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Billy Fury1

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Everything posted by Billy Fury1

  1. Re: Barclays bank PLC falsified my credit information with the credit agencies. Please could anyone assist with the below with good sound advise. I am considering replying to the Financial Ombudsman as per the below. Financial Ombudsman service Exchange Tower London E14 9SR 11/02/2017 Dear Sir/s Your ref: xxxxxxxxxxx I believe that Barclay Partner Finance are legally and morally responsible for the financial situation that resulted in my having to take money out of my pension, all of this is due to the business practices they BPF employed and to which they have admitted with regards to their systems, thus having a damaging effect on my credit file. I wish for you (Financial Ombudsman Services) to uphold my appeal which would then allow me to pursue Barclays Partner Finance to reclaim my monetary loss incurred through their professional negligence. My reasoning is as such:- I duly wrote to BPF, (Barclays Partner Finance) on the 21/03/2016 by recorded delivery to ask them why my credit file was amended to show a new default date after the original default expired on the 4th of January 2017. I tried on a number of occasions to get in contact with BPF, I requested Experian to contact them again on my behalf as I was getting nowhere/no response to my letter. I finally managed to obtain a contact number for their customer service with whom I spoke to on a number of occasions, BPF customer Services confirmed that there was a department that was looking at my case and would be responding to me in due course. It required yet another call by me to be informed that a letter was sent out to me in May with a cash offer for the inconvenience caused, I did not receive this letter. I sent another recorded letter to BPF dated 18/11/2016 and did not receive a response or any form of acknowledgement. I made yet another call to BPF early this December to be told that the particular department that was dealing with my issue would not be entering into any further dialogue and that I should perhaps contact the Financial Services Ombudsman. This is the first time that I have been referred to yourselves (Ombudsman Services) by BPF to seek any form of information/support, only now to be informed that it is outside of a 6 month period and that you are not able to give me any assistance with my rights. I believe that Barclays played this 6 month card rule. I have not received any of the compensation that Barclays offered to pay me as a gesture of goodwill. Yours sincerely
  2. Hi Martin I have had an update from Experian Credit Expert verbally on 14/08/16, they (Experian Credit Expert) have promised to send out confirmation correspondence directly to me re our conversation etc.... Experian have informed me that they (Experian) could see that the expired default date of 04/01/16 was removed from my report on or around the 14th of January 2016. The above would have Been exactly what I was expecting. However they (Credit Expert) see the re-instating of the very same default date on or around the 02/02/2016, changing the Default date to 13/08/2014 now to expire 13/08/2020. They "Credit Expert" could not find any justification for this and are now looking as to how this has occurred. Regards Billy.
  3. I have had an update from Experian Credit Expert verbally on 14/08/16, they have promised to send out confirmation correspondence directly to me re the conversation etc.... Experian have informed me that they removed my expired default date (04/01/16) on or around the 14th of January 2016. The above would have Been exactly what I was expecting. However they re-instated the very same on or around the 02/02/2016, changing the Default date to 13/08/2014 now to expire 13/08/2020. They "Credit Expert" could not find any justification for this erroneous action and are now looking as to how this has occurred. Regards Billy.
  4. The issue I was describing re the SAR was a separate issue, the answer was relating to the: Re: Miss sold Insurance/packaged account fees reclaiming- Barclays Billy
  5. Hi Please would you be so kind as to comment on the attached letter I am about to send to Barclays re my claim for mis-sold package account. Many thanks Billy Barclays Claim letter.pdf
  6. Hi Martin I have uploaded a copy of the letter from Barclays as requested. I am awaiting confirmation from Experian as to how they (Barclays) managed to change my credit file and default date from 2010 to 2014 when they openly admit to having no actual real knowledge of this in the letter attached. What is the best course of action that you believe may be my way forward, any suggestions would be appreciated. Regards Billy 070916 PP Barclays No Idea comments.pdf
  7. Hi Martin I have been through all of the data that Barclays sent me. I cannot see anything that refers to the default being changed or anything referring to the default. I will ask Experian for information as to when this default was changed by Barclays if they will provide this to me. I did not have the luxury of time available to sort this issue out when I discovered what Barclays had done, I needed to pay my ongoing financial responsibilities at the time and I would have obviously been refused a loan through the normal channels due to the incorrect information on my credit file. I have in the past asked Barclays (personal contact in branch) for an increase on my £10 overdraft which was refused. I had no option but to take the monies required from draw down through my Personal Pension scheme. Would you have any suggestions as to the best way forward to start the ball rolling with my claim against Barclays. Thanks Billy
