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Everything posted by karonus

  1. karonus

    LBA Terms

    This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  4. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  5. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  6. Had the following response by email today (had a similiar one Friday in response to LBA) ------------------------ Thank you for your e-mail dated 16 March 2006. Unfortunately I am unable to add any further information to my letter dated 10 March 2006 and can only refer you to the terms and conditions of your account. However, I respect that you have your own opinion about our charges. This letter is the bank's final response, which means that if you remain dissatisfied you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. If you decide to pursue your complaint through the Financial Ombudsman Service you must do so within 6 months from the date of this letter. I have attached a leaflet, which outlines how to contact them. Yours sincerely David Just Assistant Manager --------------------------------------------------------- So it looks like the small claims action will commence shortly. I will email claim number when obtained.
  7. The LBA had a 7 day deadline on it. I will be looking to file the claim the end of next week. Have had a fair amount of experience in small claims so will let you know when I have had a claim number.
  8. Had the following "standard" reply to my LBA: Thank you for the e-mail. I am sorry to learn that you are unhappy over the level of charges you have incurred on your Lloyds TSB accounts. Under the circumstances, your e-mail has been passed on to the Manager of the Service Recovery Unit. I have asked that he notes your comments and issues raised and arranges for a response be sent to you at the earliest opportunity. Regards Keith Boden Lloyds TSB - Service Recovery Birmingham
  9. karonus

    LBA Terms

    Any specific reason for giving 14 days on the LBA. I would normally use 7 days to pay, indeed every solictors letter I have seen uses 7 days.
  10. Had my statements today, at home due to heart attack scare Tuesday morning (told I've had a massive warning, tests okay but need to remove stress). Having gone through the statements I am owed £3,266.00 + £438.56 interest as per the statement. Forums LBA will be heading off today.
  11. Just a moot point, but I wa originally a TSB customer without any problems, very happy with bank. Then they were taken over by Lloyds. Since that point I have seen a deteriation in the way customers are treated. Their claim, as in the "David Just" letters is that when I became a customer of Lloyds I entered into an agreement including the charges. Actually I didnt enter into an agreement, my account was automatically migrated to Lloyds. Also, whenever they revise their charges they make no attempt to re-negotiate them with customers. (rant over)
  12. Over the weekend I received a letter from my branch confirming receipt of my fax in writing and that they had passed it on to teh customer care dept. I then received a letter from "David Just" stating they will not refund the charges etc. They will provide copies of my statements as per the DPA request within 3 weeks and will waive the charge. Is three weeks unreasonable or should I go back requesting the information within 7 days?
  13. Elsewhere on the list there are various mentions of evidence of how much the automated letters cost. Well I can give an example of automated letters I use. In my job of recovering debts from corporations I use the services of a large solicitors firm who specialise in debt recovery. They charge me £2.50 for a simple Letter Before Action (LBA - a 7 day letter) and £5.00 for an LBA with interest and compensation on. In the first instance I simply fax the company name and address and amount pursued. The second I have to add the details of all invoices outstanding. In both cases the information will have to be entered onto their system to generate the automated letters, albeith they will be unique due to the information contained. Are these letters any different to those issued by the banks, indeed I believe that the work involved by the Solicitors is more than that carried out by the banks which will probably be truly automated. I of course will use this as evidence should my claim get that far. Steve
  14. As previously mentioned, perhaps the MICM did the trick. After all my job involves taking county court action on a regular basis to collect debts from companies. I did also stipulate under the DPA request that I wanted a response within 7 working days. Its like legal leteers before action, the usually state 7 days to pay but you can have different days, as long as they are reasonable. I do however feel an idiot for not knowing about the acts, I was after all aware of damages for breaches of contract but never connected it with bank charges. Steve
  15. Have received a call from the branch confirming receipt of the fax. They have also advised the matter has been passed to their Cutomer Care Department who will respond within 5 working days. They have given me a reference number 870509 and advised they will confirm receipt of the fax in writing along with a leaflet on the next steps to take. Steve
  16. I am doing as you suggested, and yes I recognise them as a smokescreens. Up to now I have not added my letters to my name but have done on this third fax. Whether they recognise MICM as a Member of the Institute of Credit Managment I dont know. Anyhow, all faxes have a receipt of delivery. Steve
  17. Following the discovery of the forum and the potential action I have sent a preliminary letter to my local branch. My account us currently with their collections department, currently £1400 overdrawn, primarily due to incraesing charges (some £600 in the last three months). New account set up with barclays with DD etc transferred. Spoke to collections department (who appear to have staff now responsible for such claims for refunds) who advised that I needed to contact my branch to get permission to send details of charges etc. Sent letter 1 March for totals of all charges split between bounced chq charges, refused D/D's etc. Managed to speak to Branch Manager last night who claims never received letter. fax sent today with copy letter, covering fax repeated request for details under DPA. Details requested for last 6 years, also advised that I refuse to pay any further charges on the account from 3 March as I regard them to be unlawful under common law, statute law and recent consumer regulations. Awaiting reply. No problem with attending court and taking it all the way, Creditors Meetings are much more frightening. Steve
  18. I would like to reassure the original poster, these comments as someone has already commented, are simply that, comments. I do corporate debt recovery and experience all sorts of comments such as this to avoid paying overdue debts. As for legal action what are you afraid off. If your partner is a solicitor you are in a much better position than others on this list. The legal action advocated on the list is a basic small claims action. Your partner should be able to do this without any problem.
  19. After 20+ years in debt recovery, surprisingly I had never come across the acts and the impact on bank charges until Steve's well publicised case against Abbey. In my working life carrying out corporate debt recovery one of the tools used against companies owing more than £750.00 is the statutory demand. For more infor check out http://www.insolvency.gov.uk/guidanceleaflets/guides.htm#3 But basically you issue a statutory demand that does not cost anything to issue (the form is available on the net or from your local cort). The creditor has to respond within 21 days with either a settlement , payment or counter claim. This document must be served on the registered office along with a proof of service (listed in yellow pages). If they dont respond you can apply to have the company wound up. If there are any legal eagles please feel free to expand. Likewise if it goes to the point of getting judgements and the debt is more than £1500 have it bounced up to the sheriffs office. They are on commission and not salaried like bailiffs and will stop at nothing to recover any monies due. Steve
  20. I have now read a number of the messages on the forum, and seen that most of the recommended action revolves around county court actions. Firstly, if the amount claimed is more than £750.00 has anyone considered the idea of issuing a statutory demand, the image of winding up proceedings against a bank is rather amusing. Also, if the debt is more than £1,500.00 and it goes all the way to Judgement why bother with Bailiffs. Have more fun and have the debt transferred to the Sherrifs office, could be more interesting than the bailiffs going in. Steve
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