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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. Well the Television is P42S10B, from memory it's a 2009 Model and it's my old Model, I bought it for around £1,000 from 2011 you could only pick it up brand new for about £399 so it's worth right now would probably be less than £100. The Motorcycle itself, is my dads he has owned it since day one, so in reality it is his, he hasn't used it due to his Disability for years, so if they were to take it, it would save him the hassle but that's not the point. It's most likely over 15 years old due to the fact he owned it whilst I was still at Secondary School and I left in 2001, the first part of the Reg Number is KI66 or K166 the handwriting isn't all that clear. All the other goods including the White Goods are in my name and I have the receipt / mail order account Invoice to prove that but as I wasn't around I guess my Mother was worried even though I told her not to be and to them the Bailiff that you do not own the items he tries to put on the Inventory.
  2. Just want a bit of advice on the below, if all charges are correct and still stand. I just want to make sure if it happens again in the future for unpaid council tax I know what steps to take, or tell my Mother to take so the debt itself doesn't get bigger. It's happened twice now, my Mother is adamant that she is now paying her current council tax through Standing Order / Direct Debit so there should be no reason why any further council tax will be unpaid. I currently am living back at my parents house and on Wedensday 3rd of April I had a visit from a Bailiff acting on behalf of Rossendales. However, they were asking after my Mother who owed £345. for unpaid Council Tax from and that the payments of £50 a month she was making, the most recent payment failed, apparently it was due on March 31st, as that was 28 days since her last monthly payment. Now I told him that my mother was not home (she was out) and I know nothing of the unpaid Council Tax so he went away and gave me a letter titled. He informed me that my Mother would need to call urgently. She did so, he told her that the full amount is now payable and if she wanted to set up a new payment plan she would now have to sign a walking possession order. He returned the next day, and I told her not to let him into the house by any means. I myself was at work so I was unable to be there she told me she didn't let him in and all she told me was she gave him all the money she had on her at the time and showed me a receipt from the Bailiff that she has paid £63.50p in respect of Council Tax and Costs and the balance outstanding was now £450.00. My Mother also told me that he set up a new payment plan with her for the 1st of every month for £50 until the debt is paid. I have since found some documents she had hidden from me, now I told her not to let the bailiff in but it now looks as if she has done, but I've noticed that most of the possessions are actually in my name, except for my Dad's Motorcycle which is in her name officially as she paid for it. Anyway this document that I have since found, shows an Inventory List as well as were all the new charges came from. So as I mentioned at the top of this thread, just looking for advice so I know what I can do in the future and if the charges don't look right, please let me know ways to correct this. Thanks, kingofkings
  3. Just an update on this... Today I received a letter from CapQuest after not hearing from them for some time saying they've been assigned the debt, same letter as back in December 2011, with the same wording and to contact them by such and such a date. The only bit that is different from the letter in 2011 is that I don't make contact by 23rd Feb 2013 that the account will be passed to H L Legal and that the legal action will increase the amount I owe and will have a detrimental effect on my credit worthiness. So I'm guessing I'm starting the whole process over again even though I've not heard from CapQuest since July of 2012.
  4. As far as I'm aware there is no fraud with any of my bank accounts and there nothing on my credit files with any markers or searches from Sky. The only thing I can think of, is when my Grandmother was in sheltered housing we she had social services or someone to that effect handling all her finances for her as she was forgetting things etc so we all decided for her own benefit to have her moved into her own flat so to speak with a housing association that houses older people for her own benefit, then my parents took over the tenancy etc but that I don't think is of any relevance here I then moved back in with my parents due to my health. So I'm wondering if Sky were asking her for something at her new address, maybe a unpaid last payment, I do no know and my parents say as far as they were aware the account was cancelled when they moved in as they had no interest in Sky, and maybe the people that were sorting out her finances asked her if she had Sky or whatever and she said no and they must of got the bank involved and mistakenly said that she has not had Sky so possibly made the bank refund any payments, but as I say she was very forgetful to the end of her life so again I'm wondering if she denied ever having Sky so wondering if the debt if it is one is my grandmothers through no fault of her own and social services and the end result is after 5 / 6 years Sky are asking for this amount back and since I now live at my grandmothers former home they are personally linking it to me. My grandmother moved out in March 2007 and I moved in in July 2007 and signed up with Sky and heard nothing from them regarding any arrears until December 2012 when my services were cancelled and when I phoned up to ask why, they said there were several accounts at my address, one from 2007 of course which was mine, I cancelled Sky in June 2012 and re-signed up again in July 2012 as a friend had a 50% off 12 months off offer which he gave me a code for so I re-signed up to Sky with it and everything was ok then and would seem fine with Sky until December 2012 and when I phoned up was told there was 3 accounts at my address, obviously the 2 I have and the 3rd which they couldn't tell me of and actually couldn't get any information for me as I couldn't confirm the account number of the 3rd account which obviously I couldn't anyway as I have only ever had 2 accounts with Sky. And then I got the letter in the first post with the 200x account number which if Sky's account numbers are in ascending order then 200 and 631 is way off and would confirm it was an old Sky account which would of course bring my grandmother into this as she had Sky since early 1990's back in the Analogue days.