  8. Hi I see my losses in terms of having to have made drawdowns via my Personal Pension which amounted to around £20000, this was the amount that was required to meet my financial obligations during this period. I would have been happy to have taken out a more beneficial option should I have been in a position to do so. This situation was wholly due to Barclays changing the dates on my credit file, something of which I was not made aware of and did not receive any notification from Barclays whatsoever. I have stated previously that Barclays could offer me no answer as to why this was changed and eventually corrected, unfortunately it was too late for me to change my plans to bridge this financial gap in my work life, I see this as loss that I cannot replace as far the value of my pension in the future. I have recently received what I believe to be the cumulative data file from Barclays which they held on me, this came in the post in two separate files in response to my SAR request. I have yet to go through the paperwork which is quite bulky It would be helpful to know what I should actually be looking for, that being said if Barclays cant tell me why my credit file was changed how could I be expected to find it Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated. Billy
  9. I agree with you, it is possible to get a loan from a loan shark (High interest). That is not something that I would do nor is it something that I should have had to contemplate. When my work position was becoming untenable I decided that a normal low interest loan would be the best alternative to see me over the coming months. I duly checked out my credit file with Experian and discovered that the default date which should have expired on January 4th leaving my credit file as excellent, the dates had been changed by the bank. I contacted Experian to inform them what had occurred, Experian was no help whatsoever and said that I would have to contact the bank direct. I contacted Barclays numerous times regarding the situation to no avail, they said I should write into them with my complaint, this did not give me any time to organise or dispute the situation, hence I had no other option but to take alternative funds. Barclays cannot tell me why this date was changed, they have confirmed this by letter/ I hope the above is clear as to why I acted as I did. Billy
  10. Hi Martin Please could you advise how I confirm privately to Bankfodder my monetary loss as he has requested. I obviously don't want to post it for all to see. Please kindly advise. Billy
  11. I have used a form suggested by the forum which includes the wording re; the statements to accompany my claim. Cannot delet this element of the form. Billy
  12. Hi This is the same person but not the same issue, my CRA file is an issue on going, I have completed and sent a SAR request to the Bank over 40+ days ago and have not received anything back to date. Apologies as I am finding these threads a bit complicated as to where I should post etc. as I have not had much experience on these forums in the past. Many thanks Billy
  13. Thanks for the letter. I have completed this but it states that I have the bank statements going back to 1999, this is not a possibility as far as I am aware. Surely Barclays will have this information as they are the one who will have to defend their position regarding my complaint. I have already sent Barclays a SAR regarding another matter giving them 40 days to respond, it has been 44 days since they received my request. I have heard nothing to date,. This SAR is regarding a previous post entitled: Clydesdale/Barclays falsified my CRA life? - Page 2 Basic Account Holder Billy Fury1 Novitiate ... Have moved your thread into the Legal Forums - Financial Legal Issues Billy Fury. CAG has ... I would really appreciate any comments as to what I should now do. Regards Billy
  14. I have had a Fee paying packaged bank account with Barclays since June 1999. I had no idea until a couple years ago that it was not a standard monthly account fee but a packaged account. I had no use for a packaged account as I had breakdown insurance with my employment at the time of opening the account (company vehicle), we always bought our family travel insurance and had other normal insurance covers in place. I would never have agreed to pay over the odds for a bank account if I was made aware of this at the time. Please could someone advise me how I should pursue the monies that I have paid over this 17 year period and if I would be able to claim for the interest on all of the monies paid out. Thanks in anticipation Billy
  15. Hi Just a quick follow up to ask if you have seen my reply regarding the impact against my personal situation as requested. Not to sure if I am replying to the correct link/thread. Please kindly advise. Billy
  16. Hi Thank you for all your assistance in this matter. I have today recorded a SAR to the Data Controller Barclays Bank Plc. as suggested. The allegations that I made are perfectly correct in the respect that Barclays changed the information on my credit file between a period in 2015. I will log into Experian to check and download the actual time line when this happened. I will send you a copy of the letter received from Barclays in answer to my complaint. Barclays have stated clearly that they cannot answer my question as to why the default date was changed to one that was totally incorrect is because they do not have the information available. I will renew my subscription to Experian and check that my file is now updated correctly. With regards to the statement that I have made regarding the losses and the impact upon myself and my family is summed up quite easily. I lost a job quite quickly in April this year, this was unexpected and quite sudden. My ability to obtain a loan from the main lenders was severely