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  1. I would say yes ! why not you have as much right as them to question your agreements! they will no doubt be questioning you on your income etc ..... so yes go ahead pursue them ! Good Luck
  2. I would say yes ! why not you have as much right as them to question your agreements! they will no doubt be questioning you on your income etc ..... so yes go ahead pursue them ! Good Luck
  3. Dear All See if you can help me out with this one! My husband has a credit card with citibank which accquired by default. We were going on holiday a few years ago and he was approached at the airport and was asked if he would like to enter a competition he had no idea that this was credit card until we arrived home and found one had been sent out to him. He is saying that if nothing else he was falsely advised what the competition was about and that he was actually signing up for a credit card and was this bimbo that asked if he would like to enter this competition was she qualified to sell him the credit (probably not). I would appreciate your thoughts on this and we have had a long discussion about this tonight and he feels that he has had the wool pulled over his eyes. Any suggestions would be grateful! Thanks:p
  4. well here is hoping 10 years ppi equate to a hell of amount of refund if it comes off but as I said it states clearly "no card protection required" there mistake not mine and they are liable to recitfy it pronto as far as I am concerned!!! so watch this space
  5. here is hoping tinkerbell !!! fingers crossed this will be 10 years of ppi
  6. Dear All I thought I would update you as what is happening! I have now written and reported MBNA for harrassement. I have written to them and they have written back and apologised but they still say that they want to ring me as it is their way of communicating with me ! So I have now reported them to the Trading and Standards and they are now looking into it for me so fingers crossed I get some satisfaction from them . Now Barclay Card is a different story ! I wrote to them sometime ago asking for a copy of my credit agreement and also wrote to them about my PPI and they refused to refund the money as they told me that I had a 30 day cooling period and point blank said NO after several letters but TODAY I recieved my so called credit agreement and it clearly states in black and white and is printed out on the so called agreement stating "I do not require card protection" so today I rang them and quoted this back to them and they asked me why has it taken 10 years for me to realise this and I stated that I only looked into it recently due to all the media coverage with PPI. She refused again to refund the money and I stated that this error should never have happen and she said that I should of contacted them straight away obviously I disagreed and told them this was incorrect. I have now spoken to the ombudsman and they have told me that I have good case. Any thoughts anyone!
  7. Hi Hopster I have now sent the letter for harrassment and another asking for them to send a true agreement. Further to this i have had countless phones and at dafty o'clock one the other money at 8.25am I contact CCCS who I am doing DMP with and they told me to contact the Consumer Advice Centre and also the Officer of Fair Trading. And here is Consumer Advice reply this morning: Thank you for your enquiry to Consumer Direct dated 14/10/2008. Your reference number for this case is XXXXXXXX and should be quoted in all further correspondence regarding this case. Based on the information supplied within your email the key facts of the case appear to be as follows: You have a credit card with MBNA. You have recently had difficulty in paying your credit card and feel that they are harassing you to make a payment. You receive up to 6 phone calls per day and they start as early as 8:25am. All your credit matters are getting dealt with by the Consumer Credit Counselling Service. Harassment of debtors is covered by Trading Standards Legislation. We will refer the case to North Tyneside Trading Standards as it’s a potential criminal offence to harass debtors and they will contact you within 3 working days. If you require any further advice or information about this case, please do not hesitate to contact Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06 quoting the case reference number. Thank you for your enquiry. So watch this space ! I am looking forward to the battle ! as this may hold a large penalty and if other people would do the same with regards to reporting them then maybe they will be hit with a large fine !
  8. Hi folks I am now desperate for advice especially with regards to MBNA in particular. If you take a look at my first post at the top attached is the document they sent me which they say is my credit agreement, now I am not paying them anything they are constantly phoning me on my mobile at all times of the day now I just choose to ignore the calls. Obviously I need to pursue this further as the credit agreement is neither use nor ornament to anyone but I am unsure how to pursue this. I have not heard a thing from Barclay card since August so what do I do now!! I am starting to get stressed out by all the phones and threats from MBNA in particular hence why I am no longer answering there calls, PLEASE PLEASE SOME HELP ME !!!!
  9. Hi Steve do I reply to them telling them that this credit agreement is pile of poo or do you have any suggestions as to what I might do
  10. I need help with my response to the is credit agreement is there anyone on the forum able to help me reply to this please see above my previous post with the attached copy of the credit agreement
  11. SMT thanks for that ! any idea what I should proceed with now
  12. I hope I am not hijacking this thread but not sure where to put it but I have spent sometime read the site and sent the letters that has been suggested with regards to "unfair credit agreement" and today this is the response I have recieved from MBNA would some one kindly take a look and let me know what they think whether it is enforeceable or not! Regards
  13. Hello I am totally new to this as a member but have been reading the threads and have done some of my own work following some of the sample letters that have been posted. I wrote to MBNA and Barclaycard and requested the 1. I require you to supply me with a true copy of the credit agreement under which this account is conducted. This is my right under your obligation to supply a copy of the agreement under the legislation contained within s.78 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974 (s.78 (1) for running – account credit) - your obligation also extends to providing a statement of account. I enclose a £1 cheque in payment of the statutory fee. 2. You are notified that you are obliged to supply these documents, under S189 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Non-compliance with my request is a criminal offence under the above Act and will result in a report being submitted to the relevant statutory authorities. Take note at this stage, that any legal action you may contemplate will be both vigorously defended and contested. As you are aware, a credit agreement that is not properly documented and signed by the customer is totally unenforceable under the Consumer Credit Act and therefore is a complete defence to any court claim that is issued. Furthermore you are reminded that under s78 sub section (6) whilst the default continues you are not entitled to enforce the agreement in law Now both of these companies have not replied within the 12 days but MBNA sent me a letter stating that a restriction had been put on the account and that I was to send my credit card back (fine not a problem with that) but my thoughts are have they done this because I have asked for the true copy to be sent to me and they are unable to produce this. Does anyone have any thoughts and possibly help me out on this one not sure what to do now!!!!
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