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  1. Thanks for that. I have typed the letter i'll post it today and keep my fingers crossed.:-|
  2. Hi, i have been reading the web now for a few days and i am confusing myself further. I have to bos accounts which are both edinburgh branches although i now live in northern ireland. so my question is am i under scottish law because its a scottish bank and my branches were there or northern ireland law because i now live here? also if someone could confirm the first stage, i.e. do i write to the bank with my account numbers and ask for an account history or my charges and send a cheque for £10.00 with this? Do i need to quote any acts or anything? Confused:confused:
  3. tanya1


    Hi i have just joined and am trying to work my way through the sight! I am trying to discover the first stage of reclaiming my charges help!!!
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