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  1. My loan is personal not car finance. I chased them up this morning and apparently they are being resent and i should have everything i need by the end of the week.
  2. Well i dont know if this is an interesting development or not but - I rang the branch of welcome finance (hull) that are dealing with my loan to chase up why i hadn't recieved anything relating to my SAR or CCA requests. They state that they were posted before xmas (Um i never recieved them) but will send further copies to me as all the information they hold on me is stored on their head offices computer and it shouldn't be a problem getting another copy printed off and they will be with me by the end of the week. Are they just stalling me for time or is this true as i know most of you are being sent made up unsigned copies of your credit agreements. I also told them that my account is now in dispute and they cannot forward my account on to the DCA but they said that it is out of their hands as it is automatic and they have no control stopping it happening??? He did ask me why my account was in dispute so i told him about trying to make a claim against the mis-sold PPI, the extortionately high APR rate, the charges for non existent home visits, the imaginary phonecalls, credit acceptance fee's, early resettlemnt charges to finance another loan etc etc, at which point either i lost my signal or he hung up on me?? I tried ringing back but he's in a meeting!!! I will give them until friday then i will be hassling them again. Bit sad really as the loan was supposed to be paid of next month. And it would have been if the PPI was worth the paper it was written on.
  3. I know what you mean my charges total about the same my outstanding balance equates to all the charges so when they cough up my account will be clear and closed. I haven't used my card for 14 months (came across some difficult times a while back but don't we all) i always paid early with a cheque they did the same to me saying they hadn't been paid and charging me then i woud recieve my statement and they say that they got the payment one day late?????? Recieved another statement to the same effect this morning even though i posted a payment off well before xmas cos i know what the post is like at that time of year. Still got charged for non payment and then again for going over my limit. But i'll be claiming them all back and closing it down. Can't say ii'll cut the card up cos i did that 14 months ago!!!
  4. Do you have the address for ruddington? thanks
  5. I thought that is what i had to do next but how do i inform the information commisioner. Where do i write to and is there a template letter for that.
  6. i recieved all my docs through from capital before xmas, but i thought i would wait till after the festive season to pick it up again. I have marked all the charges and will be sending them my first letter sometime this week.
  7. I have already looked at this template but i don't like sending letters that i don't fully understand myself. In the sense that it is hard to read and follow what it means. I will send a formal letter stating that i am putting my account into dispute and see what happens from there.
  8. yes i sent it signed for delivery and i check royal mails website and it had been delivered. I sent it to head branch and it must have been forwarded to my local branch as thats where the single piece of paper was from.
  9. Ok so i still haven't recieved any info relating to my SAR or CCA requests but i have recieved a letter stating that welcome are passing my account on to the debt collection agency. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions of what to do know?
  10. what do i do know that my SAR and CCA requests have been completely ignored there 40 days and all i have recieved is one piece of paper with a few lines of numbers on. i have now been informed by welcome that they are passing my account on to the debt collection agency. Are they just ignoring these SAR requsests and immediately passing us on to DCA's.
  11. i got 2 pices of paper from welcome finance before xmas. thought i would wait till now as things get messy over the festive period postal widse but no nothing. The 2 pices of paper in question are a list of payments made and outstanding balance. Nothing else thats it. What do i do now as i was expecting to receive copies of my 2 loan agrements with PPI details on and actual interest rate charged as i know is was above 47%. Do i issue a non compliance letter cos frankly i am fed up with giving them more and more time. I would like to be able to go knock on their door asking for them to cough up immediately then charge them £25 for the privilidge.
  12. cheddar i am the same i nearly lost my claim for housing and council tax benefit because of '' the error on the system'' and them being unable to produce an award notice 17 phonecalls and 4 months later i still haven't received a printd but luckily the housing benefit people are aware of the tax credits computer failure. My other problem now is that back when the system first started and the chaos involed we were left for 5 weeks without payment so got emergency payments from the inland revenue office. Last year they sent me a letter asking for the payments to be paid back as my award wasn't adjusted at the time to compensate for these payments. I have since split from the childs father and had no idea where he was and didn't want him to know where i was either. I offered to pay half the money as at the time i was a stay at home mum but we were still both equaly responsible for the payments so both equally responsible for paying it back. They refused this. And i have spent months trying to get it sorted. They stated that since i no longer recieve tax credits ( I'VE ALWAYS CLAIMED TAX CREDITS?) they are unable to claim it back through any current award. Then this morning out of the blue i have recieved county court papers as they are taking me and my ex to court to reclaim to overpayment. Now i'm lost as to what to do. My first problem is that both mine and my ex's addresses are on the court papers which has really annoyed me as i have tried really hard to keep my location from him. But now he has my full address. A complete breach of my privacy. I dont have any award notices as they were lost in transit when we moved so i can't argue if the payment is right or not also as i wasn't working and my ex was. i am unable to find out how much he earned to check if the figures are correct or not. I did ring and tell them of all changes and when it got to the end of the year and they wanted final figures i explained to them that i was unable to provide them as we were no longer together and they would have to find him and ask him themselves. So does anyone one know where i stand and what i should do it's not a huge amount of money £400 but it's the principle of the situation that is getting to me more.
  13. With regards to your signature have you saved it when you change it. also it doesn't always show up, strange but thats just the way it is. Good luck with natwest i had mine settled in full today.
  14. hi cant seem to be able to pm a mod can you change my thread to *settled in full*. Its 'jenny vs natwest let the battle commence'. Can you also get rid of the let the battle commence bit as well please?
  15. Fairclaire, i was in the same position as you where WF had my card details and they would constantly ring me to authorise the payment. I told them that i would not authorise the payment which stumped then a little. I sent a stop harrasing me via telephone letter which can be found in the templates section and i also found this somewhere on here for if they tried to push me and carry on phoning- "I am now taping the rest of this conversation: (Pause for effect) and I am putting you on notice that I intend reporting you to Trading Standards and The Office of Fair Trading, under Section 40 of The Administration of Justice Act 1970, for Harassment. Furthermore, I will from this point on, only communicate with you in writing and if I receive one more telephone call from you or your organisation, I will see that you face criminal proceedings under Section 2 of The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 - and before you say anything further, you may be interested to know that your consumer credit license will not protect you from prosecution. Are we now absolutely clear on this matter?" So far they have recieved all my letters and i havent had a single phone call from them so i havent had to use it, but it could help you if they persist in ringing you before they recieve the letter.
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