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Everything posted by eddiefanelli

  1. Hi I wonder if anyone can help me with my options on this.. I recently claimed back my bank charges against YB.. well 85% of them anyway (I took a settlement)... Shortly after I paid in the cheque (the next day in fact) I received a CCJ Claim form from YB for a loan that they defaulted some time ago. Now the reason I took out the loan in the first place was because the bank at the time refused to extend my overdraft and were charging me ridiculous daily charges against my overdrawn account. The loan was at 17% APR and included insurance which I was told I needed in order for my application to be acceptable. In short I am thinking about defending the claim but am not sure if I have a leg to stand on or how to go about it? I also could do without a CCJ but couldnt pay it in full even if I wanted to. For now I have just asked the court for additional time... Anyone have any advice? E-
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