  5. Nope they won't provide me with a name I emailed a reply to that letter I had stating that it is not myself who owns the 200 account but I confirmed any other account 631x and 631x2 were mine that's when I got the letter back saying that only one Sky account is permitted per household and not per person therefore the name of the account holder is not of any relevance and that all of the accounts have been irrefutably been linked to me personally as well as the address. There isn't anything on my Credit Reports as I've checked all 3 and nothing relating to Sky or the amount is there. There is only one person that could of held the 200 account if it's being linked to me and that would be my Grandmother who is no longer with us but when I spoke to CS with Sky when my services were first terminated they told me of the other account but couldn't tell me the name under the Data Protection act, all they could say was it wasn't my name, so if it is in fact my Grandmothers account who used to live here but is then lived in Sheltered Housing or whatever they call those building's that are blocks of flats where generally older persons live provided by the Local Council, so if that's why they have 'personally linked' it to me I'm not sure where to turn next, hence I got the Solicitors to look through it for me just in case it is as I have told them that the only person to live where I do now was my Grandmother previously, then my parents, who I don't believe had Sky only the box without subscription then I moved in and took out a subscription in my name.
  6. Yes, me too. Already with TalkTalk YouView now so it's nothing major I will just miss out on some of the Box Office Sporting Events which of course I have to view via other means but since Sky have forced me to do this I have no choice. Although I do have a Solicitor firm looking at it for me, since I do their website they said they will take a quick look through it for me since they find it weird themselves that Sky have put the debt it seems on a household rather than a person.
  7. I've had a response from Sky after telling them that the account number start 200 is not mine and I've only had Sky accounts beginning 621 etc. Here is there response and it seems they have decided I'm now liable for the 200 account number even though it is not mine and if so, why did they let me sign up for Sky in 2007 and let me continue pay them until December of last year when my services were cancelled and when I rang up to find out I was told there were previous accounts at my address that remained unpaid, but now they say they have now personally linked them to me so by there wording it now does not matter if the account wasn't mine for some reason their system has now linked it to me and I have to pay it.
  8. My services with Sky were recently cancelled by Sky themselves due to an alleged debt that I owe them. I’ve had Sky since 2007 and it is only now that I’m hearing of this debt at my address for Sky. I gave them a call and they told me there were multiple accounts at my address, this I is correct as I had a previous account that I cancelled. I have recently gone back to Sky with a new account number I said I didn’t need any boxes but they sent them out regardless. But anyway, the account number of the Sky account with the alleged debt of £X,XXX.XX is not mine and the account number starts 200x so it seems it’s a very early account as my two accounts which have been paid in full each month since 2007 start with 621x. I will quote the letter in a 2nd post, but the reason I am posting is that I'm looking I’m looking for any help in what I can forward to Sky as it now seems they have assigned the £X,XXX.XX to my name at my address. The tenancy documents I will not be able to provide them with, since I am back living with my parents as I suffer from a bad case of Psoriasis / Psoriatic Arthritis so my parents are in fact my carers since 2007 and they never had Sky before I moved back in with them so any tenancy documents would be in their name and not mine. I don’t know who owns the account with the account number starting 200x, but now I’m concerned because for Sky to be switched back on at my address, I need to prove I, myself don't owe the debt and that whoever owns it does not live at my address. So any help would be great, as I said I’ve paid for Sky since 2007 and have never missed a payment, so they have been happy to take my money and now suddenly this has come out of nowhere. I've removed the account numbers for security as well as the debt, but is notified how much by the number of digits.
  9. Just a little update, I got the following letter from noddle today regarding what I've mentioned. I've still sent off the letters to the Data Controllers though.
  10. I will keep this updated, just one thing I did forget to ask, where would I find all details of the Data Controllers for each company with ease without finding the wrong our outdated information?
  11. Thanks, I'll get all details sorted and get this sent of first thing tomorrow. Thanks for the guidance and assistance.
  12. How would I go about raising the complaint? I'll get print outs and screen shots of the Credit Report now, I'm also due a new monthly report from Noddle in 4 days times so if it still appears I can use that as well? I'll have to order and online report from Equifax and print that out as well as on screen. I take it I would only need to send the pages where this appears. This isn't the first time this has happened to me either, see - http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?327155-3-Defaults-for-the-same-debt-help-and-advice-please which again involves 1st Credit.
