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  1. I don't want to dispute it, I want to pay it....I can afford it these days but my concern raised by others posts on this forum, in that Mackenzie Hall may not be genuine and I'm being "conned" and they have no intention of clearing the debt and pocketting the cash. How do I know, how do I prove its all above board and legitimate. Can just anyone can get details of a CCJ off my file and send me demand letters for debts they don't actually own.
  2. Yes, it a Bank Loan and CCJ I defaulted on back in 1998 and it quotes the name on the search as 1st Credit Ltd. >only applies of the creditor or their agent has not attempted to collect the debt within the six year period I did run away from the debt so I don't know if they did. So basically the debt is genuine, but do Mackenzie Hall have the rights to collect it. How do I get them or even 1st Credit who haven't replied to my emails either to say "here" is proof we have the debt and once paid it is clear. All I have ever had is letters stating 1st Credit Ltd , Outstanding Balance Pay now or else, and now letters. say our customer is happy but pay it all and get a discount. I've never had a letter that says, pay this and your 1st credit debt is clear or this is how much you payed and how much to go, even this monthly letter to pay it all in one go, don't actually state that Im paying the 1st credit ltd debt. its implied but doesn't state it.
  3. I'm paying Mackenzie hall for year now but I'm confused by all this alleged unhand tactics they might have got me to start paying without owning the debt. (which went off the the 6 year point year before last) I have challenged them over the phone, but they are insistant they own the debt and refuse to prove they have it. I asked for a statement of account, which they promised to send which I haven't recieved yet and its now over a week. Basically every month Im paying a SO for £25 and then they send a letter stating the current Balance owned and an offer of final payment but is it all geninue or not. My fear is they don't own the debt and I paying for nothing but if I don't pay they will CCJ me etc. What do I do now. Please help. Shaz
  4. Hi all, I was contacted this time last year for a debt that I ran away from. I was CCJ'ed over 7 years ago but MacKen$ie tracked me down. I was obviously shocked that someone was still pursuing the debt and that it "exempt from the 6 years" due to being a 1stCredit (Natwest) debt. I don't dispute the debt but yet they had stuck at least £500 on top of the debt and offer me to pay monthly, I was hassled and stressed and I agreed to pay, since I can actually afford to pay it off over time and I did agree to pay monthly. However reading this thread and the fact last month they tried to harrase me by phone into upping the monthly payment...I refused. Since then I have received a Settlement Offer which is still way more than I actually was i debt for in the first place. My concern is that I am paying, and I am affraid that this debt has been restarted under false pretenses, will this debt ever be settled truly or is it all a "Con" to get me to pay money to clear a debt that they won't clear or never free me from, will they just do a runner as I did.......will I end up paying for years and pay nothing ? Cheers Boudicca
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