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princess jane

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Everything posted by princess jane

  1. I accept, as with everything in life, there will be fees, but am asking if I am entitled to ask for a breakdown of this admin charges, and under what law I could make this request. I would be interested to know what kind of checks are being carried out which would be more comprehensive than an Equifax credit check. Through work, I have my CRB certificate, if that helps
  2. If we decide to take the property on we must pay the aforementioned admin fee - haven't met with the agent yet as it's all been web-based, so not sure what it covers - assuming credit checks and similar (£5 from Equifax humph humph) PMS.
  3. Me and my OH are on the hunt for a new house, but, as per, are being asked for to pay through the nose for someone to tell us a house benefits from radiators and give us a contract to sign. I'm sure we should be entitled to ask for a breakdown of these "admin" charges, but I'm not sure of the relevant law to quote. Can anyone help me find out why I am being asked to pay £287.50 to be shown round a flat and decide I want to live there?
  4. More SLC tomfoolery - rang up last week to check my outstanding balance as I am paying off arrears (lost deferment forms - usual story). The half-wit call handler asked me to confirm my address, and when I told him, he said that wasn't what they had listed. I pointed out to him they had charged me £30 in trace fees to 'find' me at that address, so he better find it in his system very quickly. All went quiet at the other end and he admitted my NEW address had been replaced with one I haven't lived at for about eight years, and he couldn't explain why. I made him check no correspondence had been sent to the old address, and told exactly what I thought of his pathetic excuse for an employer. Good news is I only have about five payments left then all my arrears are cleared, and as I am pre-1998 SLC it will be a long, long time before I am earning enough to pay them another penny.
  5. I'm sorry to hear that. I have been doing a fair bit of research and info from the Law Society seems to suggest if there was pedestrian wasn't taking reasonable precautions and if drink/drugs were an issue then any compo claim would be reduced or maybe even struck out. Here's hoping the lad makes a full recovery, my partner has a good and safe weekend on the road and the whole thing is sorted without any unpleasantness.
  6. *sigh* all just seems so unfair. Partner is looking into getting loss-of-earnings protection in case of future 'incidents'.
  7. Thanks. It all seems so unfair. He works really hard and I have two jobs - we have nearly cleared a lot of our debts. Now it feels we are back to square one, just because some daft kid (allegedly) couldn't be bothered to walk 400 yards up the road to a pedestrian crossing. We have spoke to a solicitor who suggested writing a polite letter to the parents expressing regret at the incident and pointing out my partner's losses. I know a similar thing happened to a pal when a teenage girl jumped in front of her car. She contacted the mam who sent her a cheque for £50 and a letter of apology. Might be worth a try once the laddy is out of hospital.
  8. I only took the life cover out two years ago, and I remember they did check and run it past the underwriters or medical types and I was passed fine. Was only 25 at the time so considered low risk for cancer etc.
  9. Yes this is what I think. And my debts are going down and not up, only £2k at present. I might cancel the policy and re-start it if/when I get a mortgage or kiddies. My only concern is there is a history of cancer in the family and my HSBC cover also pays out in the event of critical illness - but does this mean terminal? Any other suggestions?
  10. PS just out of interest, who do other tenants insure through? As there are four us living together, all young professionals, we were knocked back by everyone but Endsleigh for being too "high risk". Basically you can marry someone you've just met and get home insurance anywhere, but live with two longterm pals and a partner and you'll all be smashing the place up. Endsleigh are fine, BTW, £12-ish a month to cover all our possessions, computers, laptop, TVs etc.
  11. UPDATE - Our landlord has obviously read or seen something to make him realise he is not on un-shakeable ground. My OH got a phone call today, app the landlord's insurance now WILL cover the damage. The flooring is to be replaced this week at no cost to ourselves, there is no more talk of us being wrongly insured or being in any way resposible. Thanks for your advice all. Jane
  12. I managed to claim my charges back from them, only about £30 but better in my pocket...
  13. I've sent everything to SLC recorded delivery and I've never had a problem with them not receiving letters. Special delivery should nail it if you are feeling flush! One nasty trick of theirs I would like to advise on is trying to get you to pay out large monthly sums in repayment. Even after running through my meagre income and massive outgoings, the call handler I spoke to demanded I make a substantial payment to them because: "you are paying your other creditors that much so you must pay us as well", regardless of the fact my other debts are much larger and have higher rates of interest. Stick to your guns and offer an amount you can reasonably afford. If they get nasty, suggest they take the case to a county court and let a judge decide on repayment. If you are making a reasonable offer within your means then no judge would expect any more, and neither should SLC. All IMO.
  14. After sending a SAR to my great pals at the SLC, I was sent a big bundle of information including copies of screen dumps and lists of times they have tried to call an address I told them I had moved from in pursuance of a debt I didn't earn enough to repay. While I was on a well-earned holiday, they followed this up with a letter saying the OFT's report refers only to banks and credit cards and as SLC are a not for profit Government organisation - "when time and resources are expended in trying to obtain payments, it falls to the defaulting customer to cover these costs; it should not be the tax payer who bears the cost of default." Because as a former student I am obviously not a tax payer!? They have refunded some "admin charges", but are sticking on £32 which they call "trace fees" and seem to relate to getting my details from Experian. I did send a letter telling them I'd moved, sadly not recorded, is this worth pursuing or are the fees for hunting me down to where I'd hidden myself (on the electoral roll, name on all household bills) legit?