  13. I only have one Halifax account that is in default, which is of course Penalty charges. The Halifax record on my credit record has the Roll Number of the account and the 1st Credit Record has the Account Number on it so that's why I think the CRA's are saying they are two different accounts, also there is a £1 difference between both. I've contacted Noddle, which I use for the free credit report, but I also have Equifax from Capital One, Noddle came back asking for more details and I explain the situation and why I felt these accounts were the same, stating that I know they they are the same because I'm currently dealing with it with 1st Credit. In the time I started writing this message I've heard back from Noddle so I hope that it's getting removed soon, should I also contact Equifax in the meantime?
  14. Also, I might just now add that I now have two defaults on my Credit Report for the same debt... Once from Halifax of course and one from 1st Credit all information is the same, except the account number. I've contacted the Credit Reference Agencies to get one of them removed but they've come back and told me they are different accounts so unless Halifax remove their default since 1st Credit have taken over the account it will remain.
  15. I've finally heard back from 1st Credit and now they are asking me to contact Halifax with the disputed of the debt being Penalty Charges and to copies of anything I send to Halifax to 1st Credit. Now I now you cannot reclaim bank charges, but I'm wondering if there is a letter template I can follow where I can then send Halifax a letter in the hope that they back down or possible reduce the debt due to it being penalty charges. Within days of also getting the letter from 1st Credit I also got a letter from Connaught Collections stating that they've been instructed to recover the overdue account from 1st Credit / Halifax and mention they are unaware of any reason why payment is being withheld and to pay the settlement in full within 7 days, and if I don't they will reserve the right to issue legal proceedings.
  16. Thanks for your response. I know that I am unlikely to reclaim any Bank Charges, but simply put would it be enough to get 1st Credit to put the account on hold or not allow 1st Credit to follow through with any Court Proceedings against me to make me pay the full amount in full of the amount they are asking for, which is from my statements, the total amount of charges I've had applied to my account. As it would seem any repayments I've made previously have paid Halifax for what I 'borrowed' with the overdraft facility, and the amount that remains outstanding is the near enough the same total that all penalty charges amount to, par a £1 or 2.
  17. I've been away since I posted this thread so now bumping in the hope that I can get some advice, or it can be moved to the correct place.
  18. Just need a little bit advice regarding 1st Credit and Halifax Bank Account. The last I heard of this debt to Halifax was around September 2009 where it was dealt with Robinson and Way, which I was paying £50 a fortnight, I think I paid back around £500 but I cannot remember that far back, then I had been made redundant I was unable to meet the £50 a fortnight payment to Robinson and Way. I didn't hear any communication from Halifax or Robinson and Way since I stopped paying. Enter 1st Credit who first contacted me in August about the remaning amount owed to Halifax, totalling £566.53. I soon, sent off a 'Prove It' letter and I got a list of Statements of my account from August 2005 to August 2008. I've gone through all the statements and have found that at least from first glance £560 worth of penalty charges dating back to 2007, which was the start of things then falling into arrears and dipping in and out of being overdrawn and in the black. Now the advice I need from you helpful people here, would I be able to claim these Bank Charge Penalties back which in effect, would make the debt of £566.53 that 1st Credit are chasing for pretty much disappear. Whilst I was waiting for the information from 1st Credit, they have still been sending me letters offering me discounts, as well as my most recent letter that I have to act now to prevent an agent attending my property. So if I can reclaim the charges, or at least advise 1st Credit that the debt they want me to pay is mostly now made up of charges, since anything I paid back to Halifax / Robinson and Way seems to be whatever I 'borrowed' whilst being overdrawn.
  19. Thanks, I'll get a signature sent off, or possibly do as they ask and send a copy of my passport since it has my signature on it, which of course shouldn't be able to be lifted...
  20. Hello, I wonder if anyone can give me any advice regarding a SAR to Capital One, who has just responded to my request, which the 40 days expire on Tuesday 14th August 2012. I today received the following letter from Capital One; Now all the SAR's I've done I've not provided a signature on my letters but signed printed my name and it seems this is the only one that has come back like this. Obviously I will need to respond to the letter, but before I go ahead and do what is asked in the letter, was posting this up for any advice if there is any before I do anything.
  21. Thank you for the reply. I've tried countless times to talk to my partner about the finances but other than paying for food she doesn't want to help pay for anything else... Anyway obviously it wouldn't be worth the hassle of going the JSA route, but I still still look for work, I just wanted to know the ins and outs as all the information over the internet is misleading and some outdated. I will speak to my GP, have just made an appointment for next week as my Mother has recommended I go as she can see the signs of depression / anger in me lately (my Dad suffers from it and she's dealt with it most of her life) so is slightly concerned about me at the moment. Obviously my anger isn't and hasn't be used towards anyone it's just me getting worked up and blow up over the tiniest of things lately. But anyway, thanks, I've got my answer about the question of JSA and it's best not to claim as it will just end up being more hassle than it is worth.
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