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  1. hi there I'm burny 25, Scottish and financially suffocated I'm looking to start 2 claims, one to abbey and the other to capital one I'm still in the process of looking at all the information on the forums I'm a bit overwhelmed with the amount of information, which is a good thing i suppose so god willing and with lots of coffee i intend to form a plan of action to retrieve my cash from the big evil nasty banks so heres my story i apologize if you find any of the following confusing, my memory is not what it used to be and i find it hard to put memory's to word (in other words I'm stupid) abbey i opened a student account with abbey when i started college i was given an overdraft which over the course of the next 3 years was increased incrementally till it was standing at £1500 now a few years after i left college i was still in the red but where still using my account working of the premise that -£1500 was really £0.00 then without any prior notification they reduced my overdraft to £1000 which sent me £500 over my overdraft limit and various cheques to be returned you can just imagine the field day "abbey" had incurring charges (to catch up i had to work full time for 6 weeks and it took the full 6 weeks worth of wages to recover) i contested this and that they at least could've shown me some notification that they were going to reduce my overdraft but the whole affair seemed to fade into "we'll get back to you" limbo if this wasn't bad enough, a year later they pulled the same stunt with the FULL amount and then as a gesture allowed me a £700 overdraft facility, as i was unemployed this was way too much form me to overcome and they closed the account and sold the debt on, which currently stands at £1000 ish along with these incidents and my uncanny attempt to go over my limit by even the smallest of denominations, i have incurred an insane amount of bank charges which i had paid, and i am confident if i am able to recover these charges this would cover my overdraft debt as well as leave me some pocket change opinions please? as for capital one nothing special just missed the payment deadline numerous times sometimes the bank will transfer the payment within a day sometimes the full five days and once again the bank charges i have paid, if recovered would clear the outstanding debt capital one has this very day just charged me a £20 for going over my limit in every case with capital one its there interest that put me over the limit obviously i should practice better banking but i hardly think that going £3 over my limit via interest that they charge me constitutes a £20 bank charge I'm am not paying anymore money to capital one from this day I'm unemployed just now, £20 is a lot of money and from what Ive read on this site abbey and capital one's charges are not only unfair but illegal, and so hopefully with the help of this site my financial state will be on the mend I'm aware that the time limit is 6 years and i am very sure that these incidents all fall within that time frame, i have read the faq and am unsure how to proceed in way to scottish law and so once again any opinions about what my chances are and where to start would be eternally appreciated
  2. hi there I'm burny 25, Scottish and financially suffocated I'm looking to start 2 claims, one to abbey and the other to capital one I'm still in the process of looking at all the information on the forums I'm a bit overwhelmed with the amount of information, which is a good thing i suppose so god willing and with lots of coffee i intend to form a plan of action to retrieve my cash from the big evil nasty banks so heres my story i apologize if you find any of the following confusing, my memory is not what it used to be and i find it hard to put memory's to word (in other words I'm stupid) abbey i opened a student account with abbey when i started college i was given an overdraft which over the course of the next 3 years was increased incrementally till it was standing at £1500 now a few years after i left college i was still in the red but where still using my account working of the premise that -£1500 was really £0.00 then without any prior notification they reduced my overdraft to £1000 which sent me £500 over my overdraft limit and various cheques to be returned you can just imagine the field day "abbey" had incurring charges (to catch up i had to work full time for 6 weeks and it took the full 6 weeks worth of wages to recover) i contested this and that they at least could've shown me some notification that they were going to reduce my overdraft but the whole affair seemed to fade into "we'll get back to you" limbo if this wasn't bad enough, a year later they pulled the same stunt with the FULL amount and then as a gesture allowed me a £700 overdraft facility, as i was unemployed this was way too much form me to overcome and they closed the account and sold the debt on, which currently stands at £1000 ish along with these incidents and my uncanny attempt to go over my limit by even the smallest of denominations, i have incurred an insane amount of bank charges which i had paid, and i am confident if i am able to recover these charges this would cover my overdraft debt as well as leave me some pocket change opinions please? as for capital one nothing special just missed the payment deadline numerous times sometimes the bank will transfer the payment within a day sometimes the full five days and once again the bank charges i have paid, if recovered would clear the outstanding debt capital one has this very day just charged me a £20 for going over my limit in every case with capital one its there interest that put me over the limit obviously i should practice better banking but i hardly think that going £3 over my limit via interest that they charge me constitutes a £20 bank charge I'm am not paying anymore money to capital one from this day I'm unemployed just now, £20 is a lot of money and from what Ive read on this site abbey and capital one's charges are not only unfair but illegal, and so hopefully with the help of this site my financial state will be on the mend I'm aware that the time limit is 6 years and i am very sure that these incidents all fall within that time frame, i have read the faq and am unsure how to proceed in way to scottish law and so once again any opinions about what my chances are and where to start would be eternally appreciated
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