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Everything posted by bettyb

  1. thanks Blossomandebony, I have never paid anything towards this debt, I was expecting them to chase me up on this years ago, but since they didn't I begrudge them doing so now especially as the uni made it impossible to access the lectures without the tuition fees being paid upfront. With the school year 2002/3 I guess the 6 years would be term 2008/9? from this comming oct ? or is it already stature barred ? Just out of principle for threatening me with a debt collection agency I would like some idea what I could write to them.
  2. Hi all, I received a letter this morning..... "Outstanding Tuition Fee Balance £500 Dear Student despite sending you previous correspondance, your tuition fees for the academic year 2002/2003 still remain unpaid. Unfortunatly, if we do not hear form you withn the next 14 days, we will send your file to a debt collection agency for immediate recovery." Hmmm this is the first letter I received from them, from what I can remember I had suffered financial hardship then & since that term hadn't been paid my student card, which was a type of swipe card stopped my access to any university building so I was effectively unable make use of any of the tutition.I had left soon after. Where Do I stand with this? is this stature barred and why should I pay for what I was unable to make use of in the first place Please help, I do not want to be harrassed by a debt company
  3. yep ! as soon as you are overdrawn they seem to block off your internet account access. I have asked them numerous times to unblock mine, they won't. guess they dont want you to see the charges mounting up.
  4. Hi booked a ferry using Ferries to France, Ireland, Holland, Dover Calais Cross Channel Ferries .co.uk easy mistake to make, i booked calais-Dover instead of the other way around, they charge a £25 amendment fee, hmmpt !office hours 8am-7pm But on confirmation email they give two refs. one for seafrance (which i booked for) and theirs if anyone else makes the same mistake, phone seafrance up instead!open 24hrs. they have your booking too on record & charge only £7.50 amendment fee. Not fair to charge amendement fee so high for click of a button, but at least its £18 cheaper to amend.
  5. I think it depends who it goes through, (i wanted a charge removed before it made me overdrawn at lloyds bank,) the first phone call point blank refused, called an hour later & instant result with pleasant service. My letter to Capital One went on for three pages, kept adding stuff, readjusting phrases, adding case laws etc, mild threats, begging, sarcasam, general dripple, then thought to hell with it & sent the lot.I think i'll either get a good will partial refund just so i dont write again, or they'll close my account down. Its quite nerve racking waiting for a response
  6. good luck ! i do actually have a real live 4 leaf clover growing in a pot (my mini garden, grass and all )just for such an occassion.
  7. ive just added ...I do not wish to close my account, but i am infuriated by being penalised for a breach of contract by means of disproportionate penalities considered to be unfair per se by the Office of Fair Trading Report 5th April 2006 . I spent the last week not picking up my phone, increasing my phone bill doing 1471 to call people back, trying to come up with excuses why i don't pick up my phone.untill i subscribed to Bulldogs Anoyomous call reject. How do they still get through? so now my approach has changed. No one deserves to be put on edge like that in their homes!
  8. hi Clark, thanks for that, i have just written a very abrupt letter to Capital One, throwing in so many examples of their breach of conduct towards me that it is two pages long. However i'm not sure if i should send it yet. As i dont want to lose my account with them in the long term, i have been a customer of theirs since 2002 and do appreciate the £2400 credit limit i have, However each time i almost cleared it they increased my credit limit. when i did clear it back to 0, they froze it for a week. Does claiming back charges automatically close your account with them? I'm just so angry at the moment that ive been dragged into a catch-22 spiral of debt.
  9. its crazy how depending on whom you speak to what can be done!!! im amazed, i recieved a letter from lloydstsb (sorry i know different than thread) £35 charge for non payment of standing order, or their translation "if we had paid it you would have been overdrawn,..so we'll charge you more & then extra over the limit charge too" I spoke to a horrible man who wanted to make me an appointment with my local branch to discuss my not paying a student loan into the account(surely my call if i dont want to take one out) and some random default in Feburary that i couldn't find.therefor won't take the charge off. Called back 1 hour later, spoke to really nice girl, who without me even saying more than my details, said oh i see the problem yes i'll remove that charge for you right away, you haven't defaulted a payment in the last 12 months,have a nice day !! crazy !!
  10. Recieved a statment on 14th July, for a minimum payment of £804 ! to have cleared by the 27th ! with their processing time i have what 6 days to find that? I have been paying £40 charges each month for the last 6 because my minimum payment never reaches their £500 or so request. so although i pay before their date due theres always a late payment fee charge because i cannot stretch that far. Was told by Capital One (phone call on Sunday 5pm) that it is against their policy to freeze charges as "that is how they make their money" and my account will simply sprial and its "beyond help." I asked for this in writing, he said that was not possible, i asked for his name, he hanged up. Wrote an email in the evening to Suzanne.smith@capitalone.com, titled breach of CODE OF PRACTICE CSA, (she is capital ones representative for the CSA. about the harrassing phone call and demand over the phone for payment. I wanted both to stop & that i do not intent to fund a black hole, have paid in £400 over the past 6 months not used my card once in that time and am still £200 over my limit! This morning i recieved a phone call from a "manager" her name was michelle Griffin? she said the only way to freeze charges was to go to Free Debt Management company | Payplan. untill they contact them no charges will be frozen and there is no question ever of my charges being refunded, after she pryed a bit into my currnet financial position, can they do that? she asked me when my next payment will be and for what amount. I am fumming. has anyone had experience of payplan?
  11. she is the Capital one representative at, my email was about the breach of their code.
  12. Suzanne.smith@capitalone.com i emailed her late sunday night, early monday morning got a call from a manager (not her) with regards to the email, more pleasant & polite than usual phone people she suggested the only way to freeze charges was to get in touch with Payplan. anyone else had a similar response?
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