impacted due to the incorrect information that Barclays had placed on my credit file. I had to make a decision to drawdown monies from my personal pension to honour my on-going financial commitments to my creditors and my family. I would not have taken monies from my pension in the normal events should my credit file have been clear as of the 4th of January 2016. I would have simply taken out a loan that would have satisfied our commitments until such time as I was back in work. This is money that cannot be replaced back into my pension, it is lost forever through no fault of mine. I am so annoyed that a Plc Bank can do so much harm to a person through acting in an obviously negligent way with peoples personal data. I hope that the above makes sense I am happy to collate all of the paperwork and hopefully all of the paper chase that shows exactly what and when all of this transpired. I look forward to your comments. Kind regards Billy
  17. Post 4 & 5 are the same, not sure how that occurred, apologies. I have now sent a SAR to Barclays Bank Plc. as suggested in the first instance. Not 100% sure where to go from here or do I simply await the information being supplied by Barclays first before moving forward. Thanks Billy
  18. Please could someone direct me to a SAR template. I have tried the library but cannot find the template. Many thanks in anticipation Billy
  19. Barclays Bank PLC changed my credit information with the credit agencies which resulted in my file having incorrect information. I wrote to them to ask them to remove this and also to ask why it was changed from a default ending 04/01/2016 to 13/08/2020 . They eventually wrote back stating;- ”Unfortunately from our records it is not clear why the date of the default was changed to 13th august 2014. I have arranged for the default registered in relation to this account to be removed and your personal credit file has been updated” The effect of the above has caused serious financial consequences to me and my family. Due to the incorrect information being submitted to the various credit agencies by Barclays meant that I was not in a position to obtain a loan that I required at the time which was essential to my ability to pay bills and to honour my on-going obligations for a short period of time. The above resulted in my having to cash in a part of my SERPs retirement pension to enable me to meet my financial responsibilities. I believe that I am now entitled to seek financial compensation due to the irresponsible negligent actions of Barclays Bank Plc. Barclays made a £100 offer with the last letter they sent. Please could anyone advise where I stand in making a financial compensation claim and kindly advise me which way should I proceed? Many thanks Billy
  20. Hi Today I received a text from Barclay's saying that they have received my complaint. Nothing more. What should I do as I sent the original letter on 22nd February and they received it recorded on the 24th February. Many thanks Billy
  21. Thanks Slick I have sent the following to the CEO today, is this the correct format in your experience. Mr Anthony Jenkins Chief Executive Officer Barclays Bank PLC t/a Clydesdale Finance Canary Wharf Group 2 Churchill Pl, London E14 5RB 21.03.2016 Dear Sir I have tried in vain to get a satisfactory result/response to my complaint against your company. The complaint which requires immediate action is as follows, that Barclays Bank PLC t/a Clydesdale Finance has changed my personal finance file with the credit agencies (Experian) being the one that I subscribe to. My credit file has been changed from a defaulted account date of the 04.01.2010 to the following date 13.08.2014. The above has severely impacted my ability to obtain credit and I believe that your company has acted improperly without due diligence in manipulating my credit file. I request an immediate response to the above and an explanation of how this has occurred. You have had the mandatory 14 days to respond to my previous letter and have not done so to date, unless I get a full response to this letter by Friday 25/03/2016 I will take further action as necessary including court action and formal complaints. Please find enclose a copy of the original letter received by Bank PLC t/a Clydesdale Finance on the 24/02/2016 including copies of the changes made with Experian. Yours sincerely Many thanks Billy
  22. Dear Slick Just a quick update re my correspondence and personal contact with Barclay's/Clydesdale Finance. I sent a recorded letter 02022/03/16, it was signed for 24/03/16. I followed up the letter with a call to Barclay's who said that they were dealing with this issue with their escalation team and would be back in due course. Having heard nothing by 10/03/16 I rang Barclay's again and spoke to a team member who looked into my query and said that the escalation team were handling this and they would be back to me by the 18/03/16. Having heard nothing to date I duly rang Barclay's this morning and spoke to another member of the customer service team who were not based at Clydesdale's office in Wales as the number transferred my call from this location, this person tried several times unsuccessfully to transfer me through to the escalation team who would theoretically be dealing with my case. It was finally suggested that I continue to call the number 0800 1522 888 to hopefully speak to someone, they also confirmed that they have emailed the team to call me, once again I am not holding my breath that this will happen. What would you suggest I now do as I am getting nowhere whatsoever with this company who obviously does not want to try to justify a reason that would warrant the changing of statutory information on my credit file. Kind Regards Billy
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