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  1. I have just successfully claimed in England for myself with HSBC and a friend of mine has asked me if I would do her paperwork for her claim but she is in Scotland and banking with Abbey While I know the Small Claims paperwork will be different I am unsure if a claim is possible under Scottish Law. Can anyonne advise?
  2. No way would the interest have paid it off.....my debt to HSBC is thousands. I just stood my ground with them and told them in writing on their first offer to pay the money straight to Metropolitan that I considered the debt collection and the charges claim seperate (which they are in law) and their solicitors caved.
  3. They caved in this morning, offer of a full and final settlement thats £15 less than the charges and interest payable to me and not their debt collection agency. Cant work out why they knocked £15 I think it must be a typo or a calculation error but its such a small amount I am not preparted to argue. Stuart.
  4. I think I have done the right thing but I wanted to check, I got a letter from DG Solicitors this morning offering to settle the amount in full but left out the interest and they wanted to pay it to Metropolitan Collection Services that HSBC sold off my personal loan to without telling me I rejected the offer until they pay it to me as I said that I consider any dealings with Metropolitan Collection Services to be sepearate to the Court Claim and that as HSBC didnt hesitate to charge me interest on their charges then why should I let the interest slide. Anyone else been in this situation and can advise what DG do in cases like this?
  5. Scratch that thought.........I just got a notice from DG Solicitors acting on behalf of HSBC that they intend to defend all of the claim........ Surprised me as we are only talking about £700
  6. Apologies if this is the wrong forum but I couldnt find a more suitable one to ask this question. I live in a flat thats one of 4 in a converted seaside hotel in a well known South of England Resort. However across the road is another larger-ex hotel thats been converted and is currently full of for want of a better phrase asylum seekers and there has been a couple of "incidents" outside and we have had the police round asking for witnesses and as this building offers the best vantage point I have twice in the last month been disturbed by the police literally hammering down the door to my flat. My question is this, cant once let into a building by another tennant then do they have the right to roam the corridors banging on flat doors for witnesses or do as they suspect have to ring the doorbells for each separate flate and wait until invited in. Only asking as the last time they woke me up at 5:30am which I was none too happy about.
  7. I quick question, very noob but I have just spend agest sifting the Court Service website and I cant find an answer. I have my "Notice of Issue" from the courts and HSBC have not yet responded with 48 hours still to go. The 14 days is up on Friday, but can someone advise If HSBC dont respond can I go into the courts with the "Request for Judgement" on the Friday or do I have to wait until next working day after the 14 day which would be the Monday? Stuart264 P.S. I am doing this in the courts rather than MCOL.
  8. Your kidding right.........£20 worth of vouchers and you want to go to court...........if the offer dates were stated on the offer paperwork then you dont have a leg to stand on legally.
  9. Wouldnt mind some advice as to what to do next, I sent my first letter the "Request to repay charges" for the £685 in charges I am claiming on the 11th August and recieved no response, I followed that up on the 25th of August with the "Letter before Litigation" and he 14 days for a response runs out on the 7th September and to date I have recieved nothing. Firstly has anyone else had no response from HSBC and secondly would you advise if I should file with the small claimes court after the 14 days is up (for personal reasons that wont happen until Monday 11th September) or make a courtesy phone call enquiring why I have not recieved a response.
  10. I have exactly the same letter quoting removing the number as a "one off".to make matters worse HSBC did their phone harrasment when they knew in writing I couldnt speak due to an adverse reaction to a painkiller causing me aphasia. My complaint over that is currently with the banking ombudsman as when I tried to escalate it under their complaints proceedures I got told by HSBC I couldnt as I had not kept a list of the exact time they called!
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