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Everything posted by toksoz

  1. 5 years as GE Money is a subsidary of an American Company.....
  2. Hi Guys I know from experience that you should state your request clearly and as accurately as possible, werever possible you should also write to a particular person or department that are dealing solely with requests like this. Other sectors such as "Viking" ect do not honestly know what the strategies are for the business. The staff actually may be on the understanding that they can only go back so far for copy statements instead of the full 5 years as requested. Also bear in mind..... If your accounts have not always been administered by GE Money... this will cause a delay in their response. for example Miss Selfridge, Wallis and some others were administered by Creation Finance prior to September 2004.... So it is actually creation that will have your statements and not GE. If you have not used any of your accounts for the past 2 or 3 years, subsequently they are closed and taken off their system, so the process of requesting statements is more complex than it would be if your account was active. Make sure you state if your account has ever been reported lost or stolen, because if this is the case, they will have transferred your account to a new account number and maybe they have only looked for statements on the account number you are using and not your previous one......This may be the reason that your DSA requests are incomplete.. Make if you are requesting statements, you send the standard fee of £10.00, otherwise it will be delayed, because they will request this standard administration fee before they issue you with any documentation. They legally have 40 days from the time they receive the fee. Hope you all find this info helpful
  3. The address you need is Sarah Wainwright Data Protection Administrator GE Money PO Box 700 LEEDS LS99 2BD
  4. Hi, Im new to this forum, so firstly hello to you all... Can I ask you the address and person that you posted your request to??
  5. Any correspondence should be Addressed as follows.... Sarah Wainwright GE Money Data Protection Administrator PO Box 700 Leeds LS99 2BD
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