  15. The ever-efficient bods at SLC forgot to take my arrears payment this month, so I rang up to pay by card. While on the phone, I queried £52 of charges that had appeared on my account that I had sent a letter regarding two weeks ago. I was advised the charges had been refunded (nice of them to tell me), but two £10 charges for tracing me (when they forgot to send out deferrment forms) were still in place. Am I able to claim these back?
  16. Anyone? I hope to send my LBA off soon as they have passed their first 14 day deadline. I was going to say they had advised me they had applied £52 of charges to my account, and asked for them to be refunded, enclosing a schedule for £30 of charges, which were the only ones they had provided evidence of. If anyone can phrase this better I would be most grateful..
  17. i've had a letter from FD this morning, seems to be a circular, saying they are introducing banking fees for all customers who do not have at least £1,500 per month coming into their account, and a £1,500 balance at all times. Is this a reaction to us claiming back bank charges? The letter seems to suggest so, although I haven't read it fully. Not to worry, the plebs closed my account today, which never had £150 in, never mind £1,500, so not to worry.
  18. I already have a main account with HSBC, I just used FD as a 'pocket money' to curb my spendthrify ways. I will just open another basic a/c with HSBC, I'm sure it will be fine. I don't yet have a mortgage, but if they ever want a sniff of my future business, they would be wise to be pleasant to me.
  19. Nothing as yet. I do intend to close my account the day before they close it themselves. Though finding the £100 O/D will be a bit of a bar steward.
  20. You could always get your credit file from Equifax or Experian (Google them) to see what information is on there re your FD account. If they issue a deafault in relation to bank charges you can apply to have this removed. Or/Also you can add a 200 word notice of correction to your credit file explaining why your account was closed. FD have told me my account will be closed from Nov 14, because I strangely object to being charged £55 for being £11 O/D. I have written a letter to their head office objecting, which I don't know if you have done but worth addding your voice, and plan to close my account before they get to it first. Shame they don't have branches so I can't go in and re-pay my O/D in 10p pieces.
  21. Filling in my AQ now. Do I need to attached a schedule of charges? I submitted my claim on line so I couldn't at that stage.
  22. i have sent a letter to the head honcho at HSBC drawing his attention to what the FSA and FOS have to say about retaliatory bank closures. It's more the principal really, they are asking me to pay back my O/D (£100) the day before payday, grrr. I do like FD as a bank, always found the staff really nice, and I lurrrve the fact that whatever time you ring up, you never get put on hold or have to push stupid buttons. But, I don't like being charged extraordinary amounts for going pennies over my O/D limit.
  23. I combined the two, using templates from this excellent site. Sent off last week, no response as yet. One thing that I didn't mention in the letter, which really should be included, is SLC have 12 days to comply with a CCA request. If I haven't heard by the end of the week, I'm going to call them, when I can remind them of such. A major financial institution should be aware of this deadline, I would hope, and ignorance is no excuse, as they told me when lecturing me over non-return of my non-received deferment form. See below - YOUR ADDRESS Student Loans Company 100 Bothwell Street Glasgow G2 7JD October ??, 2006 Data Protection Act 1998 - Subject Access Request Consumer Credit Act 1974 - Request for Credit Agreement Dear Sir/Madam ACCOUNT NUMBER: ??????????? Please supply me with a complete list of transactions and charges relating to my history with your organisation. Alternatively, a complete set of statements for that period will be acceptable. Additionally, where there has been any event in my account history over this period which has required manual intervention by any member of your staff, or any other person, I require disclosure of any indication or notes which have either caused or resulted in that manual intervention, or other evidence of that manual intervention in relation to my banking business with you. If you are unable to supply this data because there has been no such manual intervention, then please be so kind as to confirm this in your response. I enclose the statutory maximum fee of £10. You have 40 days in which to comply. Furthermore, if I discover that you have levied disproportionate penalties against me, then I shall be reclaiming them, and also reclaiming the enclosed £10 Data Protection Act subject access request fee. If there is specific information which you require in order to satisfy yourself as to my identity, please let me know by return. However, please note that the above address is the one which you normally use to communicate my private business to me and which you have hitherto found to be acceptable. I also require that you supply signed true copies of the agreements and the deeds of assignment of the above referenced agreement. This is my right under the legislation contained within section 77 (1) and section 78 (1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 - your obligation also extends to providing statements of account. I enclose a £1 cheque in payment of the statutory fee for the account. You are reminded that you are obliged to supply these documents, whether you are the original creditor or not, under section 189 of the CCA 1974. As you are aware, a credit agreement that is not properly documented and signed by the customer is totally unenforceable under the CCA and therefore is a complete defence to any court claim that is issued. I remind you accounts with yourselves commenced prior to 1998, are bound by the terms of the Consumer Credit Act. Yours faithfully, Jane O'Neill
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