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Everything posted by maryt_hawthorn

  1. Great news - I'm so pleased of course! And good luck with the new job, new house, now new improved bank balance - blimey, guess you've got a life!
  2. Congratulations! and I'm really glad the judge has awarded you some expenses to compensate (somewhat) for all the hassle.
  3. Just wanted to say that Lloyds paid up to me yesterday! so hope that inspires you to be confident. As for contesting jurisdiction, must admit that was not stated on my notice of "acknowledgement of service" ([problem]). But good luck, stick with it and you'll get lots of help here.
  4. Thanks Barty and leeshare! I'm writing to the Court, and I'll make sure i get in some comments about this disgraceful behaviour of the bank and its solicitors. Meanwhile I'm grinning like a demented cheshire cat! Keep up the good work!
  5. Hi there - I had a court date set for 27 Feb, no directions and no allocation questionnaire were given out by the judge (Cambridge though, not Chester), but have just found out that lloyds have paid up (whoopee - and I'm sure you'll get yours soon). I was getting worried about what the court was going to do but now I think some judges are reckoning on saving time and photocopying money for us by calling these pre-trial reviews knowing that Lloyds are likely to settle beforehand. Maybe someone with a better overview can also comment on this theory! Haivng said that, I was planning to spend the weekend before the court date just going through the basic arguments and points of law writing out a brief summary - now I don't have to, what a relief! If you get much closer to the date I would call SC&M, just to check that they haven't just overlooked your (highly likely) settlement for some reason. Seem to have read this has happened and some people really get their money at the very last moment before court. Good luck!
  6. yippee, yippee, yippee - the money has appeared in my account, two weeks before the court date (fees, interest even updated from my initial claim, plus 220 costs). I'm thrilled to bits and want to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who has helped - garyh, I'm cheer leader for your fan club, and reading loads of others' threads has been a huge help too. Stick with it everyone! btw, no letter from [problem] with any conditions, though they seem to have contacted the court. Reckon Lloyds understand they don't have a leg to stand on now. I'll hit the donate button next. all the best, maryt :D :D :D
  7. And congrats from me! Well done! And how I wish that some judge could PUNISH LTSB for this awful time wasting abusive process that they are putting us all through. grrrrr.
  8. Hi Mooreda - any developments? SCM have not replied to my fax/letter about directions, haven't managed to call them up yet, so not much to report from me.
  9. Hi Kristian - I'm not a site helper (just another claimant!) but wandering around the site I found a whole section on mercantile court cases: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mercantile-court-cases-stays/ i would also encourage you to ring the court - can't harm and this message gives you a bump up the list so maybe you'll get some more help from someone really knowledgeable good luck and stick with it!
  10. and congrats from me too! I'm just dipping into threads learning about stuff - but this is about the third win I've seen today so looking good !
  11. Hi - just subscribing here because i've also got a pre-trial review. the judge hasn't even asked us to fill in an allocation questionnaire. so i'll be very interested in how your case goes. keep us updated and GOOD LUCK.
  12. great news - congratulations! someone thought my case was stuck in "no man's land" so cheers me up to see a win! the courts must be getting furious about all these cases and Sc&M/Lloyds no shows. enjoy the win!
  13. quick update - no response from [problem], not too surprising I guess since the pre-trial date is still about six weeks away.
  14. Hi Mooreda - this sounds like my situation. I received a notice of a pre-trial review (but 15 minutes mind you!) in February - there was no allocation questionnaire and no directions really, other than to turn up. We rang the court who couldn't say much more, but at least confirmed that the judge had decided to NOT send out an AQ. Did you get an AQ? Garyh has been really helpful - so whilst waiting for the court date, i've written to SC&M proposing that we agree (at the court pre-trial hearing) that it should go to small claims court and that they should provide all their evidence (tee hee) within 28 days. I gave them until tomorrow to respond, and then i guess i start hassling them again. My thread has more info and is at: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/lloyds-bank/40192-maryt-lloyds-trying-get.html I supppose my one big fear is that the judge here wants to do something really fancy and i'll be put on the spot (this is just complete imagination really!) - but then i realise that justice demands lloyds also would have to be grilled - and that can't be what lloyds want so that's why they settle - and they are still settling before court dates as far as I can see. HTH - I'll keep my thread updated - let us all know how your case goes too!
