), but am probably going to take a trip to see this Mr David Evans. Does anybody know if this crowd actually do have a Consumer Credit Licence??? Thanks
  11. I did get the police involved, as *** **** ***** suggested I did, but they really were absolutely no help whatsoever. Am going to go to my solicitor with the problem, but don't really want to throw money at the problem, as I am the innocent party in this nightmare!!!!
  12. Hi Yes I do own the car outright, or did do until these guys showed up, wish I didn't now and then this whole situation would have been avoided. The cheque was cashed at some place in Leicester, not a Cash Converters or anything like that. Using little more than a phonecall to ***, in order confirm that someone had take the cheque from them! If there is more, I would really appreciate knowing it, as I intend to wage out and out war on these people until I do get my car back. Thanks
  13. Hi Thanks for replying. Here is what was used as ID: An Anglian Water bill. (The only Utility bill that was not changed over to the Tenants name) A Privilege Card mail shot from NatWest Bank (nothing official, as I have chenged my address with my bank!!!) The V5 document - a new copy as I still have the old one which, again, I failed to change the address on. The loan was taken out on 3rd April 2006. Thanks
  14. What problems have you had????
  15. I am currently going through an absolute nightmare with this company. Up until 3 weeks ago I had a really nice BMW Z3, which would have been perfect for this weather. One morning 3 weeks ago at about 0630am, a company came to collect my car for a Loan which had been taken out on the car. As I answered the door, one person was clamping my car while the other was asking me for the keys in order to take it away as the Loan had not been repayed at all. The guy said that the Loan had been taken out with Log Book Loans, who until then I had never heard of. I had two choices, either hand the keys over there and then or they were going to leave the clamp on and come and tow it away. I took their details and they gave me a contact number for Log Book Loans and sadly handed over my keys, as I didn't want to cause a scene with the window twitchers! It turns out I have been involved in a case of ID Theft, using ID from a property which I used to live in but now rent out and have done for over 2 years. I am now caught up in a very nasty battle with said company. I am waiting for the Police to help me with a crime number and Log Book Loans to hand my car back. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks Mark
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