  15. well... I've been very slow, but finally faxed and mailed [problem] this week (cc'd to County Court), will start to press next week if don't hear anything. Finally figured out that garyh's suggested text (THANKS!!!) was text that a court might well propose, so went with that pretty much as you wrote it. Have proposed small claims court, submission of evidence etc, by the looks of other cases guess they won't want to do that!! Good to see successes mounting up here!
  16. Fantastic! Well done! Read your thread some weeks ago, great to catch up and find this news. Enjoy the moment! And shift banks if you haven't done so already, there are still accounts with no service charge, so you can save the £10 a month service charge that lloyds charges.
  17. Date for pre-trial review: 27 February 2007 (15 minutes only) We did manage to call the court this week, not hugely helpful though! The clerk said that the judge was not sending out pre-trial questionnaires, that it hasn't been assigned to any particular track, that we wouldn't receive any more directions and no more information available about the process. Pre-trial review is not covered in the Patricia Pearl's small claims procedure handbook btw. (unless it's called something else...) Guess we just go armed with everything (if it comes to that). And have just watched the "Bank Robbery" Money Programme on line (from 12 December) - if anyone missed it and needs some encouragement it's at: BBC NEWS | Business | Are penalty charges bank robbery? for the news item, with a link to the video on the right hand side of the page. It's so striking how straightforward the customers speak, and how the banks duck and dive and don't answer questions! And with helpful barrister comments, definitely cheered me up! thanks again garyh from maryt
  18. Gary H - you are a star, thanks! I just need to calm down too, not panic and keep on reading! Will keep this thread informed since must be other cases being treated similarly! thanks again, maryt
  19. bump... still hoping for some words of wisdom, maybe someone else's thread with this sort of problem that I haven't found? and also here is what Adamski told me: "Cambridge have amassed all claims for this date it is a directions hearing being heard by Judge O'brien. ie they will decide wether or not these claims will stay on small claims or go to Mercantile court. All the Banks will settle before this point except Citicards who i have an ongoing claim with Citicard will be at Cambridge on the 27th Feb, as they are defending all claims until the outcome of a test case on the 12th December." And note that I was not sent a "pre-trial questionnaire", but will call the court this week and ask further about that. Looking again I see that parties are "encouraged to agree directions to propose to the court..." so I guess that gives us the excuse to be in touch with [problem]? cheers, maryt
  20. Ouch - I've been sent a copy of Lloyds' defence (standard); but NO allocation questionnaire, instead a notice of "Pre-trial Review" (below is what I found out on the internet but I'm not sure it's v helpful, seems complicated!). The court clerk says that the judge is not sending out AQs at this point, they have a lot of bank charge cases (no doubt many thanks to this forum WELL DONE!). So, what next?? [i had been hoping to strike up correspondence with [problem] at the point I got their AQ asking for a month to settle, but with no AQ that plan is out the window. Can I politely write to the court asking for some other track, pointing out that Lloyds is still settling out of court so that this delay just favours them and disadvantages the out-of-pocket consumer... ? Or any other suggestions? And anyone else with this court date? Best of luck everyone! maryt 9.1 When the court fixes the date for a pre-trial review it will send each party a pre-trial review questionnaire. (The pre-trial review questionnaire is in the form set out in Appendix C to this practice direction). 9.2 Each party must file and serve on all other parties completed copies of the questionnaire not less than two days before the date fixed for the pre-trial review. 9.3 The parties are encouraged to agree directions to propose to the court. 9.4 If any party fails to return or exchange the questionnaire by the date specified the court may – (1)impose such sanction as it sees fit; and (2)either proceed with or adjourn the pre-trial review. 9.5 At the pre-trial review, the court will give such directions for the conduct of the trial as it sees fit.
  21. congrats Adamski! and thanks for the info - I'm also in Cambridge, and had a bit of a panic when got a "pre-trial hearing" date for Feb 27 this morning... (don't seem to have had an AQ though so am slightly confused) - anyway will try the phone call/fax/ general hassle route! all the best to you and your family!
  22. Congratulations to you! fast work, no? and that's cheered me up after reading about the Northern Ireland case (Citicards and LTWFB, judge swallowed the OFT line after a bank executive or similar turned up - sorry, not sure how to make the link) although hope that will get sorted on appeal.
  23. I'm at a similar stage (little bit behind), look forward to your updates. Good luck too!
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